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10 : 5 RULES


1. Definition of 10 : 5 2. How does 10 : 5 3. The importance of 4. Steps of Greetings

Rules rules works Body Language

5. Gestures 6. Conclusions

• Negative vs Magic Gestures

Definition of 10 : 5 Rule

Is The way to create a welcoming atmosphere from the very first

encounter. These methods are most likely be used to create a
professional great first impressions.

3 Start doing ACTION for

How does 10 : 5 Rule works

When we are 10 feet away with our Customers or Guests, starts with
an eye contact to acknowledge their presence with a sincere smile then
offer a very warm welcome within 5 feet.

4 Start doing ACTION for

The Importance of Body Language

10 : 5 Rules is not only just words, it is about the non verbal

communication or we used to call Body language affirmation. The
body language of acknowledging a guest from a distance and offering
a friendly greeting creates an immediate sense of warmth and

5 Start doing ACTION for

Steps of Greetings!

• Stands firmly upright

• Using an eye contact and sincere smile

• Body gesture greetings

• Show enthusiasm & warm welcome

• Speak with a clear articulation & intonation

6 Start doing ACTION for


Negatives Gestures Magic Gestures

 Hands on waists  Hands proper on each side of body

 Cynical starring  Sincere smile
 Pointing with 1 fingers  Friendly & enthusiastic starring.
 Chewing while talking  Pointing or giving direction with your
 Screening whole over customers body palm

 Lack of smile  Open Body language

7 Start doing ACTION for


By Integrating the 10:5 Rule into your daily interactions, It's a

hospitality hack that costs nothing but time and effort, yet pays a
difference in guest satisfaction. It's amazing how a genuine smile and
a warm greeting can turn a routine conversations into a memorable

8 Start doing ACTION for

Thank you

9 Start doing ACTION for


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