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• College of Engineering And Technology

Department of Construction Technology &


Sewage Disposal and Treatment

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 1

Course contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Quantity of wastewater
Chapter 3- Design, layout and construction sewer
Chapter 4 –Introduction to the methods of waste water
Chapter 5 – methods of excreta disposal in rural
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3- Design, layout and construction sewer
Fundamentals of sewer systems:
Water lines - are used in water distribution to
residential and commercial buildings from reservoir or
large water storage.

Sewer lines - are main drainage pipes which connect

your home to sewage collection, transport and

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• To avoid deposition of solids in the pipes self-
cleansing velocity is necessary at all possible
• To avoid deposition of solids in the pipes self-
cleansing velocity is necessary at all possible
discharge. Otherwise the solid matter will
settle down in the sewer resulting in its
clogging. such a minimum velocity is known
as self cleansing velocity.
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Sewerage system
Sewerage system is broadly classified into three. These are:-
1.Separate System
Separate conduits are used; one carrying sewage and other carrying
storm water.
The storm water collected can be directly discharged into the water
body since the run-off is not as foul as sewage and no treatment is
generally provided. Whereas, the sewage collected from the city is
treated adequately before it is discharged into the water body or used
for irrigation to meet desired standards. Separate system is
advantageous and economical for big towns.

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Advantages of separate system ;
•As sewage flows in separate pipe, hence the quantity of sewage
to be treated is less which results in economical design of
treatment plant .
•It is cheaper than combined system, because only sanitary
sewage flows in closed conduit and storm water can be
collected and conveyed through open drains.
•During disposal, if the sewage is to be pumped, the separate
system is cheaper.

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•Self cleansing velocity may not developed at
certain locations in sewers and hence flushing of
sewers may be required.
• This system requires laying two sets of pipe,
which may be difficult in congested area.
•This system will require maintenance of two sets of
pipelines and hence maintenance cost is more.
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• fig .Schematic diagram of separate system
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2. Combined system
Is one single set of sewers are laid for carrying liquid wastes
from a community. Both sanitary sewage and storm water is
allowed to enter the sewerage system for disposal.
•This system is most useful in areas having less sewage to
obtain self- cleanings velocity and crowded area (where it is
difficult to provided two sewers)
•combined sewer overflows, or CSOs is to provide structures
in the sewer system which, during medium or heavy rainfall,
divert flows above a certain level out of the sewer system and
into a natural watercourse.

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•There is no need of flushing, because self cleaning velocity
easily available at every place due to more quantity of sewage.
Rainwater dilutes the sewage therefore; it can be easily and
economically treated
•Moderate operation and maintenance cost

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•initial cost is high as compared with separate system.
•It is no suitable system for areas having rainfall for small
periods of the year. Because dry weather flow (rain water) will be
small due to which self-cleaning velocity will not be available ,
resulting in the silting up of the sewers,
•If the whole sewage is tube disposed of by pumping , it is un
•During heavy rains the over following of sewers will endanger
the pubic heath

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Fig. schematic diagram of combined system

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3.Partially separate system
In this system part of the storm water especially
collected from roofs and paved courtyards of the
buildings is admitted in the same drain along with
sewage from residences and institutions, etc. The
storm water from the other places is collected
separately using separate storm water conduits.

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•Economical and reasonable size sewers are required.
•Work of house plumbing is reduced as rain water from
roofs, sullage from bathrooms and kitchen, etc. are
combined with discharge from water closets.
• Flushing of sewers may not be required as small portion
of storm water is allowed to enter in sanitary sewage.

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•Increased cost of pumping as compared to separate
system at treatment plants and intermediate
pumping station wherever required.
•In dry weather self-cleansing velocity may not
develop in the sewers.

