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kelly 8alLa
1uAS 2011
more Lhan 2 languages aL home?
llved abroad for more Lhan 6 monLhs?
have colleagues who are noL llnnlsh?
deal wlLh lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs?
10 seconds
13 seconds?
CommunlcaLlon 8reakdown!!!
JhaL's on Lhe Menu?
1 18uS1
2 3 Cs of CulLure
3 CommunlcaLlon SLyle
4 8AuA8
3 Cross CulLural SenslLlvlLy
8AC81 C8Lul8lLl1?
ow Lo bulld rapporL and credlblllLy?
1 knowledge of Lhe CounLry
2 ALLlLudes and values
3 1helr 8ehavlour
3 Cs of CulLure
-CulLural knowledge
-CulLural 8ehavlour
-CulLural values ALLlLudes
-CulLural references
-CulLural AdapLaLlon
1 llowers chocolaLes and clocks are a good glfL for Chlnese
2 Chlna ls abouL half Lhe slze of 8ussla (km2)
3 lndl ls Lhe offlclal language of lndla?
4 lL's ok Lo Lalk abouL a person's salary ln Lhe uk?
3 1he language of 8razll ls Spanlsh?
6 1he populaLlon of lLaly ls greaLer Lhan Lhe uk?
7 8lack caLs are lucky ln Lhe uk?
8 lL's normal Lo "beaL" each oLher wlLh blrch branches ln Lhe
sauna ln llnland?
9 laLher ChrlsLmas llves ln Sweden?
10 More people ln Chlna speak Lngllsh as a second language
Lhan Lhe enLlre populaLlon of naLlve Lngllsh speakers
1 lalse Lhey are consldered unlucky a slgn of
breaklng a relaLlonshlp or xxxxxx?
2 1rue 96 mllllon square meLres
3 1rue lndl ls Lhe offlclal language
4 AbsoluLely false! Salary ls Laboo unless menLloned
3 1he language of 8razll ls Spanlsh? lalse orLuguese
6 1he populaLlon of lLaly ls greaLer Lhan Lhe uk? lalse
uk 603 mllllon lLaly 381 mllllon
7 1rue 8lack caLs are very lucky
8 "normal"?? An accepLable hablL yes
9 lalse korvaLunLurl llnland?
10 1rue So whaL does LhaL say abouL lnLernaLlonal
lcebreakers and lcemakers
Chlna's economlc boom
Carbon emlsslons
lndla ask abouL famlly crlckeL
Complaln abouL call cenLres
JhaL 3 Lhlngs do people
need Lo know abouL your
1 queues
2 small Lalk / Lurn Laklng
3 please and Lhank you
ALLlLudes and values
1 Core values
2 Space
3 1lme
?ou were ln a counLry where
?ou'd be hugged and klssed by people greeLlng you
?ou'd have Lo smlle and Lalk Lo everyone all Lhe Llme
eople would be laLe all Lhe Llme
?our relaLlves would conslder your possesslons as
Lhelr possesslons eg use your car anyLlme
eople would lnLerrupL you every Llme you speak
eople would follow Lhe rule of '1here's always
now wou|d you fee|?
now lmaglne
eople wouldn'L speak Lo you unless asked a quesLlon
eople wouldn'L smlle aL you
eople would wanL Lo keep a good dlsLance from you
eople wouldn'L wanL you Lo Louch Lhem noL ln happy
nor sad slLuaLlons
eople would always be on Llme for everyLhlng
eople would expecL you Lo be always on Llme
eople would lnslsL on dolng everyLhlng rlghL Lhere and
eople wouldn'L wanL you Lo borrow Lhelr goods
very dangerous
need Lo Lake off our culLural glasses
Seelng ls noL 8ellevlng
CulLural CommunlcaLlon roflle
W LlsLen and mark your answer
JhaL are Lhe maln personal
characLerlsLlcs of CulLural SenslLlvlLy?
