Esl Module 1

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Module 1: All about

by Baraka Tabuae
Do they know each Which topics did they
talk abou?
1. Listen to two1 conversationsNoat a party. Which people Things
Conversation alreadythey
loveeach other and
and hate,
which have just met? Which topics on page 13 did they where they
discuss? live, the table
below. childcare, sport.
Conversation 2 Yes Their jobs, travel, Spanish
language, the things they

2. Listen again. What have the people got in common in each conversation?
Examples: conversation 1: they both like football, they both hate housework, they watch
the same at Prague, they both live near Edinburgh.
conversation 2: neither of them like their job, they both don’t speak
Spanish, they both look for new job, they like to live abroad.
Task: Speaking

1. Work with a partner you don’t normally work with. You are going to find what
you have got in common and what differences there are between you. Choose at
least 6 topics shown in the pictures to ask about. Think of relevant questions to
Task: Writing and Reading
1. a. Charlotte is getting in touch with an old school friend, Laura,
via the ‘Friends Reunited’ website. Read the email she wrote.
What do you learn about Laura and Charlotte.
Laura – she wanted to work with children. Her boyfriend was called
Simon, she knows people named Joe and Katie. She lives in England.
Charlotte – sales manager, she lives in Australia, works in Sydney, is
getting married to an Australian man called Matt next April, Gran
died, her parents are spending their retirement doing lots of travelling.
b. Complete the email with the following sentences.
Task: Writing
• Either write an e-mail to an old friend giving all your news OR send an e-
mail to either your teacher or another student telling them about yourself.

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