Lecture Four - Restraint & Unrestraint Beams

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Design of Beams

Restraint & Unrestraint Beams

Design Examples
Example 1
Simply Supported beam with full lateral restraint.
The beam shown in figure is fully restraint along its length and has stiff bearing
of 50 mm at support and 75 mm under the point load. For the loading shown,
design the beam in grade 43 steel.
Loading unfactored
Dead Loads
Distributed load includes self weight wd = 15 KN/m
Point loads W d = 40 KN
Imposed Loads
Distributed Load w i = 30 KN/m
Point Loads W i = 50 KN
Load factor
Dead Load factor fd = 1.4
Imposed Load factor fi = 1.6
Factored Load
w’ = 15 × 1.4 + 30 × 1.6 = 69 KN/m
W’ = 40 × 1.4 + 50 × 1.6 = 136 KN
L = 6.5 m
Design Moment
w 'l 2 W 'l
At center: M  ,
8 4
69  6.52 136  6.5
M    585KN .m
8 4

Design shear force

At the ends: w 'l W '
Pve  
2 2
69  6.5 136
Pve    292 KN
2 2
At center: w' l 69  6.5
Pve  Pve   292   67.8 KN
2 2
Try 533 × 210 × 92 UB
Moment capacity = 649 KN.m Table C65 BlueBook
D = 533.1 mm B = 209.3 mm
t = 10.1 mm T = 15.6 mm
d = 476.5 mm r = 12.7 mm
Section classification 0.5
 275  0.5
py =275 N/mm 2
     275 
 1
 p   275 
 y 
B/T = 6.71 d/t = 47.2
class 1 limits 9 = 9 actual 6.71
the flange is class 1 plastic
Class 1 limit 80  = 80 actual 47.2
the web is class 1 plastic
The cross-section is class 1 plastic
Shear Buckling
since d/t < 70  no check for shear buckling is required.
Check Section for Combined Moment and Shear
At center
shear capacity Pv = 0.6 Py Av
shear area Av = tD = 10.1 × 533.1 = 5384.31 mm2
Pv = 0.6 × 275 × 5384.31/103 = 888.4 KN
0.6 Pv = 0.6 × 888.4 = 533 KN
design shear force Fv = 67.8 KN < 0.6 Pv (no reduction in moment capacity
Moment capacity for class 1 plastic
Mc = P y S 1.2 Py Z
S = 2360 cm3 Py S = 275 × 2360 × 10-3 = 649 KN.m
Z = 2070 cm3 1.2 Py Z = 1.2 × 275 × 2070 × 10-3 = 683 K.m
Py S < 1.2 Py Z
then: Mc = 649 KN.m
Design moment at center M = 585 KN.m
Since M < Mc section is o.k
At End
Pv = 0.6 Py Av P v = 888.4 KN
Maximum shear force F v = 292 KN
0.6 Pv = 0.6 * 888.4 = 533 KN
Since Fv < Pv section is O.K. 292 < 533
Check for deflection under serviceability loads
Unfactored imposed load wi and Wi
wi = 30 KN/m
Wi = 50 KN
E = 205 KN/mm2
I = 55200 cm4
Total deflection
1  5wi L4 Wi L3 
    
EI  384 48 
1  5  30  6.54 50  6.53 
     105  8.68mm
205  55200  384 48 
Assume beam carries plaster finish
Limit deflection
span L
 lim  
360 360
 lim   103  18.1mm
Since    lim section O.K. for deflection 8.68 < 18.1
Check for web bearing and buckling
i) Bearing
At the end of the girder:
Local capacity of the web Pbw = (b1 + nk) tPyw
stiff bearing length b1 = 50 mm
= 15.6 + 12.7 = 28.3
n = 2 + (0.6 be /k)
be = 0 mm
n = 2 + (0.6 × 0 /28.3) = 2.0
nk = 2.0 × 28.3 = 56.6
Pbw = (50 + 56.6) × 10.1 × 275 × 10-3 = 296 KN
Force applied through the flange F1 = 292 KN
since F1 < Pbw 292 < 296
no bearing stiffener is required.
At center span, the applied force is less and dispersion greater, so no further check is required.

