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Facilitated transport
Transport mechanism

• The transport mechanism of the cell refers to the

movement of substances acacross the cell
Passive transport
• Does not require energy from the cell. It occurs
when substances move down their concentration
gradient, from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration.
Active Transport
• Requires energy from the cell to move substances
against their concentration gradient,
From an area of low concentration to an area of
high concentration
Facilitated transport
• A type of passive transport that uses transport
proteins to move substances across the cell
membrane down their concentration gradient.

There are two main types of transport pproteins

involved in facilitated transport:
Channel proteins
• Form pores in the cell membrmembrane that allow
specific substances to pass through. The pores can be
either opened or closed.
Carrier proteins
• Bind to the substance being transported and carry
it across the cell membrane. The carrier protein
changes shape as it transport the substance.
Here is more detailed explanation
of how facilitated transport works:

1. The susubstance to be transported binds to the

transport proteins on the outside of the cell
2. The transport protein changes shape carrying the
substance across the cell membrane.
3. The substance is released from the transport
protein on the inside of the cell membrane.
Facilitated transport is very important for cell because
it allows them to move in a wide variety of
substances across the cell membrane ,including
glucose, amino acids, ions, and water.

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