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 on the bases of the function of the sewers
network, the principal types found in most
collection system are:
• Building sewers (house sewer) : connect to
the building plumbing and used to convey
wastewater form the building to lateral
• Laterals or branch sewers Used to collect
wastewater from one or more Building
sewers and convey it to a main sewer.
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• Sub main sewers; collects sewage from one or more
laterals as well as house sewers.
• Main sewers are used to convey wastewater from one or
more lateral or Sub main sewers to trunk sewers .
• Trunk sewers Trunk sewers are large sewers that are used to
convey wastewater from main sewers to large intercepting
• intercepting sewers are large sewers that are used to intercept a
number of trunk sewers and convey the wastewater to treatment
or other disposal facilities.
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 Collection pattern
For collections and disposal of sewage a network of
sewers to be laid. The pattern of sewer layout system
depends on the following factors
• Area to be drained
• The topography and hydrological features of the area
• The sewerage system adopted
• Methods of treatment and disposal works

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The following are most common collection patterns
of used for laying sewer systems.
1.Perpendicular Pattern: sewers are laid in the
shortest possible path to the natural watercourses.
• Suitable for separate systems and partially separate
• Not suitable for combined system.
• Treatment is difficult due to many outlets
• Pollutes the water of natural course.
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2.Interceptor Pattern:
•In this pattern a number of main sewers are laid
serving different zones
• The mains at their outfall ends are also
connected by a large size-intercepting sewer,
which leads the sewage to pump house or
treatment plant.
•Generally, sewers are intercepted by a large size
sewer, which is laid to carry sewage to a
common point, where it can be disposed with or
without treatment.

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3.Radial Pattern:
•This pattern is used for sanitary sewage in a place
where the central part of the area is high and going
down all round towards the outskirts.
•This type of layout pattern can only be used where
several disposal points are available.
• Large number of outlets is provided
• Sewers are laid radially outwards from center of
the city.
• Suburbs can be served by relatively small and
short lines of sewers, which make it economical.
• Large number of disposal works is the
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4.Fan Pattern
In this pattern sewers can be laid in such a way that the
whole sewage flows to a common point (towards the
outfall sewer) where one treatment plant is located.
•This type of system is used where natural topography is
lower towards outfall point and there is short of valley
formation along more or less central line
• Suitable for combined systems and partially separate
• Having a single unit treatment is its advantage
• The main trunks are very large and development of
suburbs is restricted due to increase of loads i.e the
• Pollutes the water of natural course.
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5. Zone Pattern:
•In the interceptor pattern only one single large size
intercepting sewer is used to collect and convey the entire
sewage, due to which it is over loaded.
• This over-loading can be removed by providing more
number of interceptors for each zone.
• This pattern is used when there are different zones with
different elevations exist.
• Here several intercepting sewers are laid according to
elevations of the zone.
• Storm overflows are directly discharged to the river but
sewage is brought to a common point for treatment.
• This type of system is useful in combined flow
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Shapes of Sewer Pipes
• The shape of the sewer depends upon hydraulic
considerations, construction conditions and available
•The lower surface is generally curved to concentrate low
flows and maintain self cleansing velocities.
•Sewers are generally circular pipes laid below ground
level and slopping continuously towards the outfall.
•These are designed to flow under gravity.
• Shapes other than circular are also used
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Other Shapes Used For Sewers Are:

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The circular sections are generally preferred because of their
following advantages:
Circular sewers are easily manufactured and conveniently.
 A circular sewer provides the maximum area for a given
perimeter, and thus providing the maximum hydraulic mean depth
when running full or half full; and it is, the most efficient section at
these flow conditions.
Circular section utilizes the minimum quantities of materials, and is,
therefore, the cheapest and most economical.
 A circular section, being of uniform curvature all round, offers
less opportunities for deposits but all these advantages of circular
sections are obtained only when the section runs at least half full.
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Standard egg-shaped sewers, also called as ovoid
shaped sewer, and new or modified egg-shaped
sewers are used in combined sewers.
•These sewers can generate self cleansing velocity
during dry weather flow.
•Its main advantage is that it gives higher velocity
during low flow than a circular sewer of the same
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Horse shoe shaped sewers, semi-circular and U
shaped sections are used for large sewers with
heavy discharge such as trunk and outfall
sewers. Rectangular section is used for
conveying storm water. Other sections of sewers
have become obsolete due to difficulty in their
construction and non availability of these shapes
in the market
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Shape of surface drain
Commonly used shapes of the drain are the following;
1.Rectangular section
2.Trapezoidal section
3.Semicircular- section
4.V- section
5.U- section

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Sewer Materials
•Different materials are available to be used for sewer
•Factors influencing the selection of material for sewer
construction are availability, weight of the material,
resistance to abrasion, strength and durability,
Imperviousness, hydraulic efficiency, economy and cost.
•Sewer materials may be either pre-cast or castin-situ.