ii) Buckling
0.7 d = 0.7 × 476.5 = 333.55 mm
= 25 mm
< 0.7d

 e  0.7 d 25t
Px    Pbw
1.4d b1  nk d
web buckling capacity = 178 KN
25  0.7  476.5 25  10.1
   296
1.4  476.5 50  58.3476.5
Force applied through the flange F1 = 292 KN
since F1 = 292 KN > Px = 178 KN
web Stiffener is required.
Example 2: Floor beam for an office building
The steel beams for part of the floor of a library with book storage are
shown in figure. The floor is a reinforced concrete slab supported on a
universal beams, The design loading has been estimated as:
Dead load- slab, self weight of steel, finishes, ceiling, partition,
service and fire protection = 6.0 KN/m2
Imposed load = 4.0 KN/m 2
Determine the section required for beams 2A and B1 use grade 275 steel.
The distribution of the floor loads to the two beams assuming two-way
spanning slab as shown.
(1) Beam 2A
Service dead load = 6 × 3 = 18 KN/m
Service imposed load = 4 × 3 = 12 KN/m
Factored shear = (1.4 × 31.5) + (1.6 × 21) = 77.7 KN
Factored moment = 1.4[(31.5 × 2.5) – (13.5 × 1.5)
- (18× 0.5)] + 1.6[(21× 2.5) –
(9 × 1.5) – (12 × 0.5)] = 122.1 KN. m
Design strength, Grade 275 – steel, thickness 16 mm, Py = 275 N/mm2
Plastic modulus Sx =M/Py = (122.1 × 103) / 275 = 444 cm3
Try 356 × 127 UB
Sx = 543 cm3 , Zx = 473 cm3, Ix = 8250 cm4
The dimensions for the section are shown in figure
Section classification

= (275/Py )0.5 = 1.0
Flange b/T = 62.7 / 8.5 = 7.38 < limit =9
web d/t = 311.6 / 6 = 51.9 < limit =80
This is a plastic section
The moment capacity is Py S 1.2 Py Z
Py S = 275 × 543 × 10-3 = 149.3 KN.
1.2 Py Z = 1.2 × 275 × 474 × 10-3 = 156.4 KN. M
The section is satisfactory for moment.
0.6 Pv = 0.6 [ 0.6 py Dt] = 0.6 [ 0.6 × 275 × (349 – 20) × 6] = 195.4 KN > 77.7 KN
Check the beam end in bending at the notch
The location of the centroid and equal area axes of the T section are shown in the
The elastic and plastic properties may be calculated from first principles
The properties are
Elastic Modulus top Z = 148.5 cm3
Plastic Modulus S = 263.3 cm3
moment capacity assuming a semi-compact
section with maximum stress limited design strength
Mc = 148.5 × 275 × 103 = 40.8 KN.m
Factored moment at the end of the notch
M = 77.7 × 70 × 103 = 5.44 KN.m
The beam is satisfactory
Check for deflection
18  103  1500
 
120  205  103  8250  10 4

 [16  15002  20  1500  2000  5  20002 ]

24  103

384  205  103  8250  10 4
 [8  50003  4  5000  20002  20003 ]

