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• Introduction

• Physical Science
– Definition
– Basic Components
– Fire Tetrahedron
– Fire Extinguishment Theory
– Classification of Fires
• Phases of Fire
• Special Considerations
• Fire has been both a help and hindrance to
– heated homes, cooked our food, helped us to
become technologically advanced
• Firefighters should have a basic
understanding of the science of fire and the
factors that affect its ignition, growth, and
spread; to perform safely and effectively in
any firefighting function
Physical Science
• Definition
– Fire is a rapid oxidation of combustible materials
accompanied by the released of heat and light at various

• Basic Components of Fire:

1. Oxidizing Agent (Oxygen)
• those materials that yield oxygen or other oxidizing gases during
the course of a chemical reaction
• bromates, bromine, chlorates, chlorine, fluorine, iodine, nitrates,
nitric acid, nitrites, perchlorates, permanganates, peroxides
2. Heat
• a form of energy.
• sources
– chemical – chemical reactions generate heat
– electrical – current flow generates heat; ex. overloading, static,
– mechanical – friction and compression
– nuclear – fission or fusion of atoms
• ways on how heat supports the combustion reaction
– the pyrolysis or vaporization of solid and liquid fuels and the
production of ignitable vapors or gases
– provides the energy necessary for ignition
– causes the continuous production and ignition of fuel vapors or
gases so that the combustion reaction can continue
3. Fuel
• the material or substance being oxidized or burned in the
combustion process
• also known as the reducing agent
• forms
– Solid – coal, wood, plastic, paper, cloth, wax, grease, leather, cork,
– Liquid – gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, alcohol, paint, varnish, oil,
– Gas – natural gas, propane, butane, hydrogen, acetylene, carbon
monoxide, etc

4. Chemical Chain Reaction

a series of reactions that occur in sequence with the
results of each individual reaction being added to the rest
Fire Extinguishment Theory

Fuel Removal
Exclusion of
Inhibition of
Chain Reaction
– Class “A” Ordinary combustible materials
• wood, paper, cloth, paper, rubber, and many plastics
• can be extinguished by temperature reduction

– Class “B” Flammable/combustible liquids

• gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, paint, varnish, etc
• oxygen exclusion is the most effective extinguishing method
• removal of fuel and temperature reduction can also be applied,
as well as interruption of the chain reaction by dry chemical
– Class “C” Energized electrical fires
• household appliances, computers, transformers, and
overhead transmission lines
• can sometimes be controlled by a non-conducting
extinguishing agent such as halon, dry chemical, or
• safest procedure is to de-energize high voltage
circuits and fight the fire appropriately depending
upon the fuel involved
– Class “D” Combustible metal fires
• aluminum, magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium.,
potassium, etc.
• hazardous in powdered form
• water and other common extinguishing agents are
ineffective due to extremely high temperature
• special extinguishing agents are available for control
of fire in each of the metals
– Class “K” Combustible cooking media
• Cooking oils
• Grease
• combustible cooking fuels such as vegetable
or animal fats

• Extinguishing agents:
– wet chemicals, water-based solutions of potassium
carbonate-based chemical (High Temp.)
Mechanism of
Heat Transfer

– Conduction
• the point-to-point
transmission of heat
• result of direct contact
with a heat source
Mechanism of
Heat Transfer

– Convection
• the transfer of heat
energy by the
movement of heated
liquids or gases
• there is movement
or circulation of a
Mechanism of
Heat Transfer

– Radiation
• the transmission of
energy as an
wave without an
intervening medium
• Fuel, heat, and
oxygen are
• Fuel is heated to
its ignition
• Additional fuel is
• Fire grows larger.
• Convection
draws more air
into fire.
• Thermal layering
– Hot gases collect
at ceiling and
bank downward.
• All combustible
materials in a room
ignite at once.
• Temperatures can
reach 1000 °F.
• Flashovers are
• Heat produced at maximum rate
• Oxygen consumed rapidly
• Fire will burn as long as fuel and oxygen
• Fuel is nearly exhausted.
• Intensity reduces.
• Eventually fire will go out.
Four conditions particular to interior fires
that affect fire fighter (and civilian) safety:
• Licks of flame ignite briefly in upper
layers of smoke
• A warning sign of imminent flashover
• Situation calls for aggressive cooling of
atmosphere, immediate exit, or
immediate ventilation.
• Sudden ignition of all contents
• Minimal chance of survival
• Flashover often occurs just as fire
fighters arrive on the scene.
• Explosion that occurs when oxygen is
suddenly admitted to a confined area that is
very hot and filled with combustible vapors.

• Usually occurs when a fire is smoldering

– Room is filled with carbon monoxide and
other products of combustion.
– Sudden introduction of air will explosively
feed the fire.
• Signs of an impending backdraft:
– Little or no flame visible
– Smoke emanating from cracks
– No large openings
– “Living fire” visible
– Unexplained change in color of smoke
– Glass smoke stained or blackened
– Signs of extreme heat
• Superheated gases collect near
• Temperatures are lowest near
• Fire streams create steam that
expands and rises.
F03 Salvador V Serrato Jr

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