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Sustainability Report Astragraphia

Corporate Communications Jun 2024

Astragraphia Materiality Assessment

Most Material Issues for 2022 Material Topics GRI 2021
(9 Topics) • Economic Performance • Anti-corruption
*Berdasarkan dokumen Astragraphia ESG
• Market Presence • Anti-competitive Behavior
Materiality Assessment Improvement & • Indirect Economic Impacts • Tax
Initiatives in 2022 yang di-submit ke Astra • Procurement Practices
28 /10/2021. Penamaan topik mengikuti
panduan dari SASB Reporting
• Materials • Emissions
• Energy • Effluents and Waste
Environmental issues • Water and Effluents • Waste
• Biodiversity • Supplier Environmental Assessment
Carbon Intensity/
• Employment • Security Practices
Product Carbon Footprint
• Labor/Management Relations • Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Waste Management • Occupational Health and Safety • Local Communities
Energy Efficiency • Training and Education • Supplier Social Assessment
Social issues Social • Diversity and Equal Opportunity • Public Policy
• Non-discrimination • Customer Health and Safety
Customer Privacy & Data Security
• Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining • Marketing and Labeling
Health & Safety • Child Labor • Customer Privacy
• Forced or Compulsory Labor
Equal Opportunities Catatan:
Governance issues 1. Jika 9 topik dalam “Materiality Assessment Improvement & Initiatives in 2022” disepakati menjadi topik material
Astragraphia, seluruh topik tersebut perlu diungkapkan dalam SR 2022
Governance Policy & Business Ethics 2. Astragraphia mengikuti panduan GRI dalam penulisan SR. Sehingga, 9 topik material hasil asesmen tersebut akan
diungkapkan secara spesifik menjadi 19 topik material. Perubahan topik juga perlu dilaporkan dalam SR.
Risk Management Processes
3. Setiap topik material yang diungkapkan, perlu memuat (a) identifikasi dampak positif/ negatif, aktual/ potensial
Legal Compliance terhadap ekonomi, lingkungan, sosial, termasuk hak asasi manusia; (b) Kebijakan/ komitmen terhadap topik; (c)
aksi pencegahan/mitigasi/manajemen terhadap dampak; (d) pengukuran efektivitas aksi yang dilakukan

Mapping to SR1 Narrative

Material Topics GRI 2021
• Economic Performance • Anti-corruption
• Market Presence • Anti-competitive Behavior
Economy 1. Energy & Emission
• Indirect Economic Impacts • Tax
• Procurement Practices 2. Water
• Materials • Emissions 3. Waste
• Energy • Effluents and Waste 4. Employee Wealth
• Water and Effluents • Waste 5. Customer & Employee
• Biodiversity • Supplier Environmental Assessment
Health & Safety
• Employment • Security Practices
• Labor/Management Relations • Rights of Indigenous Peoples
6. Customer Privacy
• Occupational Health and Safety • Local Communities 7. Human Rights
• Training and Education • Supplier Social Assessment 8. Corporate Governance
Social • Diversity and Equal Opportunity • Public Policy 9. Public
• Non-discrimination • Customer Health and Safety
• Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining • Marketing and Labeling
• Child Labor • Customer Privacy
• Forced or Compulsory Labor

Sustainability  Transparansi Penurunan Emisi Korporasi 2023 (Green & Gold Category) from

Awards of 

Indonesian CSR Award 2023 (Digital Services Category) from Warta Ekonomi
Anugerah CSR Award 2023 IDX Channel

PT Astra Graphia Tbk

Jl. Kramat Raya No. 43

Jakarta 10450, Indonesia

T +6221 390 9190; 390 9444

F +6221 390 9190; 390 9388

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