= 1.543 + 3.43 = 3.9 mm

Limit Span/360 = 5000/360 = 13.89 mm
The beam is satisfactory for deflection.
2) Beam B1
The beam loads are shown, The point load at the center is twice the reaction of
beam 2A
Dead load = 2 ×(0.5 ×1.5 ×3) × 6 = 27 KN
Imposed load = 2 ×1.52 × 4 = 18 KN
Factored shear = (1.4 × 58.5) +(1.6 × 39) = 144.3 KN
Factored moment = 1.4 [ (58.5 × 3) – (27 × 1.5)] + 1.6 [ (39 × 3)
- (18 × 1.5)] = 333 KN.m
Plastic modulus, S = 333 × 103 /275 = 1210.9 cm3
Try 457 × 152 UB 60
Sx = 1290 cm3 , Z = 1120 cm3 , Ix = 25464 cm4
b/T = 5.75 t/d = 50.3 t = 8.1mm, T = 13.3 mm
Section Classification
 = (275/275)0.5 =1
flange: limit 9  = 9 , actual = 5.75
web: limit 80 = 80, actual = 50 3
The section is class 1 plastic
The moment capacity is
Py S = 275 × 1290 × 10-3 = 354.75 KN.M
1.2 Py Z = 1.2 × 275 × 1120 × 10-3 = 369.6 KN.m p y S  1 .2 p y Z
Mc > M
The beam is satisfactory for moment
Shear capacity Pv = 0.6 Py t D
= 0.6 × 275 × 8.1 × 454.7 × 10-3
= 607.7 KN
0.6 Pv = 364.6 KN > Fv = 144.3 KN
The beam is satisfactory for shear and no reduction for moment.
42  103  60003
 
48  205  103  25500  10 4
36  103  60003

73.14  205  103  25500  10 4
= 5.65 mm

Limit: span/360 = 6000/360 = 16.7 mm >
The beam is satisfactory for deflection
Bearing check
Pbw = (b1 + nk) t Pyw
b1 = t + T + 0.8r – g) Assume supporting angle 100×200×12
= 12+12+ 0.8 × 15 = 36
= 13.3 + 10.2 = 23.5
n = 2 + 0.6 be /k be = 0, n=2
Pbw = ( 36 + 2 × 23.5) × 8.1 × 275 × 10-3
= 184.9 KN > Fv = 144.3 KN
no stiffener required
Buckling check
= 50 < 0.7 d = 0.7 × 407.6 = 285.3

 e  0.7 d 25t
Px    Pbw
1 .4 d b1  nk d
50  285.3 25  8.1
Px   184.9
570.6 36  47407.6
= 119.6 KN < Fv = 144.3 KN
web stiffener required
Example 3: Unrestrained Beam
Design the simply supported beam for the loading showing in figure. The
loads P are normal loads. The beam ends are restrained against torsion with
the compression flange free to rotate in plan. The compression flange is
unrestrained between supports. Use Grade S275 steel.
Factored shear = (1.4 × 37.5) + (1.4 × 5) + (1.6 × 18)
= 88.3 KN
Factored Moment = 1.4 (37.5 × 2.5 - 25 × 1.5) + 1.4 × 2 × 52 / 8
+ 1.6 (18 × 2.5 - 12 × 1.5)
= 130.7 KN. M
Effective length LE from Table 13 (BS 5950)
LE = LLT = 5000 mm
Guess Pb = 140 N/mm2, S = 130.7 × 103 / 140 =933.6 cm3

Try 457 × 152 UB 60, The properties are:

ry = 32.3 mm , x = 37.5 , u = 0.868 , S x = 1290 cm3

d/t = 50.3 b/T = 5.75
Check Mx < Mcx , Mcx = Py S = 275 × 1290 × 10-3
= 354.75 KN. M O. K.
Compute Mb
LT  uv (  w ) 0.5

