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Writing Skill
Descriptive paragraph
What is a descriptive paragraph?
A descriptive paragraph describes how something or someone looks or
feels. It gives an impression of something.

A descriptive paragraph:
• describes
• gives impressions, not definition
• “shows” the reader
• creates a sensory image in the reader’s mind
Using descriptive adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe nouns (people, places, things, and
ideas). Writers use a lot of adjectives in order to make their descriptions
both interesting and clear. They describe what they see, hear, smell, taste,
touch, and feel. They create a picture with words so that readers can
easily imagine or “see” what they are describing. Using descriptive
adjectives in your writing will make it more interesting for the reader.

Non-descriptive: I ate a meal at a restaurant downtown.

Descriptive: I ate a delicious, savory meal at a cozy French restaurant
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
My Mother’s Yorkshire Pudding
Whenever I think of my mother’s cooking, I always remember her Yorkshire puddings.
Although I grew up in the United States, my mother often cooked dishes from her
home country of England. She has always been an excellent cook, and one of her
best recipes is called Yorkshire puddings taste so good because they are light,
crisp, and slightly sweet. She serves them with delicious warm gravy, but I prefer
them sweet with strawberry jam. They are very special because she only serves
them on holidays. My sister and I always fight for the last one because they are
so delicious. I have had many other’s people Yorkshire puddings, but my
mother’s have always tasted better. Not only are hers homemade, but they also
have a special taste that always makes me think of her. In addition, they make me
remember my British ancestry and my mother’s history. They help me connect to
my past and to my family. Yorkshire pudding is such a simple and common
English food, but it will always be special to me because of my mother.
1. What is the topic sentence? Underline it.
2. What is the concluding sentence? Underline it.
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
My Mother’s Yorkshire Pudding
Whenever I think of my mother’s cooking, I always remember her Yorkshire puddings.
Although I grew up in the United States, my mother often cooked dishes from her
home country of England. She has always been an excellent cook, and one of her
best recipes is called Yorkshire puddings taste so good because they are light,
crisp, and slightly sweet. She serves them with delicious warm gravy, but I prefer
them sweet with strawberry jam. They are very special because she only serves
them on holidays. My sister and I always fight for the last one because they are
so delicious. I have had many other’s people Yorkshire puddings, but my
mother’s have always tasted better. Not only are hers homemade, but they also
have a special taste that always makes me think of her. In addition, they make me
remember my British ancestry and my mother’s history. They help me connect to
my past and to my family. Yorkshire pudding is such a simple and common
English food, but it will always be special to me because of my mother.
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
3. How does Yorkshire pudding taste? Write a sentence that describes the
Yorkshire pudding tastes delicious, light, crisp, and sweet.
4. What do Yorkshire puddings remind the author of?
Her mother, her British ancestry, and her mother’s history
5. List the adjectives the writer uses to describe Yorkshire pudding.
Delicious, traditional, simple, light, crisp, sweet, special, homemade, common,
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
Look at the author’s brainstorming notes. Cross out the ideas the author
did not use.
eggs, flour, & milk homemade
bake in the oven British ancestry
crisp and sweet my grandmother
golden brown family
holidays smell buttery
sweet with strawberry jam New year’s day
fight with sister
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph

The Best Ceviche

…………. . Restaurants all over Lima serve this traditional South America seafood dish.
Ceviche is a simple recipe made from fresh raw fish, shrimp, and other seafood. The
seafood sits in fresh lemon or lime juice, which makes a broth and “cooks” the meat
naturally. Hot chili peppers, raw onions, and a little salt are added to the sour juice to
give ceviche its special flavor. The fish is cols and citrusy. Sliced limes and fresh cilantro
often garnish the top, which makes the dish very colorful and appetizing. Sometimes
people just have the broth as an appetizer because it is so delicious. Since Lima is
located on the coast of the South Pacific Ocean, restaurants there have access to fresh
fish and seafood every morning, so the ceviche is always exceptional. I enjoy ceviche
from Lima’s famous restaurants, but it is also a common street food. People make their
own ceviche and sell fellow Peruvians enjoying their street ceviche while walking along
city sidewalks. I feel very proud of my country and its food.
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
Which is the best topic sentence of the model paragraph?

 Ceviche tastes best in the summer because it is cold and refreshing.

 Nothing tastes better than the ceviche in Lima, Peru.
 People in Lima, Peru enjoy ceviche in restaurants and on the street.
 Lima, the capital of Peru, has many good seafood dishes.
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
Fill in the adjectives the author uses in the paragraph to describe the

1. ____ recipe
2. ____ chili peppers
3. ____ onions
4. ____ flavor
5. ____ limes
6. ____ cilantro
7. ____ restaurants
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
Fill in the adjectives the author uses in the paragraph to describe the

1. simple recipe
2. hot chili peppers
3. raw onions
4. special flavor
5. sliced limes
6. fresh cilantro
7. famous restaurants
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
Write your own adjectives to describe each of these nouns from the

1. _____ recipe
2. _____ onions
3. _____ flavor
4. _____ limes
5. _____ restaurants
Writing Skill: Descriptive paragraph - Analyze model paragraph
Write your own adjectives to describe each of these nouns from the

1. traditional, old-fashioned recipe

2. big, yellow onions
3. bold, bland flavor
4. bitter, fresh limes
5. excellent, favorite restaurants

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