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Presented by :- Presented to :-
Sai Bighnajit Jena Mrs. Geeta Vasu Mam
• The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched but must be felt
with the heart". This quote is from a remarkable
story of an inspiring woman Helen Keller, who was
deaf, and blind yet learned to communicate, felt
the beauty of the world and lived on to make the
world a better place to live
• Introduction
• 10 Things I like
• Conclusion
The slide is based on 10 things I like inspired by the poem “A Thing of Beauty”.
Thing of Beauty is a poem written by the famous romantic poet, John
Keats. The poem tells about how nature and its wonder mesmerize us
and take away all the sorrow that surrounds us from time to time. Also
If we notice, Endymion is a poem by, John Keats, first published in
1818. It begins with the line “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”.
My Family
Family is an important pillar in our life which
can create long-lasting impacts in our lives. It
is very important that we value family above
all else in life as the family comes first.
It doesn’t really matter what kind of a family
you belong to. It is all good as long as there is
love, care, support, and respect. What makes us
strong is the relationships we have with our
family members and we all have unique
relationships with each member of the family.
The Sun
The sun is our source of light. It develops
exquisite beauty and feeling-tones of love.
As a male I can recognize it’s fatherly
attributes but I also imagine a goddess of
light as she enlightens each dawn with
feeling-tones of sweet smells and a chorus of
birds full of joy. At dusk she leaves with a
show of affection and kindness.
The Stars
Looking up at all those stars just makes me feel
so small and insignificant compared to the vast
universe. Everytime I think of it, it makes me
appreciate a lot of things in life. This may sound
cheesy, but I can feel my heart pounding with
unexplainable joy and amazement every time I
look into the endless dark blue velvet sky filled
with stars. The experience somewhat allows me
to seek beyond my own self and my own
personal struggles at the present moment.
The Nature
When you’re in nature, you don’t have
to look in mirrors. Instead, you’re
either focused on the setting around
you, or on what you are doing, like
climbing, setting up a tent, or
gardening. Studies show that people’s
body image improves when we spend
time in nature, and I think this is part
of the reason why.
Books carry a whole world within
them. Books, like people, have
personality. Reading a good book is
like making a new friend -
understanding their journey, and
experiencing a different view of the
world. Whether you like fiction, self-
help, or maybe just bedtime stories
with the little one, make sure you curl
up with your paper-friend today.
Chess gets its appeal to the human psyche
because of its logic, reasoning, aesthetic,
adventurous and empowering elements.
It is considered as a creative quest with
endless opportunities, as an escape from the
ills of life. The devotees of the game enjoy it
like love and music.
People from diversified backgrounds get
passionately absorbed in the game. A
philosopher ought to admire the game
because of its various fascinating elements.
Being Alone
Being alone is great. It allows you to be
your self and gives you the ability to reflect
on your day and explore how you will live
your tomorrow.
Even as much as you like other people,
sometimes you just feel like you are being
squeezed and there is no place for you to
breath. People want to talk and talk and
play and play and their is no more room for
Time is a precious resource to spare
daily. Some days it feels like there is not
enough, and other days it feels like we
have too much of it. Many of us find
ways to use the time we have to the best
of our abilities, but we still find
ourselves struggling to be successful at
it. So stop looking at time as being just
another day. Instead, cherish it and learn
to love the time you have.
Glorific Past of India
India is a land of different cultures, heritages, many
languages and religions. Despite the differences our
India is united in its diversity.
The people of this country, its beautiful cultures, its
languages, the places and the good heart of the Indians
make us feel proud that we are born in such a beautiful
land. Our mother India has been teaching her children
different skills and talents such as sports, archery,
defences, music, dance, art, humanity, kindness, love,
tenderness and acting, .
There is much to explore in wildlife.
Nature and her offspring promise
plenty of breathtaking moments that
many do not have the pleasure of
experiencing firsthand.
People get to appreciate Nature
through pictures taken by amateurs
and enthusiasts alike, and the
fascination may egg one on to
encourage the pursuit of wildlife
Personally, I see life as being a gift. Where mortality sharpens both the mind
and senses in order to capture and experience life for what it really is. When
I’m out in nature this heightens my awareness of those senses, sight, smell,
touch, hearing and all that comes with the recognition that it is all as it should
be. I hear something in the distance that may have gone unnoticed everyday.
It draws my eye’s and attention to use my mind in different kinds of ways.
Colors become brighter, some softer, and their sight and touch produces new
impressions on me. The number 10 becomes rather limiting in the full
expression of what it is for me to simply be, Alive… 🤫
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