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The power of reading

Let’s get started
with a warm-up

ESL Brains
Discuss the questions.

● What was the last book you read?

● Have you ever read a book twice? Why?
● Are there any books on your reading list that you are excited about?

Let’s work with some vocabulary!

ESL Brains
part 1/2

Read the sentences and complete the words. The first letters are provided.

A. When I start reading a book, I have to finish it even if it’s heavy-

g___________ .

B. I like books with multiple plot t___________ so that I can’t guess the ending
until the very end.

C. When I go on holiday, I choose an e___________ read because I need to relax


D. I can only read before bed if a book is c___________ enough. It needs to hold
my interest so that I don’t fall asleep.

part 2/2

Read the sentences and complete the words. The first letters are provided.

E. I used to be an avid r___________ and read everything I could get my hands

on. I don’t read as much these days.

F. I find it compelling when protagonists and a___________ make peace at the

end of a book.

G. If a book is a p___________ -turner, I can’t put it down and I read it in one


part 1/2

Let’s check the answers.

A. When I start reading a book, I have to finish it even if it’s heavy-

B. I like books with multiple plot t___________ so that I can’t guess the ending
until the very end.
C. When I go on holiday, I choose an e___________ read because I need to relax
captivating enough. It needs to hold
D. I can only read before bed if a book is c___________
my interest so that I don’t fall asleep.

part 2/2

Let’s check the answers.

E. I used to be an avid r___________ and read everything I could get my hands
on. I don’t read as much these days.
antagonists make peace at the
F. I find it compelling when protagonists and a___________
end of a book.
G. If a book is a p___________ -turner, I can’t put it down and I read it in one

part 1/2

Read the sentences again and discuss if they are true for you.

● When I start reading a book, I have to finish it even if it’s heavy-going.

● I like books with multiple plot twists so that I can’t guess the ending until
the very end.
● When I go on holiday, I choose an easy read because I need to relax
● I can only read before bed if a book is captivating enough. It needs to hold
my interest so that I don’t fall asleep.

part 2/2

Read the sentences again and discuss if they are true for you.

● I used to be an avid reader and read everything I could get my hands on. I
don’t read as much these days.
● I find it compelling when protagonists and antagonists make peace at the end
of a book.
● If a book is a page-turner, I can’t put it down and I read it in one sitting.

ESL 10
It’s reading time!

ESL Brains
part 1/3

Read the descriptions again and find the words or phrases that are synonyms of
the ones on the right.
The protagonist lives in a A. prejudice
society plagued with injustice
and totalitarian control. B. lose oneself
People are not allowed to C. reduce
question things and the D. confront
government does everything to
diminish the value of E. affected by
individuality. The main character F. open-minded
finds comfort in his diary where
he can share his inner thoughts.

ESL 12
part 2/3

Read the descriptions again and find the words or phrases that are synonyms of
the ones on the right.
The protagonist has to fight with A. prejudice
bigotry against women all her
life. Unlike many of her peers, B. lose oneself
she’s direct, well-read and has C. reduce
progressive ideas which are D. confront
often stigmatized
as disgraceful qualities for a E. affected by
woman to have. F. open-minded

ESL 13
part 3/3

Read the descriptions again and find the words or phrases that are synonyms of
the ones on the right.
Many children aged 11 and older A. prejudice
often identify with the main
characters from these books. B. lose oneself
They immerse themselves in a C. reduce
magical world where three D. confront
friends not only have to fight
creepy villains, but build E. affected by
relationships, stand up against F. open-minded
injustice and
deal with everyday challenges at

ESL 14
part 1/3

Let’s check the answers.

The protagonist lives in a A. prejudice
society plagued with injustice
and totalitarian control. B. lose oneself
People are not allowed to C. reduce
question things and the D. confront
government does everything to
diminish the value of E. affected by
individuality. The main character F. open-minded
finds comfort in his diary where
he can share his inner thoughts.