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Plain concrete sewer pipe
•Pre-cast concrete pipe may be used for small storm drains and
sanitary sewers in locations where grades, temperatures or
sewage characteristics prevent corrosion. This pipe is not
suitable where the temperature is high and flat slope is not
•Joints for plain concrete sewer should be constructed using
rubber gaskets.

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Asbestos Cement Sewers
•These are manufactured from a mixture of asbestos fibers, silica
and cement.
•These pipes are available in size 75mm to 500mm in diameter
and 3 to 4 meters in length.
•These pipes are used for vertical transport of water namely:-
 Transport of rainwater from roofs in multistoried buildings,
 transport of sewage to grounds, and
 transport of less foul sullage (i.e., wastewater from kitchen and
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•These pipes are light in weight and hence, easy to carry and
• They can be easily cut and assemble without skilled labor.
•The Inside surface is relatively smooth hence, they are
hydraulically efficient.
They are brittle.
They are weak against impact forces. Hence careless handling
may result in their breakage
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• They have less structural strength against heavy external
• They are susceptible for sulphide corrosion when bacteria
produces H2S, in the presence moisture, H2SO4 can be

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Reinforced concrete sewer pipe
•Pre-cast concrete pipe in diameters larger than 610mm is
usually reinforced
•Available sizes: 12-144 in (300-3600 mm).
•Joints are either bell and spigot (from 300 to 750mm) or tongue
and groove above that size.

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• Cement concrete pipes are strong, both under internal pressure

as well as external pressure. Thus, these pipes can withstand both

tensile and compressive stress.
• These can be made of any desired strength by proper design of
mix, thickness and reinforcement. They can be cast in-situ with
the help of special forms.
• They are economical for medium and large sized installations.
• They are, therefore, widely used for main sewers and branch

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• The disadvantage of concrete sewers are that they get easily corroded
and pitted because of the corrosive action of the contents of the sewage.
Such a corrosion is known as crown corrosion.
• The basic cause of crown corrosion is the formation of H2S gas due to
aerobic and anaerobic conditions prevalent in the lower layers of waste
• Because of bacterial action sulphates are reduced to sulphides and
hydrogen sulphides.
• The hydrogen sulphide gas so produced is malodorous and
inflammable, having odor like rotten eggs
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Vitrified Clay or Stoneware Sewers
•These pipes are manufactured from clays and shale's of special
qualities and grades, using hot process. These pipes are used for
house connections as well as lateral sewers.
•These pipes are rarely manufactured for diameter greater than
90mm .For many years the most widely used pipe for gravity

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•For many years the most widely used pipe for gravity sewers.
•They are cheap and easily available, hence widely used in small
and medium sizes
•The pipes are highly impervious.
• Possess high compressive strength
• Possess enough resistant to erosion due to grit and silt.
•They are highly resistant to hydrogen sulfide corrosion
• These pipes are durable and economical for small diameters.
•Heavy, bulky and brittle, hence their handling, laying and
transportation is difficult .
• These pipes cannot be used as pressure pipes, because they are
weak in tension.
• These require large number of joints as the individual pipe
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length is small
Cast Iron Sewers
•These pipes are stronger and capable to withstand greater
tensile, compressive, as well as bending stresses. However, these
are costly .
•They are available in diameter ranging from 150mm to 750mm
and lengths up to 3 to 3.5m
•Cast iron pipes are used for outfall sewers, rising mains of
pumping stations and inverted siphons where pipes are running
under pressure
•They are suitable at places where heavy external loads on sewers
exist, such as sewer line below railway lines, roads, foundation
walls, high overburden of soil

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• They are preferred when sewage flows under pressure i.e. conveying
sewage through pumping stations and treatment works (high internal
• They are used at low locations when sewers are to be carried over pipes
while crossing low laying areas.
• Cast iron pipes are 100% leak proof, therefore the pipes are used where
there is danger of contamination of ground water due to leakage of sewage
through walls of sewers.
• Because of their imperviousness they are suitable for wet ground
conditions with fear of infiltration.
• These are joined together by bell and spigot joint.

