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E-Business & E-Commerce

Submitted By : Patel Hetal

Rollno:11(MCA SEM-III)
Topics to be Discuss
 What do we mean by E-Business
 Five-Era view
 Reasons for going E-Business
 Advantages
 What is E-Commerce
 Application of E-Commerce
 Classification of E-Commerce
 Benefits of E-Commerce
 First to Use the term E-Business was IBM
in 1997.
 IBM defines e-business as“Asecure,
flexible and integrated approach to
delivering differentiated business by
combining the systems and process by
Internet technology”.
Five-era views of information systems.


Business progress

Strategic information systems

Management information systems

Data processing

1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

Reasons for Going E-Business(online)
 Expand Market reach
 Visibility
 Responsiveness
 New services
 Strengthening Business Relationship
 Cost Reduction
Advantages of E-Business
 Global Accessibility and sales Reach
 Closer Relationship
 Free Samples
 Reduced Costs
 Media Breaks
 Time to Market
 Customer Loyalty
 E-Commerce is concerned with
transactions carried out between two
organizations,business or individuals
on-line using their respective
computers which are connected by a
telecommunication system
Application of E-Commerce
 Auctions sites using,an individual buyer and seller
can buy and sale goods/services
 Electronic Banking (ex.ICICI Bank)
 Electronic Searching
 Education and Learning
 Marketing
 Railways/Airlines/Cinema permitting booking
tickets on-line and paying for them on-line using
Credit cards.
Impact is

Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture

Wholesaler Retailer


Retailer Total disintermediation


Partial disintermediation

Traditional Distribution chain

Classification of E-Commerce
 Business-to-Business E-Commerce
 Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce
 Consumer-to-Business E-Commerce
 Consumer-to-consumer E-Commerce
Benefits of E-Commerce
 Lower Coordination Costs Favor Electronic
 Low computing Cost can Transform and Expand
product to make them suitable for the electronic
 Multiple choice preference based shopping
 Trade off in Market participation
 Minimized delivery costs
 Buy & sale anywhere, provide Internat
 Shopping can be done Anytime

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