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Health and Wealth Impacts Due

to Changes in the Solar System

Exploring the Effects of Recent
Discoveries and Events
Your Name
• - Brief overview of the presentation's purpose
• - Importance of studying solar system changes
• - Outline of the topics to be covered
Key Changes in the Solar System
• - Reclassification of Pluto (2006)
• - Evidence of liquid water on Mars (2015)
• - Discovery of new moons and rings
• - ʻOumuamua – the first known interstellar
object (2017)
• - Solar Cycle 25 (2019-2020)
• - Asteroid missions (OSIRIS-REx, Hayabusa2)
Health Impacts
• - Space Weather Effects: Increased solar
activity and radiation exposure for astronauts
• - Medical Advancements: Benefits from space
research, such as osteoporosis studies
• - Psychological Benefits: Public interest in
space exploration inspiring curiosity and
Space Weather Effects
• - Explanation of solar activity and space
• - Impact on astronaut health: radiation
exposure and countermeasures
• - Implications for space missions and the need
for better shielding
Medical Advancements from Space
• - Study of microgravity effects on the human
• - Contributions to understanding bone density
loss and muscle atrophy
• - Development of new medical treatments and
Psychological Benefits
• - Inspiration and motivation derived from
space exploration
• - Educational impacts and fostering interest in
STEM fields
• - Examples of how space missions have
captured public imagination
Wealth Impacts
• - Technological Innovations: Spin-offs from
space technology
• - Mining and Resource Utilization: Future
prospects on the Moon and Mars
• - Satellite Technology: Improvements in global
communications and navigation
Technological Innovations
• - Examples of space technology applications
on Earth
• - Impact on various industries: materials
science, robotics, telecommunications
• - Economic growth driven by technological
Mining and Resource Utilization
• - Potential for mining water and minerals on
the Moon and Mars
• - Economic opportunities from space resource
• - Long-term vision for space industry
Satellite Technology
• - Advancements in satellite communications,
weather forecasting, and navigation
• - Economic benefits from improved global
• - Examples of satellite technology impact on
everyday life
Asteroid Mining Prospects
• - Overview of asteroid missions like OSIRIS-REx
and Hayabusa2
• - Potential for harvesting rare metals and
other resources from asteroids
• - Economic implications and future industry
Commercial Spaceflight and
• - Growth of companies like SpaceX and Blue
• - Economic opportunities from space tourism
and commercial missions
• - Potential for job creation and industry
• - Summary of key points discussed
• - Importance of continued exploration and
study of the solar system
• - The interconnectedness of space discoveries
with human health and economic wealth
Questions & Answers
• - Invite questions from the audience
• - Encourage discussion on the impacts of solar
system changes
• - List of sources and references used in the
• - Recommended readings and resources for
further exploration

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