?ou need Lo
1 1oleranL when slLuaLlons are unclear don'L
geL upseL
2 llexlble
3 undersLand own communlcaLlon sLyle
4 ave knowledge abouL own and oLher
3 8especL dlverslLy (gender race rellglon eLc)
6 ave empaLhy acLlve llsLenlng
An example of good lnLerculLural
communlcaLlon skllls ls Lo
W llsteo wltboot joJqloq
W tepeot wbot yoo ooJetstooJ
W coofltm meooloqs
W qlve soqqestloos
W ockoowleJqe o motool ooJetstooJloq
1he explanaLlon of
culLural challenges
lles ln nontext
whlch refers Lo Lhe
amounL and Lype of
lnformaLlon needed
Lo make
(Ldward 1all)
lCCCn1Lx1 CuL1u8L
- ConversaLlon relles on nonverba|
nommun|nat|on body language sllence eye
conLacL rather than d|rent words
- ulsllke confllcL avold saylng no
- Croup harmony ls more lmporLanL Lhan
- 1lme ls flexlble 8elaLlonshlps are lmporLanL
- Lg Arab counLrles Chlna lrance
LCJCCn1Lx1 CuL1u8L
W Messages are dellvered expllclLly ln words
W ulrecL sLyle wlLh few nonverbal slgnals
W locus on problemsolvlng
W ueadllnes are lmporLanL
W lndlvlduals are more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe group
W "Say whaL Lhey mean and mean whaL Lhey
Lg Cermany llnland Lhe uSA
W ercepLlon?
W uslng Lhe famlllar
W Lxample from 1Lu
W Jelrd or !usL dlfferenL
Mascullne lemlnlne lndex
?ou were ln a counLry where
?ou'd be hugged and klssed by people greeLlng you
?ou'd have Lo smlle and Lalk Lo everyone all Lhe Llme
eople would be laLe all Lhe Llme
?our relaLlves would conslder your possesslons as
Lhelr possesslons
eople would lnLerrupL you every Llme you speak
eople would follow Lhe rule of '1here's always
now wou|d you fee|?
now lmaglne
W ?ou were ln a counLry where
eople wouldn'L speak Lo you unless asked a quesLlon
eople wouldn'L smlle aL you
eople would wanL Lo keep a good dlsLance from you
eople wouldn'L wanL you Lo Louch Lhem noL ln happy nor sad
eople would always be on Llme for everyLhlng
eople would expecL you Lo be always on Llme
eople would lnslsL on dolng everyLhlng rlghL Lhere and Lhen
eople wouldn'L wanL you Lo borrow Lhelr goods
now wou|d you fee|?
1he explanaLlon of
culLural challenges
lles ln nontext
whlch refers Lo Lhe
amounL and Lype of
lnformaLlon needed
Lo make
(Ldward 1all)
lCCCn1Lx1 CuL1u8L
- ConversaLlon relles on nonverba|
nommun|nat|on body language sllence eye
conLacL rather than d|rent words
- ulsllke confllcL avold saylng no
- Croup harmony ls more lmporLanL Lhan
- 1lme ls flexlble 8elaLlonshlps are lmporLanL
- Lg Arab counLrles Chlna lrance
LCJCCn1Lx1 CuL1u8L
W Messages are dellvered expllclLly ln words
W ulrecL sLyle wlLh few nonverbal slgnals
W locus on problemsolvlng
W ueadllnes are lmporLanL
W lndlvlduals are more lmporLanL Lhan Lhe group
W "Say whaL Lhey mean and mean whaL Lhey
Lg Cermany llnland Lhe uSA
An example of good lnLerculLural
communlcaLlon skllls ls Lo /isten without
judqinq repeot whot you understond
confirm meoninqs qive suqqestions and
ocknow/edqe o mutuo/ understondinq
lL's Llme Lo glve your presenLaLlon!
W ercepLlon?
W uslng Lhe famlllar
W Lxample from 1Lu
W Jelrd or !usL dlfferenL

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