 = LE /ry = 5000 / 32.3 = 154.8

The section is class 1 plastic, therefore w = 1.0
 / x = 154.8 / 37.5 = 4.13
v = 0.86 from Table 19 BS 5950
LT = 0.868 × 0.86 × 154.8 × 1 = 114.5
Bending strength Pb = 102 N/mm2 from Table 16
Mb = Pb Sx = 102 × 1290 × 10-3 = 131.6 KN. M
Allow for non uniform moment
MLT = 0.925 from Table 18 BS 5950
Mb / MLT = 131.6 / 0.925 = 142.3 KN. M > Mx =130.7 KN. M
Shear capacity
D = 454.7 mm, t = 8.0 mm
Pv = 0.6 × 275 × 454.7 × 8 × 10-3 = 600.2 KN
0.6 Pv = 0.6 × 600.2 =360 KN > Fv = 88.2 KN
Section is satisfactory for shear, no reduction in moment required.
The conservative approach
LE / ry = 154.8 w =1.0 D/T = 454.6/13.3 = 34.2
Pb = 100 N/mm2 from Table 20, BS 5950
Mb = 100 × 1290 × 10-3 = 129 KN. M
Mb / MLT = 129 / 0.925 = 139.5 KN. m > Mx = 130.7 KN.m
Example 4: Beam subjected to bending
about two axes
A beam of span 5 m with simply supported ends not restrained against
torsion, has its major principal axis inclined at 300 to the horizontal, as shown in
figure. The beam is supported at its ends on sloping roof girders. The unrestrained
length of the compression flange is 5 m. If the beam is 457 × 152 UB 52, Find the
maximum factored load that can be carried at the center. The load is applied by
slings to the top flange.
Let the center factored load = W KN
The beam self weight is unfactored
Moment Mx = [ W × 5/4 + 1.4 ( 52.3 × 9.81 ×52 × 10-3)/8 ] cos 30
= 1.083 W + 1.94
My = Mx tan 30
= 0.625 W + 1.116
Properties for 457 × 152 UB 52
Sx = 1100 cm3 Zx = 950 cm3 Zy = 84.6 cm3
ry = 3.11 cm = 31.1 mm D= 449.8 mm
x = 43.9 u = 0.859 d/t = 53.6 b/T = 6.99
The section is plastic. The design strength Py = 275 N/mm2
Moment capacity for x-x axis
Effective length : the ends are torsionally unrestrained and free to rotate in plan
and the load is destabilizing
LE = 1.2 LLT + 2D
= 1.2 (5000) + 2 × 449.8 = 6899.6 mm Table 13 BS 5950
slenderness  = LE / ry = 6899.6 / 31.1 = 221.85
The load is destabilizing MLT =1

= 0.5 uniform I section
/x = 221.85 / 43.9 = 5.05
v = 0.817 Table 19, BS 5950
Equivalent slenderness
LT = 0.859 × 0.817 × 221.85 × 1.0 = 155.7
Bending strength Pb = 62.6 N/mm2 Table 16, BS 5950
Buckling resistance moment Mb = 62.6 × 1100 × 10-3 = 68.9 KN. m
Biaxial Bending
The capacity in biaxial bending is determined by the buckling capacity at the
center of the beam. The interaction relationship to be satisfied are

mx M x my M y
 1
Py Z x Py Z y

mLT M LT my M y
 1
Mb Py Z y

The moment capacity for the x-x axis

Py Zx = 275 × 950 × 10-3 = 261.3 KN. M
Py Zy = 275 × 84.6 × 10-3 = 23.3 KN. M
factors mx and my = 0.9 Table 26, BS 5950
0.9(1.083W  1.933) 0.9(0.625W  1.116 )
 1
261.3 23.3

W = 34 KN

1.0(1.083W  1.933) 0.9(0.625W  1.116 )