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Steel pipes
•These pipes are used at locations where high external and
internal pressure are encountered.
•These are used for main sewers under water crossing, bridge
crossing, railway crossings, necessary connections for pumping
stations, outfall and trunk sewers having large diameters.
•They can withstand internal pressure, impact load and vibrations
much better than CI pipes.
• They are more ductile and withstand water hammer pressure
better (i.e. easily welded).
• They are light in weight.

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Ductile Iron Pipes
•Ductile iron has proven to be a better pipe material than cast iron
but they are costly
•Often used for river crossings where the pipe must support
unusual high loads.
•Available sizes:4 - 54 in (100-1350mm
•It is susceptible to acid corrosion and hydrogen sulfide attack

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Brick Sewers
•This material is used for construction of large size combined
sewer or particularly for storm water drains.
•These are lined from inside with stoneware or ceramic block to
make them smooth and hydraulically efficient
• Lining also make the pipe resistant to corrosion.

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Plastic sewers (PVC pipes)
•Plastic is recent material used for sewer pipes.
•These are used for internal drainage works in
house and Highly resistant to corrosion

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High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) PIPES
•Use of these pipes for sewers is recent
•These are commonly used for conveyance of
industrial wastewater

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Hydraulic design: flow calculation

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n = Manning’s Rugosity coefficient depending
upon the type of the channel surface.
Various values of n are given for different

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This is most commonly used for design of
sewers. The velocity of flow through sewers can
be determined using Manning’s formula as

Where; v = velocity of flow in the sewer, m/sec

r = Hydraulic mean radius of flow, m
S= Hydraulic gradient, equal to invert slope for
uniform flows.

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Thus, the minimum velocity generated in sewers
will help in the following ways:
•Adequate transportation of suspended solids,
•Keeping the sewer size under control; and
•Preventing the sewage from decomposition by
moving it faster, thereby preventing evolution of
foul gases.
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• Hydraulic property Circular Sewer Running
Full or Partially Full
The circular sewer is most common and widely adopted for
sewer pipes and drains when the flow is between full & half
Sewers may, however, sometimes be of 'egg shape' or 'horse shoe
shape' or ‘u- shape'.

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Fig. partially filled circular sewer section
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All sewers shall be designed and constructed to give mean
velocities, when flowing full, of not less than 0.6 m/s and
maximum mean velocities of 2.5 to 3.0 m/s based on
Manning’s formula. Minimum slopes to achieve 0.6 m/s are
shown in Table

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For estimating design discharge following relation can be
considered: Quantity = Per capita sewage contributed per day x
Maximum daily flow = 2 times the annual average daily flow
Maximum hourly flow = 1.5 times the maximum daily flow
= Three times the annual average daily flow.
The overall variation between the maximum and minimum
flow is more in the laterals and less in the main or trunk
sewers. Usually70%- 80% of the water supply may be
expected to reach the sewers.

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Peaking Factors

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fh Peak factor hourly

fd Peak factor daily

Inhabitants (inh.)
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Example 3.1: Following data of a gravity sewer network
are given:
35,000 inhabitants
Average specific wastewater flow – 90 l/day/inh.
Calculate daily flow
Calculate average daily flow per hour
Identify peak factor and calculate peak flow
Calculate diameter of required pipe by minimum
slope, if max. q/Q is 75% full.
Calculate partial filling and velocity. Coefficient for
roughness “n” is constant. Use the diagram of
hydraulic properties of circular sewer.

