Unit 4 Lesson A World English Presentation

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Unit 4: Review

Unit 4: Lesson A Part

A: Vocabulary
Unit 4 (A) VOCABULARY: The Body
A Look at the picture. Then fill in the blanks with the vocabulary words.

Brain Bone
Function: What it DOES.
1. This pushes your blood through your body: _____________
Artery vein
2. These carry blood around your body: _________________ artery
Vein Heart 3. These bring air into your body: _________________
Muscle 4. This covers the outside of your body: ___________
5. This makes your body move: _________________
lungs 6. This lets you think and remember: ________________
7. This does many different things: ______________
liver stomach small intestine large intestine
8. These digest food: ________________________________
9. This supports your body: _________________


Small Skin Pg. 44

intestine Large intestine
Unit 4: Lesson A
Unit 4 (A) GRAMMAR: The Body

Grammar: Comparatives, Superlatives, Equatives

Comparatives are used to describe contrasts between two things.
Superlatives describe the contrast between one thing and all the others in a group.
Equatives are used to describe things that are equal or the same.

Pg. 44
SOUND not spelling:

a – i – e – o – u {SOUNDS}

Big  /b/ - /i/ - /g/

Cute  /k/ /u/ /t/

Boring  /B/ /o/ /r/ /i/ /ŋ/

Happy  /h/ /a/ /p/ /p/ /i/
Adjective: a word that describes a noun Comparative – 2 Things
Syllable: a part of a word with one vowel sound

Adjective Comparative (difference between two things)

tall taller (than)

One syllable adjective, add -er
short shorter (than)

more boring (than)

boring Two syllable adjective, more
more useful (than)

happier (than) Two syllable adjective that ends in -y, add


STOP: Think and write.

COMPARE yourself and a friend/family member
Step1: Choose word
Step2: Think about syllables
Step 3: Compare
Small / Big
Tall / Short
Adjective: a word that describes a noun
Syllable: a part of a word with one vowel sound Superlative – 1 to many

Adjective Superlative (only one thing in a group)

tall (the) tallest

One syllable adjective, add -est
short (the) shortest

boring (the) most boring Two syllable adjective, most

useful (the) most useful

happy (the) happiest Two syllable adjective that ends in -y,

add -iest

STOP: Think and write.

COMPARE yourself and a 2 friends/family members
Step1: Choose word
Step2: Think about syllables
Step 3: Compare
Small / Big
Tall / Short
Adjective: a word that describes a noun
Syllable: a part of a word with one vowel sound Equative: Same

Adjective Equative (two things are equal)

tall as tall as
short as short as

nice as nice as
as + adjective + as
brave as brave as

STOP: Think and write.

COMPARE yourself and a friend/family member
Step1: Choose word
Step 2: Compare similarities
A Complete the sentences. Use comparatives, superlatives, equatives, and the words in parentheses.

1. Walking for exercise is ______________ (good) than running.
2. Smoking is the ______________ (bad) thing you can do to your lungs.
more harmful (harmful) to your liver than eating junk food.
3. Drinking alcohol is _______________
most nutritious (nutritious) kind of food for your brain.
4. I think vegetables are the _________________
quickest (quick) way to build up your arm muscles.
5. Swimming is not the ______________
as healthy (healthy) as some young people.
6. Some elderly people are ______________

B Do you agree or disagree with the statements above? Use comparatives, superlatives, and equatives.

Pg. 45
What are some everyday ailments you know of? A cold A sore throat A headache

Language Expansion: Everyday ailments

For every common health problem, there’s a product for sale to cure it. Are you
suffering from insomnia? There’s a pill to help you fall asleep. Did a pimple appear
on your face? There’s a cream for that. If you have a headache after a long day at
work, or perhaps a sore throat and fever, you can buy something to make you feel
better. Do you have indigestion because you ate the wrong kind of food? There’s a
pill to end the burning feeling in your stomach. If food won’t stay in your stomach
at all, you can take some medicine to end the nausea. Or maybe you ate too fast,
so now you have the hiccups. Well, you won’t find anything at the pharmacy for
hiccups, but there’s probably a company working on a new product right now.

Pg. 48
A Write the words in blue next to their definition.

insomnia pimple headache sore throat fever indigestion nausea hiccups

1. ____________________ not being able to sleep
2. ____________________ high body temperature
3. ____________________ a repeated sound in your throat, often from eating too quickly
4. ____________________ a feeling like you are going to vomit
5. ____________________ pain in the stomach because of something one has eaten
6. ____________________ a small raised spot on the skin
7. ____________________ a pain in your head
sore throat
8. ____________________ a general feeling of pain in the throat

Pg. 48

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