 1
68.9 23.3

W = 23 KN
Clearly equation (2) is more critical, therefore the maximum load that the beam can
carried at the center is 23KN.
Web stiffeners
For flat stiffeners the outstand from the face of the web should not exceed
19 ts , where ts is the thickness of stiffener and
= (275/py)1/2 ; but a maximum of 13 ts should be used for the design of the
The capacity of a stiffener is determined by examining the capacity of a
cruciform section constructed from the stiffeners plus a length of the web
equal to a maximum value of 15 tw on each side of the centerline of the
For web bearing, the capacity provided by the stiffener is given by the area of
the stiffener in contact with the flange multiplied by the yield strength of the
stiffener material.
The capacity Ps of the stiffener should be obtained from:
Ps = As.net py
in which As.net is the net cross-sectional area of the stiffener.
If the web and the stiffener have different design strengths, the smaller value
should be used to calculate both the web capacity Pbw and the stiffener capacity
For web buckling, the resistance is determined by the cruciform section that
buckles. When checking for buckling an effective web width of 15t on either
side of the centerline of the stiffener is considered to act with it to form a
cruciform section.
The buckling resistance may then be determined from
Px = As pc where pc is given by Table 24(c) of the code
To calculate the capacity, it is necessary to determine the second moment of
area Is of the cruciform section. Using the dimensions shown in Figure
Is = [ ts (2 bs + tw)3 / 12 ] + [ (30 tw – ts) tw 3 /12]
The area of the section As is given by:
As = 2 bs ts + (30tw) tw
Thus the radius of gyration r may be calculated from
r = (Is / As )0.5
The slenderness l is given by
 = LE / r
LE = 0.7L if the flange is restrained against rotation in the plane of the stiffener
LE = 1.0L if it is not so restrained.
L is the clear length of stiffener between flanges.
To demonstrate the design of stiffeners, consider a 610 x 229 x 101 UB
carrying a point load of 800 kN via a 457 x 191 x 98 UB supported on its top flange
remote from the end of the beam.
For a 457 x 191 x 98 UB: t = 11.4 mm; T = 19.6 mm;
r = 10.2 mm
Stiff bearing length, b1 = t + 1.6 r + 2 T
11.4 + 1.6 × 10.2 + 2 × 19.6 = 66.9 mm
Web bearing check
For a 610 x 229 x 101 UB: t = 10.5 mm; T = 14.8;
r = 12.7 mm; pyw = 275 N/mm2
Pbw = (b1 + n k ) t pyw
n = 5 (remote from end effects)
k = T + r = 14.8 + 12.7 = 27.5 mm
Pbw = (66.9 + 5 × 27.5) 10.5 × 275 / 10 3 = 590 kN
This is less than the applied load of 800 kN. The extra bearing capacity
required = 800 – 590 = 210 kN.
Web buckling check
For a 610 x 229 x 101 UB : d = 547.6 mm
Px = {25  t / [ ( b1 + n k ) d ]0.5} Pbw
Px = {25 × 1.0 × 10.5 / [(66.9 + 5 × 27.5) 547.6] 0.5}590 = 463 kN
This is less than the applied load of 800 kN.
Width available for each plate for bearing is given by
(B – t – 2r) /2 = (227.6 – 10.5 – 2 × 12 7) / 2 = 95.8 mm
Make each plate 80 mm wide with a 15 mm cope at the web corners. The width
in bearing is thus 65 mm.
The thickness of plate required
tp = 210 × 103 / (2 × 65 × 275 )
= 5.8 mm say 8 mm.
Check outstand dimension
At mid-height plate outstand is 80 mm and t= 8 mm. Therefore,
outstand / tp  = 80 / (8 × 1.0 ) = 10.0 < 13
Bearing capacity of pair of stiffeners is given by
contact area × material strength = 2 × 65 ×8 × 275 / 10 3 = 286 kN
Total bearing capacity = 590 + 286 = 876 kN
Applied load is 800 kN < 879 kN therefore satisfactory.
Buckling capacity of cruciform strut,
As = (2 × 80) 8 + (30 × 8 ) 10.5 = 3800 mm 2
Is = 8 (2 × 80)3 / 12 + (30 × 8) 8 3 / 12
= 2740× 103 mm4
Radius of gyration r = (Is /As)0.5 = (2740 × 103 / 3800 )0.5
= 26.8 mm
Length L for buckling is the clear distance between the flanges.
L = D – 2T = 602.6 – 2 × 14.8 = 573 mm
Assume flange is restrained against rotation
LE = 0.7 L = 0.7 × 573 = 401 mm
 = LE / r = 401 / 26.8 = 14.96
Use BS 5950-1 Table 24(b) to determine compressive strength pc.
At this slenderness there is no reduction below py ,
therefore pc = 275 N/mm2.
Then Px = As pc = 3800 x 275 / 103 = 1045 kN
Applied load is 800 kN < 897.6 kN therefore satisfactory.

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