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Croatian countries

Croatia started to industrialize in the
second half of the 18th century.

Manufacture production prevailed: silk,

cloth, cotton, metal, paper, pottery…

One of the main problems was lack of a

state bank.

First one was formed in 1846.

Other large problems were borders
between Croatian countries that were
not united into one.

Economic hubs in that time were: Osijek,

Zagreb, Varaždin, Karlovac, Zadar,
Koprivnica,Rijeka, Split, Šibenik…

In Zagreb in 1864., Croatian countries

organized the first economic exibit.
Ban Mažuranić started some reforms, but
Ban still 85% of the country was agrarian.

First railroad was built in 1862., Zidani Most-

Railroad Zagreb-Sisak.

Railroad After that point, railroad network expanded.

Croatian economy wasnt strong
enough to start buisneses on their
own so they got foregin investors.

They opened many different

factories: Tabbaco, beer, coffe,
paper, torpedos, oil, fish, liquer,
pasta, cement…

Croatian workers also organized in

syndicates in that time, and by the
end of the 19th century the system
was organized and funcitional.

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