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Inhabitants = 35,000 and Spec. ww-flow = 90
Average daily Qd = Inh. * spec. WW-flow / 1000 [m³/day]
Average daily Qd =35,000 * 90 / 1,000 = 3,150 m³/d

Choosen peak factor population based on table is 3.5

qmax = average Qd / 24 * peak factor
qmax partial filling = 3,150 / 24 * 3.5 = 459 m³/h = 128 l/s

Choosen partial filling 75% (qmax/Q)

Theoretical max flow(Q) = qmax / 75% = 128 / 75% = 170 l/s
= 0.170 m3/s

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ratio of depth, d/D = 0.64
partial filling depth, d = 600 mm * 0.64 = 384 mm

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velocity of the partial filling

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Example 3.2
Calculate the velocity of flow, and discharge in a sewer of
circular section having diameter of 1m, laid at a gradient of 1 in
500. the sewer runs at 0.6 depth. use Manning's formula taking
N= 0.012. The variations of n with depth may be neglected .
Solution ;

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Example 3.3
A 300 mm diameter sewer is to flow at 0.3 depths
on a grade ensuring a degree of self-cleansing
equivalent to that obtained at full depth at a velocity
of 0.90 m/sec. Find the required grade and
associated velocity and rate of discharge at this
depth. Assume Manning's Rugosity coefficient n as
0.013. The variations of n with depth may be
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Storm sewer system
Rainfall over a watershed that reaches the ground will follow one of
four potential paths. Some will be intercepted by vegetation and
evaporate into the atmosphere. Some will fall onto the ground surface
and evaporate. Some will infiltrate into the soil. Some will run directly
off from the ground surface (Hydrologic Cycle).

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Generally two methods are used to estimate the peak
run-off (Qp): Rational and Empirical Method

1) The Rational Method: is a simple technique for estimating a

design discharge from a small watershed
 Limitations and assumptions in the Rational Method are as follows
i. The drainage area should not be larger than 200 acres (80.9 ha)
ii. The peak flow is assumed to occur when the entire watershed is
contributing runoff

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Various values of C which can be of use in
designing storm water drains are given in
Tables .

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Time of Concentration

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Time of Concentration

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Time of Concentration

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Time of Concentration

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Time of Concentration

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Time of Concentration

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2. Empirical Formulae Method:

• For determining runoff from very large areas (say above 400
hectare) under specific conditions such as slope of land,
imperviousness, rate of rainfall etc.
• These formulae are derived after long practical experience and
collection of field data. Some These formulae are:
i. Burkli – Zeighar formula (used in switzerland)

ii. Mc.Math Formula (used in U.S.A)

iii. Funnig’s Formula

iv. Tallbot’s Formula

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Assuming that the surface on which the rainfalls in a
district is classified as follows 20% of the area consists of
roof for which the run-of ratio is 0.9, 20% of the area
consists of pavements for which the run-off ratio is 0.85,
5% percent of the area consists of paved yards of
houses for which run off ratio 0.80, 15% of area
consists of macadam roads for which run off ratio is 0.40,
35% of the area consists of lawns, gardens

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and vegetable plants for which the runoff ratio
is 0.10, and the remaining 5% of the area is
wooded for which the runoff ratio is 0.05;. If the
total area of the district is 36 hectares and the
maximum rain intensity is taken as 5 cm / hr. The
density of population is 250 per hectare, and the
quota of water supply per' day is 225 liters per
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a) Determine the coefficient of runoff for the area
b) What is the total runoff for the district?
c) Calculate the quantity of Sewage for which the sewers
of a separate system should be designed.
d) Calculate the quantity of Storm water for which the
sewers of a partially separate system should be
e) Calculate the quantity of Sewage for which the sewers
of a combined system should be designed
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Example 3
A population of 30,000 is residing in a town having an area of
60 hectares. If the average coefficient of runoff for this area is
0.6, the time of concentration of the design rain is 30 minutes.
Calculate the discharge for which the sewers of a proposed
combined system will be designed for the town in
question. the town is provided with a planned water supply
from the water-works at an average per capita rate equal to 120
liters/day/person. Make suitable assumptions where needed.

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• Assignment
A storm sewer is proposed to drain a 12 hectares drainage area
shown in the figure below. With given data in the table below
determine the design discharge needed to convey 5-year peak


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Example 5.

