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Woman: I’ve finished with

these letters so I’m ready for
lunch now.
Man: Me too. I’m starving. I
only had time for coffee this
Woman: Let’s go then. The
restaurant’s just across the
2. Man: This line is too long.
We’ll be waiting here forever.
Woman: We’re only buying a
few things. We could use the
express checkout lane.
Man: Good, because I just
want to hurry up and pay and
get home.
3. Woman: How long has Sarah
been working here?
Man: Let’s see. I interviewed her
last month and she started here
three weeks ago.
Woman: She’s doing so well it
seems like she’s been here for
several months.
4. Man: How would you like
to pay for your new books?
Woman: Will you take a
Man: Certainly. But I’ll need
to see a driver’s license or
some form of identification.
5. Woman: I really need a
break. I’ve been working
so hard this month.
Man: We both need a
vacation. Why don’t we go to
the beach?
Woman: Good idea. Let’s
spend a week at the beach.
6. Man: Was Tina sick
yesterday? She missed the staff
Woman: No, she got here too late
because she was stuck in traffic.
Man: Oh, right. That accident
downtown caused a big traffic
jam, didn’t it?
7. Woman: How was your
Man: I’ve never been so
bored. It rained the whole
Woman: That’s too bad. I
know you were expecting to
relax and have fun.
8. Man: How’s your new job?
Woman: Great, except for one
thing. I only get paid once a
Man: That’s no good. I get my
paycheck every two weeks.
9. Woman: Was that your boss
who just called, Sam?
Man: Yes, she wants me to
take some paperwork down to
Woman: Give it to me. I’ll
drop it off on my way down to
the mail room.
10. Man: Did you read this
report Jack wrote?
Woman: It’s terrible, isn’t it?
We should tell him to rewrite
it before his boss sees it.
Man: You’re right. We don’t
want him to get fired.
11. Woman: Things aren’t
good these days. Prices
continue to rise.
Man: And it’s getting harder
and harder to find a job.
Woman: The cost of housing is
going up, too.
12. Man: I’m taking this jacket
right back to the store.
Woman: Why? It looks good
on you.
Man: I’ve only worn it once
and already it’s lost a button.
13. Woman: Do you like my new
shoes? I got them at the new
department store.
Man: The shoes are nice, but I
never go to that store. It’s too
big and disorganized.
Woman: Really? I like it. The
people who work there are so
14. Man: Didn’t you say the
package is on my desk? Why
don’t I see it?
Woman: Because I didn’t put
it there. It’s on the shelf.
Man: What shelf? Oh, I see,
the one by the door.
15. Woman: Aren’t you ready to
go yet? The train leaves at three.
Man: Just give me ten minutes. I
only have a few more sentences
to write.
Woman: Well, hurry up. I’m
getting tired of waiting for you.
16. Man: We’re having a small
birthday celebration for Steve
Woman: How nice. Where will
it be?
Man: In John’s office. It’s at
one sharp, so hurry back after
your lunch hour.
17. Woman: Do you like the
new photocopy machine?
Man: No, I can’t figure out
how it works.
Woman: I’ll show you. It’s
easy to learn how to use it.
18. Man: We plan to leave the
office at five and go to the
movies. Will you join us?
Woman: I would, but you
know I have tickets to the
baseball game this evening.
Man: Oh, that’s right. Well,
I’ll see you later at home then.
19. Woman: I wish I could join
you for lunch. I’m really hungry.
Man: Then why don’t you come
with us? Don’t you like the
Woman: It’s not that. I just have
too much work I have to finish.
20. Woman 1: Your secretary left
this package on your desk. Who
sent it?
Woman 2: It’s just some papers
my lawyer wants me to sign.
Woman 1: Oh. I thought it was
something interesting, like a
present from your husband.

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