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Herpes labialis herpangina

Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis
• hansens disease (leprosy)?
• A. respiratory
B. urogenital
C. nervous, fever, eyes
D. gastrointestinal
E. skin
F. muscles
• why do you think that antibiotics such as penicillin
cannot be used with bacteria like mycobacterium
tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB?
• A. the cell walls of these organisms are not affected by
B. the spores that are produced by TB cannot be killed
by antibiotics
C. the bacterium encyts within the body and cannot be
killed with penicillin
D. the baceterium is gram negative which are not killed
as easily with penicillin
• gonorrhea?
• A. respiratory
B. urogenital
C. nervous, fever, eyes
D. gastrointestinal
E. skin
F. muscles
• a man walks into a clinic and is complaining
of an ulcerated lesion on his penis. It is
painless and appears to be healing on its
own. Which of the following would probably
be the cause?
• A. chancroid
B. syphilis
C. gonorrhea
D. chlamydia
• communicable?
• A. spread while staying at a hosptiba
B. disease that is spread by direct contact
C. disease that is easily spread
D. inanimate object
• MMR protects against what three diseases?
• A. measles, malaria, and rabies
B. monkey pox, mumps, rabies
C. measles, mumps, rubella
D. none of the above
• A 45 year old construction site worker recieves a deep
puncture wound from a piece of sheet metal sticking
out of the ground. The wound does not seem to be
that bad and is not bleeding very much. 2 days later
the wound is sore and red and patient is having muscle
cramps in legs, neck, back and arms. what should she
• A. emergency room for tetanus treatment
B. emergency room for gangrene treatment
C. doctor office for wound cleaning and maybe stitches
D. take some tylenol and rest for 1 day
Tubercular gingivitis
Scarlet fever
Scrofula/ tb / actinomycosis
• Which of the following blood cells play an
important role in blood clotting?
• (a) Thrombocytes
• (b) Neutrophils
• (c) Leucocytes
• (d) Erythrocytes
• Serum differs from blood as it lacks
• (a) antibodies
• (b) clotting factors
• (c) albumins
• (d) globulins
• Which of the following is correct?
• (a) Serum contains blood and fibrinogen
• (b) Plasma is blood without lymphocytes
• (c) Blood comprises plasma, RBC, WBC and
• (d) Lymph is plasma with RBC and WBC
• This plasma protein is responsible for blood
• (a) Fibrinogen
• (b) Globulin
• (c) Serum amylase
• (d) Albumin
• WBCs which are the most active phagocytic
• (a) lymphocytes and macrophages
• (b) neutrophils and eosinophils
• (c) neutrophils and monocytes
• (d) eosinophils and lymphocytes
• Find the correct statement for WBCs
• (a) can squeeze through blood capillaries
• (b) produced only in the thymus
• (c) deficiency leads to cancer
• (d) do not contain a nucleus
• The blood corpuscles are of ___ kinds.
• a) 5
b) 4
c) 2
d) 3
• Which leucocytes release heparin and
histamine in blood?
• a) Neutrophil
b) Basophil
c) Eosinophil
d) Monocytes
• . Vitamin essential for blood clotting is _____
• a) Vitamin K
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin B
d) Vitamin C
• Absence of which clotting factor leads to
• a) Factor VII
b) Factor VIII
c) Factor IX
d) Factor X
• What is the normal life span of a red blood
cell (RBC)?
• 4 weeks
• 8 weeks
• 70-90 days
• 100-120 day
• Which is the most common hereditary
bleeding disorder?
• Von Willebrand's disease
• Hemophilia A
• Hemophilia B
• Sickle cell anemia
• Anaemia is not
– A.
– Low red blood cell count
– B.
– Low amount of haemoglobin in blood
– C.
– Low oxygen level in blood
– D.
– Low carbon dioxide level in blood
• Which combination is true about haemostasis: i) Vascular factors
causes vasodilation ii) Platelet adhere to injured surface to form
plugs iii) Plasma contains blood coagulation factors that forms
Fibrin clot. iv) Endothelial factors is not important for blood
– A.
– I and ii are true.
– B.
– Ii and iii are true.
– C.
– I, ii and iii are true.
– D.
– All of the above are true.
• Haemophilia is a:
– A.
– Autosomal dominant disorder.
– B.
– Autosomal recessive disorder.
– C.
– X-linked dominant disorder.
– D.
– X-linked recessive disorder.
• Philadelphia chromosome that causes Chronice
Myeloid Leukaemia is due to translocation of:
– A.
– Chromosome 9 to chromosome 12
– B.
– Chromosome 9 to chromosome 22
– C.
– Chromosome 19 to chromosome 12
– D.
– Chromosome 19 to chromosome 22
• The fluid component of blood is

• The main component of erythrocytes

• Identify the normal erythrocyte
count.A)6,000/cubic mmB)200,000/cubic
mmC)5 million/cubic mmD)20 million/cubic

Polycythemia is an elevated:A)blood
pressureB)number of formed
elementsC)number of red blood
cellsD)number of white blood cells
• Compared to red blood cells, white blood cells
are:A)larger and lack a nucleus.B)larger and have a
nucleus.C)smaller and lack a nucleus.D)smaller and
have a nucleus.

• Identify the formed element responsible for

fighting infection, removing dead and dying cells
and destroying cancerous
• Identify the most abundant white blood

Identify the type of white blood cell that fights parasitic infections
and decreases allergic
• .
Identify the type of white blood cell that is first to respond to an
• Which of the following is NOT a granular lymphocyte?

Identify the type of white blood cell that releases histamine

Identify a type of white blood cell that is associated with
• Macrophage differentiate

Uncontrolled production of abnormal white blood cells is

Fragments of megakaryocytes

Identify the formed element that functions in initiating the
process of blood
• List the three major events of hemostasis in chronological
order.A)platelet plug formation, vascular spasms,
coagulationB)vascular spasms, coagulation, platelet plug
formationC)coagulation, platelet plug formation, vascular
spasmsD)vascular spasms, platelet plug formation, coagulation

Identify the substance that helps to convert fibrinogen into
fibrin.A)thrombinB)prothrombinC)vitamin KD)fibrin activator

Identify the substance that converts prothrombin to
thrombin.A)fibrinB)prothrombin activatorC)vitamin KD)fibrinogen
• What mineral is necessary for blood coagulation?

Hemorrhagic bleeding disorders may result from a
deficiency of vitamin:A)B12B)DC)ED)K

Plasma minus fibrinogen and prothrombin is
calledA)lymphB)serumC)tissue fluidD)interstitial fluid

The majority of clotting factors are produced by
the:A)bone marrowB)kidneysC)liverD)platelets
• What is a low platelet count called?

A group of inherited clotting disorders called hemophilias are due
toA)a deficiency of platelets.B)a deficiency of clotting
factors.C)an excessive numbers of platelets.D)none of the above.

A blood clot that forms and stays in an unbroken blood vessel is
a(an)A)thrombus.B)embolus.C)prothrmbin activator.D)edema.

Clumping of red blood cells is

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