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Insert Logo Drought Affects Everyone

here How We can Make a Difference

In late 2015, five of South Africa’s provinces were declared drought
disaster areas, including KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa is a dry country with an average annual
rainfall of 464mm, which is about half the world average
of 860mm. Our rainfall is also erratic and we currently
find ourselves in one of the most severe droughts in
recorded history. In many areas, water is being
rationed, there is no grass to be grazed and livestock are
dying. In game reserves, even animals that once
typically adapted to drought conditions are dying. This
brief information document explains what droughts are,
the impacts they have, what government is doing and Source:

how we can make a difference.


What is a Drought?
Take an active stance Global climate is
characterised by dry A drought occurs when we encounter below average rainfall
● Be a responsible water-wise citizen over an extended period of time. It is a normal feature of
periods called El Niño
Reduce water use at home and at work – every drop counts. (years receiving below South Africa’s climate, although its duration and geographic
● Participate in water sharing initiatives average rainfall) and wet extent can vary widely. When coupled with climate change,
periods known as La Niña drought conditions are expected to worsen. Importantly,
For example, the East Coast Radio Breakfast team, together with The Gift of the Givers, droughts do not end with a single heavy rainfall event as it
have launched the #WaterShare Project. With this initiative, over one million litres of (years receiving above
average rainfall). takes a prolonged period with multiple rainfall events to finally
water has been donated so far and transported to areas in KwaZulu-Natal that have been break a drought.
severely affected by the drought.
● Report any illegal water connections, as well as water pipe bursts or leaks immediately No matter who you are and where you live The impact of drought on the water levels of Midmar Dam

Do not rely on other people to report; take the initiative yourself. You can report leaks, in the province, drought affects everyone
faults and illegal activities via the eThekwini Municipality call centre (080 131 3013) and The impact that reduced rainfall in 2014 and
the Msunduzi Municipality call centre (080 000 1868). 2015 has had on Midmar Dam (main water
supplier to Pietermaritzburg and parts of
Useful Websites for Further Reading Durban), is illustrated in the adjacent graph.
● Department of Water and Sanitation - The dam level has dropped to
approximately 46 percent (green line),
● Water Research Commission -
whilst total rainfall per annum has
● eThekwini Municipality- decreased steadily over time (blue
● Msunduzi Municipality - columns). This shows that the ongoing Jan ’12 Jan ’13 Jan ’14 Jan ’15 Jan ‘16
drought has intensified, and water  Dam level (%)  Total rainfall per annum (mm)
shortages are a reality. Source: Umgeni Water

Drought Impacts and Losses can Include:

This document was developed by the uMngeni School of Water Resource Governance as logo
a public service. Copying and adaption is encouraged. here Reduces Economic Agriculture Failure Job Losses Undermines Rural Drives Migration & Threatens Health Causes Environmental
Growth & Food Insecurity Livelihoods Social Instability & Well-being Conflict Degradation
Key Impacts of Droughts We Can Make a Difference
● Reduced water flow in river channels causes reduced dam levels, poor water quality Be a responsible citizen
and increases the likelihood of water shortages There are a number of ways in which we can save water, both at home and at work.
Water rationing is already happening in the uMngeni River Catchment. As people may not
have a constant supply of potable water, they may use water from untreated sources. This Rainwater Harvesting Full Loads Remove Exotics
may result in outbreaks of gastro-intestinal diseases. These reduced flows can also
negatively impact natural ecological systems.
● Reduced production of crops, Food price changes at least partially caused by the drought
which threatens food security R 100
In 2016, we will have to import maize
R 90 While not safe as drinking Only wash a full load of dishes Replace exotic garden plants
R 80
water, rain water can be used or laundry to save water and with indigenous species,
due to poor local production. The R 70
R 60 for irrigation, flushing toilets, electricity which use less water and are
adjacent graph shows how much the R 50 washing cars, filling pools and more suitable to drought
price of food has increased over the R 40
washing pets conditions
last three months. These price R 30 Close the Tap
R 20
increases have affected people’s R 10 Repair Faults
ability to buy staple food crops, and so R0 Wash Wisely
Beef Cooking Onions Potatoes Samp Spinach Sugar
threaten to increase the level of (1kg)
Nov '15 Oil (4l) (10kg) (10kg) (5kg) (4 Beans
bunches) (5kg)
poverty. Significant food inflation is Dec '15
expected in 2016. Jan '16
Source: City Press (10/02/2016)
Save every drop by closing
● Higher levels of unemployment in the agricultural sector and drought-affected the tap while cleaning
Fix leaking toilets, pipes and vegetables and brushing your
industries Only wash cars when
drains. A leaking toilet can teeth absolutely necessary, and use
This results in the lowering of living standards, particularly for subsistence farmers and waste as much as 200 litres of
a bucket instead of hose pipe
their communities, whilst agricultural debt has risen substantially and currently sits at water per day
R117 billion. Shower not Bath
Water at Night Brick in Toilet Tank
● Increase in the mortality rates of
livestock and wildlife
Prolonged drought conditions may also
result in more insect infestations and
Shower, instead of bathing,
plant diseases. Do not water your garden for a short period and install a Substantially reduce water
● The increased potential for fire during daylight hours, as this low-flow showerhead use as toilets use more water
water often evaporates than is necessary, and flushing
can be unnecessary
Particularly in winter in KwaZulu-Natal. Save Electricity
Source: Keep it Clean
Do Not Refill
● Increased threat to electricity supply
Coal power stations use a lot of water,
and water shortages may result in a
Do not pour oil or pollutants Eskom uses 3% of South
reduced ability to supply electricity.
down the drain to prevent Africa’s water. Saving Save unnecessary water use
● Less water available for heavy industries unnecessary waste entering electricity will ease the by not refilling your swimming
This may result in reduced production the water system burden on the utility pool
and could lead to job losses. Further handy hints on how to save water can be found at

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