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Load Charts

Load Charts
The Making of an L-chart

•Three main building blocks to generate a load chart:

1. Longitudinal Stability (forward tip)
2. Lateral Stability (side tip)
3. Boom Limitations (structural strength)
•Each must be tested by computer modeling or by data collected by testing.
•Forward tip we can measure by loading the machine and extending the
boom. Some points can be computer modeled.
•Sideways tip can be measured only by testing on a tilt table.
•Boom limitations are determined by computer-modeled stress and strain

Load Charts
Load Chart
Mustang is one of the
select FEW
companies that
own their own tilt
Load Charts
Load charts ~ use two measurements to determine
what capacity can be taken to different heights and
Boom Angle

Load Charts
Load Charts
Load Chart
Load Chart
Practical Exercise 1
How far can the
operator extend the
boom with a 3000lbs
load at a 50 degree

Load Charts
Practical Exercise 2
What is the lowest
angle the boom can
be at with a 4000 lbs
load and the boom
extended out to 5?

50 Degrees

Load Charts
Practical Exercise 3
How much weight can
you lift with the boom at
a 10 degree angle and
fully extended in both
outriggers up & down?

Up No Lift
Down 1000lbs

Load Charts

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