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09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 119
Assignment 1

of area(of 300 ha)

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 120

Example 3: the following data is available regarding
various types of `area and corresponding run-off
coefficients of the flows.
Types of surface Area in hectare Run-off coefficient
Roofs 1.6 0.4
Pavements 2.4 0.3
Assignment 2

Unpaved 3.2 0.2

The Inlet time(ti) and channel flow time (tf) of the various
types of the area should have to estimated, so that length from
critical points to the mouth of drain is 2km, and the total fall
of level from critical point to the mouth of drain is 50m
respectively, the determine the following terms:
i. Average run-off coefficient
ii. Time of concentration in minutes
iii. Rainfall intensity in mm/hr for 5 years frequency
09-May-22 iv. Peak flow of the storm water run-off in m3/sec.
cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 121
Assignment 3

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 122

3. Forces Acting on Sewer Pipes
The structural design of the sewer pipes should be such as to
enable them to withstand the various forces likely to come
on them
The following forces generally come into play in the sewer

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 123

Internal Pressure of Sewage

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 124

Pressures due to External Loads

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…..Pressures due to External Loads

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09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 127
…..Pressures due to External Loads

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…..Pressures due to External Loads

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…..Pressures due to External Loads
Assignment 4

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 130

Temperature stresses

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 131

4. Sewers Layout and Construction
Laying of Sewers
 The construction of sewer consists of the following

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 133

1. Marking Center Line of Sewer
 The center line of a sewers are marked on the streets
and roads from the plans starting from the lowest
point or outfall of the main proceeding upwards
 For checking the levels of sewer pipes and their
alignment temporary benchmarks are established at
200 - 400m intervals
2. Excavation Trenches
 After marking the layout of the sewer lines on the ground,
the first step is the removal of pavement
 After removing pavements, the excavation of trenches is
done manually or by machinery
 The width of excavation at any level will depend
upon the width of the trench at the bottom, and the
additions due to side slopes
09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 135
3. Preparation of Bedding
 When a sewer has to be
laid in a soil underground
strata or in a reclaimed
land, the trench shall be
excavated deeper than
what is ordinarily required
trench bottom or rock
 In the case of very bad soil
the trench bottom shall be
filled in with cement
concrete of appropriate

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 After the bedding concrete has been laid in the
required alignment and levels, the sewer pipes are
lowered down into the trench

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4. Jointing of Sewers

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 138

5. Testing of Sewers

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09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 140

Back-filling of Trenches

09-May-22 cotm 3ry by genzeb G. 141

Sewer appurtenances/components
Street Inlets

Street Inlets:
 An opening into
sewer for entrance of
storm runoff.
 Placed at
intersections and at
intervals of 20 to 100
Sewage Pumping
 The operation of lifting water or any fluid is called pumping
 Pump, a mechanical machine, is used for lifting water or any fluid to
a higher elevations or at higher pressures.

Sewage Pumping
 The operation of lifting water or any fluid is called pumping
 Pump, a mechanical machine, is used for lifting water or any fluid to
a higher elevations or at higher pressures.

Necessity …
5. At treatment plants, sewage may have to be lifted at
certain places to make it possible for the sewage to
flow to its various treatment unit under gravity
6. Recirculation of the effluent to achieve better
purification, which is common in modern treatment
7. To transfer sludge from settling tank to sludge
digestion tanks…

Special Problems in Sewage Pumping

1. Presence of a lot of suspended and floating solids causing

very frequent clogging of pumps
2. Containing organic and inorganic wastes that can
corrode pumping equipment and reduce their life time
3. Sensitivity of sewage to any slackness/difficulty in sewage
pumping since biological life of sewage which includes
disease producing bacteria are dangerous for health.
Thus immediate strict attendance is necessary.

