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Dr. Rekha Chavhan


• Guide & Facilitator of Knowledge

• Creator of Learning Environment
• Collaborator & Co-learner
• Using ICT to Enhance Learning
• Interactive/Experiential/Exploratory

• Producer of Knowledge
• Autonomous Learner
• Collaborative Learner
• Learning to Learn/Think/Create &

• Inquiry Based
• Authentic Learning
• Open & Flexible Delivery (Any Time &
• Multi Path Progression
What is Blended Learning ?
• Blended learning is a learning that is
facilitated by effective combinations of
different modes of delivery and applying
them in an interactively meaningful learning

•Blended learning is an instructional

methodology, a teaching and learning
approach that combines face-to-face
classroom methods with computer mediated
activities to deliver instruction.

Why Blended Learning ?
• Different learning problems require
different solutions.‘one size doesn’t fits
• Each learner’s needs are different so
different methods.
• Improves ability to personalize learning
• Potential for individual progress
• Improve student engagement and
Elements of Blended Learning ?
• Trainer

• Technology

• Content
Three key reasons to introduce Blended
Learning ?
• More effective

• Long term result

• Global reach
How to Blend one’s Learning ?
• Blog, wikis, discussion forums
Student can post and answer questions
post on these platforms to expand on
• Webquests
Guide student through a research project
• Podcasts, Screen casts, Videos
• Flipped classroom
• Web based training
• Webinars
• Mobile learning
How to Blend one’s Learning ?
• It all depends on analysis of learner’s
requirement, their level of
understanding, competencies, nature and
location of the audience and resources
Blended Learning models
• Rotation model (Station, Lab,
• Face to face driver, Online driver
• Self blend model
• Flex model
• On line lab
• A la Carte model
• Enriched Virtual model
•Flipped Classroom model
Station Rotation Model
•The Station Rotation model allows
students to rotate through stations on a
fixed schedule, where at least one of the
stations is an online learning station. In
this model, students rotate through all of
the stations. Other stations might include
activities such as small-group or full-
class instruction, group projects,
individual tutoring, and pencil-and-
paper assignments.
Lab Rotation Model
•The Lab Rotation model, like a Station
Rotation, allows students to rotate
through stations on a fixed schedule.
However, in this case, online learning
occurs in a dedicated computer lab. This
model allows for flexible scheduling and
enables schools to make use of existing
computer labs.
Individual Rotation Model

The Individual Rotation model allows

students to rotate through stations, but
on individual schedules set by a teacher
or software algorithm. Unlike other
rotation models, students do not
necessarily rotate to every station; they
rotate only to the activities scheduled on
their playlists.
Face to face Driver Model

A form of blended learning in which

teacher in traditional classroom
instructional setting employ online
learning to students for remediation or
supplemental instruction Students work
from remote locations (e.g., their homes)
and receive all of their instruction via
online platforms.
Online Driver Model
A form of blended learning in which
students work remotely and material is
primarily delivered via an online platform.
This model of blended learning is ideal for
students who need more flexibility and
independence in their daily schedules. This
model is the complete opposite of a
traditional face-to-face instructional
environment. Students work from remote
locations (e.g., their homes) and receive all
of their instruction via online platforms.
Flex Model
Online learning is the backbone of student
learning in a Flex model. Teachers provide
support and instruction on a flexible, as-
needed basis while students work through
course curriculum and content. This model can
give students a high degree of control over their
learning. While the foundation of student
learning in the Flex model is online, students
still learn primarily at their school campus.
Students in the Flex model benefit from both
learning at their own pace online, as well as
from direct teacher guidance in their
A La Carte Model
It is a program in which students take one
or more courses entirely online with an
online teacher of record and at the same
time continue to have brick-and-mortar
educational experiences. Students may
take the A La Carte course either on the
brick-and-mortar campus or off-site. In
the À La Carte model, students have the
option to pick and choose courses to take
online as a way to supplement their
existing course load at their school campus.
Enriched Virtual Model
The Enriched Virtual model is an
alternative to full-time online school that
allows students to complete the majority
of coursework online at home or outside of
school, but attend school for required
face-to-face learning sessions with a
teacher. The Enriched Virtual model allows
students to spend most of their time
completing coursework online remotely,
supplemented by required in-person
learning sessions with their teacher.
Self-Blend Model
The self-blend model of blended learning
gives students the opportunity to take classes
beyond what is already offered at their
school. While these individuals will attend a
traditional school environment, they also opt
to supplement their learning through online
courses offered remotely.This model allows
coursework beyond that offered in a
tradition setting in a specific school or
district. Students participate in traditional
classes but then enroll in courses to
supplement their regular programs of study.
Flipped Classroom Model
The Flipped Classroom model flips the
traditional relationship between class time
and homework. Students learn at home
via online coursework and lectures, and
teachers use class time for teacher-guided
practice or projects. This model enables
teachers to use class time for more than
delivering traditional lectures. The flipped
classroom is a pedagogical model in which
the typical lecture and homework
elements of a course are reversed.
Advantages of Blended Learning ?
• From passive to active learning
• offers learners an opportunity to be
both and
• Adds humanness to teaching
• Enhances individualization,
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