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Name : Akbar Basha K

Sem : 4th (2nd year)
Domain : Business Analytics
Batch : 2021- 2023
Name of Guide: Proof. Brijesh Singh
Name of reporting mentor: Puneeth akali

Learnings from the internship
1. Technical learning- Admin UI, APIs, SQL, BRDs & FSDs, Scrum framework,
Agile, Maurices.

2. People skills- From the team, and senior managers

Project Details
Augmented Reality and its impact on GenZ Purchase Intention
Background of research

“I am excited about augmented reality because unlike virtual reality

which closes the world out, it allows individuals to be present in the
world but hopefully allows an improvement on what’s happening
presently.” Tim Cook, Apple CEO

• augmented reality marketing (ARM) was introduced (Marshall, 2012)

• AR a marketing tool ?

• Gap in the business potential of AR, unexplored field of study.

• Which aspect of AR ? And customer purchase increase ? And targeted

to Gen Z or Gen Y which is better ?
Literature Review

Microsoft Word
Research Objectives

RQ1: Does an augmented reality marketing affect customers(Gen Z) purchase


RQ2: If so, what can explain the possible increase of purchase intention when
experiencing an augmented reality marketing?
Research Methodology
• Cross- sectional design ( only Gen Z )
• Data Collection through questionnaire forms (Sample size 309)
• Primary data , non probable
• Quantitative approach
• Descriptive statistics: calculating measures such as means, medians, and standard deviations
for the Likert-scale responses and other variables.
• Correlation analysis: examining the relationships between different variables to determine if
there are any significant correlations.
• Factor analysis: identifying underlying factors or constructs that may be driving the responses
to the Likert-scale questions.
• T- test: testing for significant differences in responses across different demographic groups
(e.g. comparing responses by gender).
• Multiple Linear Regression analysis: in addition to multiple linear regression, we could also
conduct logistic regression to examine the relationship between predictor variables and a
binary outcome variable (such as whether or not someone is likely to participate in future AR
marketing campaigns).
Research Variables

Hypothesis Development


Ø There is no Significant relationship between the identified key factors and customer’s purchase
intention of GenZ towards AR marketing .


Ø There is a Significant relationship between the identified key factors and customer’s purchase intention of
GenZ towards AR marketing .
Pilot Test Result

• After collecting the data, all the responses are coded and
imported into SPSS software.
• In the pilot test, we check the reliability of the data and
Cronbach’s alpha value is 0.953
• The obtained Cronbach value is more than 0.7, so the
data is reliable hence variables and the questions
considered are correct.
Frequency Tables
Data Analysis (Regression analysis)

• From the regression analysis, the R Square is 0.636 and the adjusted R Square is 0.378. So, a 37.8%
variance in dependent is explained by independent variables.
• From the ANOVA table we can see that the significance value is less than 0.05, therefore the regression
model is significant.
Data Analysis (Regression analysis)

From the Multiple linear regression analysis, we can

see that the variables Utilitarian Value,
Hedonic_value, TelePresence, Tech_anxiety and
Product_Knowledge are significant in the model.

• Rest other variables are not significant and not

used in the regression equation.
Data Analysis (Regression analysis)

• Purchase_Intention = -331+ 0.137(Utilitarian_value) + 0.199(Hedonic_Value) +0.210(TelePresence)

+0.113(Tech_Anxiety) +0.179(Product_Knowledge)
• From this regression we can tell the degree of change in the purchase intent.
Data Analysis (Correlation)
Summary of findings
• The R Square is 0.636 and the adjusted R Square is 0.613. So, a 61.3% variance in dependent is explained by
independent variables.
• The significance value is less than 0.05, therefore the regression model is significant.
• Buying pattern changed = (-1.016) + (0.548 * Discounts and deals) + (0.213 * Limited time offers) + (0.136 *
Advertisement and marketing) – (0.198 * Spending more) + (0.97 * Shopping both on sales events and normal
days) + (0.393 * Wait for sales events)
• There is a relationship between Gender and change in purchase patterns.
• There is a relationship between Age and change in purchase pattern.
• There is a relationship between Income and change in purchase pattern
• There is no relationship between Education qualification and change in purchase pattern
• Frequency of participation in sales events have a significant impact on customer loyalty towards the brand.
• There is a relationship between customers waiting for sales events and changes in buying patterns.
Thank you!!!

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