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Move your body, Jenny.

Body Tubuh
Move your tail, Cameron.

Tail Ekor
Move your legs and your feet.

foot Telapak Kaki

Move your legs and your feet.

feet Telapak Kaki

Move your legs and your feet.

leg kaki
Put your arms up.

Arm Lengan
Put your arms up.

hand tangan
Move your head.

Head Kepala
Touch your hair and …

Hair Rambut
Touch your hair and your face.

Face Wajah
Touch your eyes and …

Ear Telinga
Touch your eyes and your nose.

Nose Hidung
Close your ...

Close Tutup
Close your eyes.

Eyes Mata
Open your …

Open Buka
Open your mouth.

Mouth Mulut
Clap your …

Clap Tepuk
Clap your hands.

Hand Tangan
I can’t see without my glasses.

See Melihat
I hear loud noise.

Hear Mendengar
I smell a flower.

Smell Mencium/ bau

The taste is so good.

Taste Merasa
I can touch my back.

Touch Menyentuh
Fun on the …

Fun Menyenangkan
Fun on the farm.

Farm Peternakan
This afternoon Tom and Eva are on the farm with Jim and

Afternoon Siang
Cow gives us milk.

Cow Sapi
The donkey is eating grass.

Donkey Keledai
I see a big spider.

Spider Laba-laba
I can ride a horse.

Horse Kuda
The sheep has thick hair.

Sheep Domba
Goat has four legs.

Goat Kambing
My cat is so cute.

Cat Kucing
She is your friend.

Friend Teman
He likes to eat fried chicken.

Chicken Ayam
She has a small dog.

Dog Anjing
Duck can’t fly.

Duck Bebek
The present is small.

Small Kecil
Harry, you are big.

Big Besar
I’ve got a long …

Long Panjang
I’ve got a long tail.

Tail Ekor
He is a nice person.

Nice Baik
They are young.

Young Muda
He is old.

Old Tua
I am short.

Short Pendek

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