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Hydel energy

 Power or energy plays a vital role in our
lives. We need power for many purposes
such as for industry, agriculture ,
transport, etc.
 Power resources may be broadly
categorized as conventional and non
conventional .
conventional and non conventional
 Conventional resources are those which
have been in common use ; such as
firewood, coal or thermal power ,
petroleum , natural gas and hydel power.
 Non conventional resources are the
sources of energy which are being
produced continuously in nature.
What is hydro electric power :

 Hydro electric power also known as

hydel power is an environmentally
friendly way to generate electricity.
hydroelectric power plant
 A hydroelectric power plant consists of
a high dam that is built across a large
river to create a reservoir, and a station
where the process of energy conversion
to electricity takes place.
Which is the best place for a hydro electric
power station
The best place for a hydro-electric
power station is up in the mountains.
This is because of
 Low temperature
 High rainfall
Generation of hydel power includes the
following steps:
 The collection of run off water
 Water gets stored in the form of
potential energy.
 Water falls in the form of kinetic
energy near the bottom of the dam.
 Gravity causes it to fall on a turbine
propeller, which is turned by the moving
water .
 The shaft from the turbine goes up into
the generator, which produces the
 These power lines carry the generated
electricity to our homes.
Advantages of hydroelectric power
The following are the advantages of
hydel energy
 It ensures constant electricity supply.
 Generation of electricity can be easily
 It forms a picturesque.
 No green house gases are produced.
 i.e. it is eco friendly.
 Dams are designed to last many decades.
The following are its disadvantages:
 Dams are very expensive to build.
 They must be operate for many decades to

become profitable.
 Displacement of residents of that area.
 Serious geological damage.
 Water supply problems.
 The decay of vegetation along the

riverbed can cause the buildup of methane.

USES of hydroelectric power
It can be used for the following purposes:
 Commercial electric power.
 Irrigation.
 In water mills and sawmills.
 Domestic electric power.
Dams in india
 Srisailam Dam – Located in Andhra Pradesh with a
capacity of 1,670 MW
 Nagarjunasagar – Located in Andhra Pradesh with a
capacity of 965 MW
 Sardar Sarovar – Located in Gujarat with a capacity
of 1,450 MW
 Dehar – Located in Himachal Pradesh with a capacity
of 990 MW
 Sharavathi – Located in Karnataka with a capacity of
1,469 MW
 Kalinadi – Located in Karnataka with a capacity of 1,225
 Idukki – Located in Kerala with a capacity of 780 MW
 Omkareshwar – Located in Madhya Pradesh with a
capacity of 520MW
 Indira Sagar – Located in Maharashtra with a
capacity of 1,000 MW
 Loktak – Located in Manipur with a capacity of 105
 Koyna – Located in Maharashtra with a capacity of
1,920 MW
 Tanakpur – Located in Uttarakhand with a capacity
of 120 MW
 Dhauliganga-I – Located in Uttarakhand with a
capacity of 280 MW
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