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Birds, fish, mammals &

their body parts

Task 2
Target students & Teaching context
 Grade 1 EFL students (5-6 years old)
 No English prerequisite
 Majority of students: little to no English
 Science class – International Standards-based: AERO /
 Classroom context (40 minute lesson)
Task 1 - aims

 Based on Shintani & Ellis (2010)

 Introduction to vocabulary
 Fish: body, head, tail, fin(s)
 Bird: body, head, tail, legs (2), beak, wings
 Mammal: body, head, tail, legs (4)
Task 2 - aims
 Consolidation of Task 1 vocabulary
 Fish: body, head, tail, fin(s)
 Bird: body, head, tail, legs (2), beak, wings
 Mammal: body, head, tail, legs (4)
 Expansion of vocabulary
 Scales
 Feathers
 Hair
Task 2

 Listen and do
 Color animal body parts according to teacher

 All students possess 7 crayons

 red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, brown
 *Assumption that students know colors
Task 2 – Pre-task
 Activate prior knowledge, provide linguistic support
 Introduce 3 new vocabulary terms: scales, feathers, hair
 “These are scales. Fish have scales.”
 “These are feathers. Birds have feathers.”
 “This is hair. Mammals have hair.”

 Class divided into 3 groups

 Groups move through 3 stations

 Large picture of animal, labeled
 Body covering example at station (realia)

 Students encouraged to use the Task 1 vocabulary

 Teacher and TA active participants in pre-task
Task 2 – Main task

 Input task: Students color animal body parts

according to the teacher’s instructions
Task 2 – Main task: Input
 Simple sentences
 Repetition of key terms

 Fish
 Find the fish. Color the head of the fish blue. The head of the fish is
 Color the fins of the fish red. The fins of the fish are red.
 Color the tail of the fish green. The tail of the fish is green.
 Now. Are you ready? Draw scales on the fish body. Draw scales on the fish
body. A fish has scales.
Task 2 – Main task: Input
 Bird
 Find the bird. Color the beak of the bird blue. Just the beak. The beak
of the bird is blue.
 Color the head of the bird yellow. The head of the bird is yellow.
 Color the wings of the bird orange. The wings of the bird are orange.
 Color the tail of the bird brown. The tail of the bird is brown.
 Color the legs of the bird black. The legs of the bird are black.
 Now. Are you ready? Draw feathers on the bird body. Draw feathers on the
bird body. A bird has feathers.
Task 2 – Main task: Input
 Mammal
 Find the mammal. Color the head of the mammal orange. The head of
the mammal is orange.
 Color the tail of the mammal red. The tail of the mammal is red.
 Color the legs of the mammal blue. The legs of the mammal are blue.
 Now. Are you ready? Draw hair on the mammal body. Draw hair on the
mammal body. A mammal has hair.
Task 2 – Post-task (options)

 Students mingle and share their pictures
 Students talk about their pictures
 Teacher and TA active participants in post-task
 Explicit spelling/phonics practice with the vocabulary
Task 2 – Work Plan Materials

scales, feathers, hair
Task 2 – Lesson Plan
Pre-task – There are 3 ‘stations’ set up in different locations of the room. Student – Student
At each station there is a poster showing the animal. The body parts are
labeled. There is also a real example of the body covering for that animal – Teacher (and TA) moves about the stations
scales, feathers, and hair. and interacts with the students.
Students move to each station, look at the poster, tell their friends the words.
Students have an opportunity to touch the body covering of the animal. Teacher – Student

Main task – Listen and do task. Students will color the Task 1 animal body parts Teacher – whole class
different colors according to the teacher’s instructions.

The final instruction will be to draw the body covering on the picture of the

Post-task – Students walk around the room with their pictures and tell their Student – Student
friends about their pictures. Teacher - Student
Teacher (and TA) also interacts with the
students during this phase, requesting
information from the students about their
Task 2 – Type and Design Features
Type Design features
 Pedagogic – interactional  + simple input
authenticity  + familiar topic*
 Focused – body part vocabulary  + here and now
 Input – Teacher provided  + few elements
 Info-gap – Ss do not know which  +/- structured information*
color to color the body parts
 - single demand*
 Closed – one correct outcome
 - reasoning demands
 Teacher generated – materials  + simple outcome
provided by teacher; Ss color
Task 2 – Implementation Features
Task-Performance Options Process Options
 Participatory Structures  Student roles – all phases
 T-Class  Listener – Pre & Main
 T-S  Learner – Pre & Main
 S-S  It’s OK to ask for help
 Students familiar with the process
 Allocation of time  Key phrases displayed on board
 Coloring rate
 Teacher indicates time remaining  Teacher roles – all phases
“10 more seconds”  Task manager
 Communicator
 Access to materials  Instructor
 n/a

 Surprise information
Task 2

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