ESL 15
part 2/3

Let’s check the answers.

The protagonist has to fight with A. prejudice
bigotry against women all her
life. Unlike many of her peers, B. lose oneself
she’s direct, well-read and has C. reduce
progressive ideas which are D. confront
often stigmatized
as disgraceful qualities for a E. affected by
woman to have. F. open-minded

ESL 16
part 3/3

Let’s check the answers.

Many children aged 11 and older A. prejudice
often identify with the main
characters from these books. B. lose oneself
They immerse themselves in a C. reduce
magical world where three D. confront
friends not only have to fight
creepy villains, but build E. affected by
relationships, stand up against F. open-minded
injustice and
deal with everyday challenges at

ESL 17
Discuss the questions.

● Which of the books from the descriptions have you read? Did you
like them? Why/Why not? Are any of them an easy read?
● What do you think makes any of these books a must-read?

ESL 18
It’s grammar time!
Who could have said that: Elizabeth Bennet, Albus Dumbledore, Ron
Whisley, Winston Smith?
“I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.”

“Curiosity is not a sin. But we should exercise caution with our curiosity.”

The issue is not how many people share your view, but whether it is true.

“Till this moment I never knew myself.”

“Soon we will all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.”

The past was dead, the future was unimaginable.

“Don’t let the Muggles get you down.”

ESL 20
Who could have said that: Elizabeth Bennet, Albus Dumbledore, Ron
Whisley, Winston Smith?
“I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.” (EB)

“Curiosity is not a sin. But we should exercise caution with our curiosity.” (AD)

The issue is not how many people share your view, but whether it is true. (WS)

“Till this moment I never knew myself.” (EB)

“Soon we will all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” (AD)

The past was dead, the future was unimaginable. (WS)

“Don’t let the Muggles get you down.” (RW)

ESL 21
Reported Speech
We shift tenses one step backwards. We do not change:

Present Simple – Past Simple Universal truths – Water boils at 100 degrees.
Present Continuous – Past Continuous
Present Perfect/Past Simple – Past Perfect Should
Future Tenses – will=would Might
Past Perfect (continuous)
May – might 3rd Conditional
Can – could
Must – had to N.B. Do not forget to change pronouns if needed.

1st Conditional – 2nd Conditional I love you. - She told him she loved him.
2nd Conditional – 3rd Conditional
We also change adverbs.
Orders – He told us (not) to go there
Today- that day
Tomorrow – the next day
Here - there
ESL 22
Report these quotes.
Example :
Albus Dumbledore said (told us) that curiosity was not a sin, but they should
exercise caution with their curiosity.

“I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.” (EB)

“Curiosity is not a sin. But we should exercise caution with our curiosity.” (AD)

The issue is not how many people share your view, but whether it is true. (WS)

“Till this moment I never knew myself.” (EB)

“Soon we will all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” (AD)

The past was dead, the future was unimaginable. (WS)

“Don’t let the Muggles get you down.” (RW)

ESL 23
Report these quotes.
"Ron, you keep watch from up there. Harry, come with me." - Hermione
Granger to Ron Weasley and Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the
Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling.

"Get to the portkey, now!" - Alastor Moody to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and
the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling.

"Look at me... you have to mean it, Potter! You have to really want to cause
me pain." - Bellatrix Lestrange to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Order
of Phoenix by J.K. Rowling.

"Stay here, Harry, stay here!" - Ron Weasley to Harry Potter in Harry Potter
and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling.

"Come on, get a move on, unless you want to be caught." - Fred Weasley to
Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix by J.K. Rowling.

ESL 24
Report these quotes.
"Keep an eye on the pair of them, they're up to something." - Professor
Snape to Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K.

"Take it, then!" - Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the
Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling.

"Don't be stupid, it's a trap!" - Hermione Granger to Ron Weasley in Harry

Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling.

"Stand back, I will kill him!" - Voldemort to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and
the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling.

