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 It is bullet shaped virus, Contains single stranded RNA genome.
 This Rhabdoviruses infect Mammals, Birds, Animals, Fishes ,Insects.
 Rhabdoviruses infecting Mammals are two types
 1.Vesiculovirus containing vesicular stomatitis virus
 2.Lyssavirus containing rabies virus and related virus
Rabies virus

 1.Slow progressive zoonotic disease

 2.Primary reservoirs is wild animals. It can be spread
by both wild & Domestic animals by Bites, Scratches and
Inhalation of Infected animal’s droplets.
 Morphology
Bullet shaped virus, Size about 170*80 nm with one end
rounded other is planar or concave.
The lipoprotein envelope carries Knob like spikes, made
up of Glycoprotein G. Spike don’t cover the planar.
Helically arranged Ribonucleoprotein is present at the
core of Virion.
It contains RNA dependent RNA Polymerase and Some
Structural proteins.
 Resistance
 Highly sensitive to Ethanol , Iodine, Soap, Detergent , Lipid solvents like chloroform, ether,
Benzene, Acetone
 Inactivated at 50 C in 1 hour, at 60 C in 5 minutes.
Antigenic properties
 Surfaces spikes composed of Glycoprotein G which is important in pathogenesis,
virulence and immunity.
 Produces pathogenicity by Binding to Acetyl choline receptors in neural tissue
And induces the Hemagglutination activity and Stimulate T lymphocytes cytotoxic
 Transmission
 Bites, Abrasion or Scratches on the Skin
 Mucous membrane exposed to infected saliva
 Inhalation of Infected animals droplets
 Ingestion infected animal meat
 Pathogenesis of Rabies

 Bite from infected Animal

 Incubation period ( 10- 120 days )

 Depend on the biting area .Bite on face ,neck means incubation period is less. If bite on leg means
incubation periods is more.
Mechanism or Multifaction of Rabies
 It gets multiplication at biting site within 48 – 72 hours of incubation.
 Virus attached to Nicotinic acetyl cholinic receptors at Neuromuscular junction.
 Virus travel through axoplasm toward the spinal cord, at the rate of 3 mm / hr . And Towards to
brain also
 Spread from the brain centrifugally to various parts of the body
 Multiplies in the salivary glands and shed in the saliva

Prodromal stage ( 2 – 10 days )

 Early symptoms starts to appear
 Pain or Paraesthesia at the site of inoculation
First Neurologic signs
Cerebral dysfunction, Anxiety, Confusion , Agitation

Acute Neurological Phase ( 2- 10 days )

Delirium, Abnormal behaviour, Insomnia, Hydrophobia, Aerophobia

Onset of Coma ( 0 – 14 days )

 Symptoms
 Head ache
 Fever, Sore throat
 Nervousness, Confusion, Fatigue
 Pain or Tingling sensation at the site
of the bite
 Hallucination
 Hydrophobia
 Sometimes Paralysis – Unable to
move the parts of the body
Histopathology finding
2.Formation of Cytoplasmic inclusions Ammon’s Horn ,
Viral particles floats in cytoplasm and form ammon’s horn
structure which is called Negri Bodies.

 Antigen detection by specific immune florescence method

 Ante mortem – Conjunctival, Skin ,biopsy from the nape of the neck
 Post mortem – Impression from surfaces of the salivary glands

Specific antibody detection test

1.PCR - Polymers chain reaction
2.ELISA – Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent assay
 Rabies Vaccine for Newly Infected person

A regimen of four 1-mL doses of HDCV or PCEC vaccines should be

administered intramuscularly to previously unvaccinated persons.
The first dose of the four-dose course should be administered as soon as
possible after exposure.
 Additional doses should be administered on days 3, 7, and 14 after the first
 For adults, the vaccination should always be administered intramuscularly in
the deltoid area (arm).
 For children, the anterolateral aspect of the thigh is also acceptable.
 The gluteal area should never be used for rabies vaccine injections because
observations suggest administration in this area results in lower neutralizing
antibody titers.
Postexposure Prophylaxis for Non-immunized Individuals
Wound cleansing
All postexposure prophylaxis should begin with immediate thorough
cleansing of all wounds with soap and water. If available, a virucidal agent such
as povidone-iodine solution should be used to irrigate the wounds.

RIG Rabies Immune Globulin

If possible, the full dose should be infiltrated around any wound(s) and
any remaining volume should be administered IM at an anatomical site distant
from vaccine administration. Also, RIG should not be administered in the same
syringe as vaccine. Because RIG might partially suppress active production of
antibody, no more than the recommended dose should be given.

HDCV or PCECV 1.0 mL, IM (deltoid area ), one each on days 0 , 3, 7,
and 14.

HDCV - Human diploid cell vaccination

PCECV – Purified chick embryo cell vaccination
 Rabies Vaccine for Previously Infected person

If exposed to rabies, previously vaccinated persons should receive two IM doses (1.0 mL
each) of vaccine, one immediately and one three days later.
RIG is unnecessary and should not be administered to these persons because an
anamnestic response will follow the administration of a booster regardless of the pre-
booster antibody titer.

Postexposure Prophylaxis for Previously Immunized Individuals

Wound cleansing
All postexposure prophylaxis should begin with immediate thorough
cleansing of all wounds with soap and water. If available, a virucidal agent such as
povidine-iodine solution should be used to irrigate the wounds.

RIG - should not be administered.

Vaccine - HDCV or PCECV 1.0 mL, IM (deltoid area), one each on days 0 and 3.

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