Special Problems …
4. Fluctuation of incoming flow of sewage requiring of
adjustment of pumping from time to time – by operating
different units of pumps having different capacities
5. Smaller size of wet or sump wells to avoid longer
detention time, otherwise deposited grit and organic
solids start putrefying and cause nuisance for the
operating staff. Smaller well requires continuous
adjustment of pumping
6. The need to be highly reliable, otherwise, it will cause
flooding and nuisance- public health hazard

Preparation of Sewage for Pumping
 Desirable to remove as much of the coarser floating
material as possible before sewage is pumped
 It is difficult to have such removal from lift stations
which are pumping stations installed on deep sewer
line and involves:
Screening out larger solids and
Removing and disposing daily
 At large pump stations sewer:
Screens are commonly used in advance of the pumps to
Reduce the possibility of the pump being clogged and
Remove grit to reduce wear on the pumps
 A gritchamber and screening device are commonly
included among the units of a sewage treatment plant

Pumping Stations
 Dry pit pumping stations the pumps might be vertical or
 The pumps takes suction through a wall pipe to an adjoining
wet well
 Pump is accessible for maintenance and service at all times
 Pump is less subject to corrosion than if it is submerged
 For satisfactory design, the pumps and wet well must be sized
 The smallest capacity pump depends on the size of the line to
which it discharges since self-cleansing velocities of about 0.6
m/s must be maintained
 For example pump to be connected to a 100 mm sewer pipe
should have a capacity of about 280 l/min

Purpose and types of pumping stations
 The main purpose of pumping stations is to transfer fluids
from low points to higher points.
The main types of pumping stations are:
Wastewater PS.
Water PS.
Sludge PS.
Storm water PS

Types of pumps
 Classification based on mechanical principle of operation
(i) Displacement pumps
(ii) Centrifugal pumps
(iii) Air lift pumps
(iv) Miscellaneous pumps

 Classification based on type of power required

(i) Steam engine pumps
(ii) Diesel engine pumps
(iii) Electrically driven pumps

 Classification based on the type of service called for

(i) Low lift pumps
(ii) High lift pumps
(iii) Deep well pumps
(iv) Booster pumps
Centrifugal pumps
 Roto dynamic pumps which convert Mechanical
energy into Hydraulic energy by centripetal force
on the liquid.
Selection of pump
 Capacity of pump
 Number of pump units required
 Suction conditions
 Lift (total head)
 Discharge conditions and variations in load
 Floor space requirement
 Flexibility of operation
 Starting and priming characteristics
 Type of drive required
 Initial costs and running costs.
Sewage Disposal
 After conveying the wastewater through sewers, the next step
is its disposal, either after treatment or even before treatment.
 Treated or untreated sewage dumped into streams can upset
the ecological stability of the stream.
 However, through natural processes and bacterial activity,
streams can purify themselves.
 High concentration of organic substances encourage the
growth of decomposers such as bacteria and fungi.
 The normal food chain is then established with higher trophic
 The excess wastes upset the system by depleting the
dissolved oxygen required by bacteria for aerobic
decomposition of organics.
 The normal amount of dissolved oxygen in streams is above
9mg/l at 20°c water temperature.
 As the level of DO decreases to 5mg/l, sensitive organisms will
 As oxygen depletion progresses most of the organism species
tend to be absent from the food chain.
 Ultimately, bacteria of facultative and anaerobic types exist.
 Due to re-aeration, streams do not reach a 0mg/l DO level and
thus seldom go anaerobic.
 The degree of pollution and the character of the stream
determine the amount of time the self-purification progress will
 There are two general methods of disposing of the sewage
1. Disposal in water (dilution)
2. Disposal on land

1. Dilution
 isthe process whereby the treated sewage or the effluent from
the sewage treatment plant is discharged into water body.
 The discharged sewage, in due course of time, is purified by
what is known as self purification process of natural waters.
 The degree and amount of treatment given to raw sewage
before disposing it off into the river depend upon:
 quality of raw sewage
 self purification capacity of the river stream and the intended
use of its water
The Oxygen Deficit of a Polluted River-Stream

 The oxygen deficit D at any time in a polluted river is the

difference between the actual DO content of water at that time
and the saturation DO content.

 The normal saturation DO value for fresh water varies between

14.6mg/l to 7.6mg/l for temperature varying between 0°c to
30°c at the water temperature; i.e.

 In order to maintain clean conditions in a river-stream, the

oxygen deficit must be nil, and this can be found out by
knowing the rates of de-oxygenation and re-oxygenation.

Figure: Typical DO sag curve


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