"Potter, you and your friends will accompany me to your headmaster's

office." - Professor Umbridge to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Order of
Phoenix by J.K. Rowling.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Albus Dumbledore to
Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling.
ESL 25
Report these quotes.
"I don't need a cloak to become invisible." - Luna Lovegood to Harry Potter
in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling.

"I don't want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays,
and I want to smell dark matter." - Mafalda Hopkirk to Arthur Weasley in
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling.

"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing
more." - Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince by J.K. Rowling.

"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean
we all have." - Hermione Granger to Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the
Order of Phoenix by J.K. Rowling.

"You know, I really hate children." - Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter and
the Order of Phoenix by J.K. Rowling

ESL 26
Report these quotes.
"Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'?" - Ron Weasley in Harry Potter
and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

"How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent managed to defeat the greatest
wizard of all time?" - Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K.

"But why's she got to go to the library?" - Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the
Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

"Why do they have to move in packs? How are you supposed to get one on their own to
ask them?" - Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

"Can't we kidnap him or something?" - Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Fire by J.K. Rowling

"What exactly are the Death Eaters, anyway?" - Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and
the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

"Why are you worrying about You-Know-Who? You should be worrying about U-No-Poo -
the constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!" - Fred Weasley in Harry Potter and
the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
ESL 27
In a moment, you’ll watch a video about:

reading and the Harry Potter books

ESL Brains
Read the statement and think of an argument to refute it.

Reading fiction is only for fun.

ESL 29
Watch the video (to 00:57) and check your answer.

Watch the rest of the video (from 00:58) and find the arguments to refute the
statements below.

A. Harry Potter is about magic and it

is irrelevant in real life.

B. Harry Potter books don’t make

children more open-minded.

C. There’s no scientific evidence of

the fact that reading fiction
changes people.

ESL 31
Let’s see some possible answers.

A. Harry Potter is about magic and it Harry Potter’s world is not just full of magic. It is plagued with the
is irrelevant in real life. same injustices we face today. For example, the way Voldemort and
his supporters treat muggles and consider themselves to be superior
might be compared to modern day discrimination.
B. Harry Potter books don’t make Researchers conducted experiments and proved that children who
children more open-minded. read Harry Potter and identified with the main characters had an
improved attitude towards stigmatised groups.

C. There’s no scientific evidence of According to a brain imaging study, getting immersed in a story
the fact that reading fiction changes the hub regions of the brain linked to language function and
changes people. representing other people’s perspectives.

ESL 32
Let’s talk!

ESL Brains
part 1/2

Discuss the questions.

● Do you agree with the benefits of reading stories listed in the video? What
other effects can reading fiction have on people?
● Do you agree that the Harry Potter books are much more than books about
wizardry? Why/Why not?
● Can you identify with any of the characters from Harry Potter? Which house
would you be in: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw? Why?
Ravenclaw - cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity.

Hufflepuff - a strong sense of justice, loyalty, patience, and a propensity for hard work

Slytherin - ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness.

Gryffindor - courage, bravery, nerve, and chivalry.

● What are some other books or stories that can help children become more
empathetic? What books promote progressive ideas?
ESL 34
part 2/2

Discuss the questions.

● What makes a character compelling for you?

● What was the most heavy-going book you’ve had to read? Why was it so?
● Can you think of a book that made you identify with the main character?
● Have you ever read a book that you couldn’t put down? Why was it so

ESL 35
Read some famous quotes from the Harry Potter books and decide what
they can teach people.

● ‘Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical
and our hearts are open.’
● ‘We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.’
● ‘It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much
to stand up to our friends.’
● ‘If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his
inferiors, not his equals.’
● ‘It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our

ESL 36
Let’s write!

ESL Brains
Write a short review of any book of your choice. Include information
about the topics below.

● plot and character description

● your reading experience
● what this book can teach people

ESL 38

ESL Brains

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