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Leang So Khuong
January, 2020
2.1. Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb
2.2 Present simple of Be
2.3 Present simple of Have
2.4 Present continuous
2.5. Past simple
2.6. Modal verb: Can, Will, Must
After studying this unit, you will be
able to:

• understand part of speech

• common tense used in workshop or
garage communication
• Improve vocabularies used in
automotive repair
2.1.1 Noun 2.1. Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb

Noun: refer to things, human, animals, trees

Noun Definition

Technician a worker trained with special skills in engineering

Engineer a person whose job is to build machines, engines or electrical equipment,

Service Advisor is the liaison between the customer and service technicians working in the
Workshop manager a skilled person performing a wide range of duties in the garage

Driver someone who drives a vehicle

Customer a person who buys goods or a service

Cashier a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop (Ex.
2.1.1 Noun 2.1. Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb
Noun Definition

Vehicle a machine usually with wheels and an engine, which is used for transporting
people or goods.
Battery a device that produces electricity to provide power for radios, cars

Wheel a circular object which is used for making vehicles or parts of machines move

Fuel a substance which is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned

Engine oil a liquid such as oil which is used to make the parts of an engine move easily
Workshop a room or building where things are made or repaired using machines and/or
Spare part a piece that can be used to replace another similar piece in a car or other
2.1.2 Adjective

• Adjective is used to modify or describe noun

Adjective Definition

Automotive relating to road vehicles

Technical relating to the knowledge, machines

Electrical related to electricity

Bad low quality; not acceptable

Internal existing or happening inside a person, object,

organization, place or country
External coming from the outside

Safe not in danger or likely to be harmed

2.1.2 Adjective
• Adjective is used to modify or describe noun

Adjective Definition

Modern made using the most recent ideas and methods

Skillful with great skill

Economic making a profit, or likely to make a profit

Reliable Something or someone that is reliable can be trusted or believed

Premium higher than usual quality

professional related to work that needs special training or education

Tidy having everything ordered and arranged in the right place,

2.1. Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb
2.1.3 Verbs
2.1. Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb
2.1.3 Verbs
Verb Definition

Lubricate to use a substance such as oil to make a machine operate more easily.
Ex. A car engine needs to be well lubricated with oil.
wash to clean something using water

Clean to remove dirt from something.

loosen to make something less tight

tighten to make something become tighter

wear the amount or type of use an object has had especially before showing
polish to rub something using a piece of cloth or brush to clean it and make it
2.1. Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb
2.1.3 Verbs
Verb Definition

refill to fill something again

turn on to start to show a particular quality

turn off to stop operation of something

operate to (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect

install to put furniture, a machine or a piece of equipment into position and make
it ready to use
damage to harm or spoil something

assemble to make something by joining separate part

2.1. Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb
2.1.3 Adverbs Adverb Definition
• Adverb is used to modify Carelessly not taking or showing enough care and attention
verb, adjective and adverb
Carefully with great attention
Fast happening quickly

Slowly at a slow speed

approximately close to a particular number or time although not

exactly that number or time
Skillfully with great skill

Technically according to an exact understanding of rules, facts,

Wrongly not correctly

Correctly being right, in agreement with the true facts

2.2 Present simple of Be
2.2 Present simple of Be
2.3 Present simple of Have
2.3 Present simple of Have
2.4 Present continuous
2.4 Present continuous
2.4 Present continuous
2.5. Past simple
2.5. Past simple
2.6. Present Perfect
2.7. Modal verb: Can
2.7. Modal verb: Can
2.7. Modal verb: Will
2.7. Modal verb: Will
2.7. Modal verb: Will, Must
2.8. Present simple Passive
2.8. Present simple Passive
2.9. Summary




Present simple

Present continuous

Past simple

Present perfect
Passive voice

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