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Star agency is the best alternative for

1. God created men & women differently
2. Physical strength to men & emotional strength to
3. For successes in insurance business more emotional
4. That is why women across world successful in
insurance business
Star agency is an opportunity become
Self dependence
1. Millions of women are educated, competent, capable & smart
2. All they lack of an opportunity
3. An opportunity where they can balance their home, parents,
children spouse and work
4. Most of women do not opt for a career because of their
responsibility toward their family
5. Most jobs and career do not allow a lady to balance both
6. Star health agency is the best for them
Now every women can
Become successful
1. You can became self dependent
2. You can became a businessman
3. Do not restricted yourself only in domestic works
4. Star health agency can make you independent &
5. Just take up agency and show to world that you have
Every women should utilize her
Education (Question to ask ???)
1. Are you not educated ?
2. Are you not smart ?
3. Are you not competent ?
4. Are you not capable ?
5. Are you not qualified ?
6. Are you not willing to learn ?
7. Are you not interested to earn money ?
8. Are you not travel the world ?
Different career option
For women managing a family
1. Beautician
2. Tuition teacher
3. Data entry operator
4. Cooking for other
5. Star agency
6. Star club agent
2 Kinds of Retired people
1. Dead and alive
2. Dead are the people who want to do nothing
3. These people accounts of about 70 %
4. Run away from them as soon as you realize that they
5. Alive are the people who want to do something
6. Present agency with patience to them
Why should we approach Retired
1. They have vast experience
2. They have immense knowledge
3. They need support
4. They can change their own life
5. They can change your life as well

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