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Summer Project Presentation

School Transportation Record Keeping System

Supervised By
Presented By Er. Dhiraj Kumar Jha
Name:Abhishek Bhandari
TU Roll:11634/20

• Geetanjali School, located in Nayabazar, Kathmandu, is dedicated to

providing quality education and ensuring the safety and well-being of its

• The school aims to leverage technology to enhance the management of

its transportation services, ensuring the safety of students and the
efficiency of operations.

Problem Statement
• Manual Record Keeping

• Inefficient Communication

• Lack of Kilometer Tracking

• Centralized data management

• User Authentication and Authorization

• Student and Staff Management

• Bus Information System

Literature Review
Efficient transportation systems are vital for educational institutions to ensure
students and staff arrive safely and on time. Managing school transportation
involves navigating various logistical challenges, including route planning,
vehicle maintenance, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Record-
keeping plays a crucial role in this process, providing valuable data for
monitoring performance, addressing issues, and ensuring
accountability.Currently, a range of school transportation management systems
exists, from manual processes to sophisticated software solutions. These systems
typically offer features such as route optimization, scheduling, and record
information. However, they may vary in terms of usability, scalability, and
integration capabilities. Understanding the strengths and limitations of existing
systems can inform the development of more effective solutions.(Abdelmoula
Bekkali,2013) 5
Literature Review
Record-keeping in educational institutions encompasses a wide range of
data related to transportation, including student information, bus schedules,
and maintenance records. Accurate and comprehensive record-keeping is
essential for ensuring regulatory compliance, monitoring performance, and
enhancing safety. By maintaining detailed records, schools can identify
trends, address issues promptly, and make informed decisions regarding
transportation operations.Understanding user requirements and preferences
is essential for designing a successful school transportation record system.
Administrators may have different needs and expectations regarding system
functionality and usability. Gathering feedback through surveys,
interviews, or focus groups can help identify priorities and ensure the
system meets the needs of its users.(Amruta M. Sanam,2016)
Literature Review
The benefits of school transportation management systems, challenges
remain, including budget constraints, resistance to change, and evolving
regulatory requirements. Looking ahead, emerging technologies such as
autonomous vehicles and predictive analytics hold promise for enhancing
efficiency and safety in school transportation. Addressing these challenges
and embracing innovation will be key to advancing the field in the future.
In conclusion, the literature review highlights the importance of efficient
transportation systems and record-keeping practices in educational
institutions. By examining existing systems, understanding user needs, and
staying abreast of technological advancements, schools can develop more
effective transportation record systems. By prioritizing safety, compliance,
and stakeholder engagement, these systems can contribute to a safer, more
efficient transportation experience.(Khairul Shafee Kalid,2016) 7
System Analysis

System Analysis
Use-Case Diagram:

System Design
Class Diagram:

System Design
Activity Diagram:

System Analysis
Sequence Diagram:

System Analysis
Component Diagram:

System Analysis
Deployment Diagram:

Testing Methodology
• Functional Testing:
- Validate CRUD operations for students, staff, and buses.
- Verify daily KM tracking and alert generation functionalities

• Performance Testing:
- Evaluate the system's performance under different load conditions.

• Test Case:
- Serve as detailed documentation of what has been tested, how it was
tested, and what the outcomes were. 15
In conclusion, the "School Transportation Record Keeping System" project
represents a significant advancement in transportation management for
educational institutions. Through the integration of modern web technologies,
robust backend frameworks, and secure authentication mechanisms, the system
effectively addresses the diverse needs of administrators, staff, and students. By
providing intuitive interfaces for managing records, tracking kilometers, and
overseeing maintenance schedules, the system streamlines transportation logistics
and enhances operational efficiency. Moving forward, ongoing refinement and
optimization will ensure the continued success and utility of the system,
ultimately benefiting the entire educational community with improved
transportation management capabilities.
Abdelmoula Bekkali, E. B. (2013). Smart Tracking System for School Buses Using.
Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Vol, 1, No. 2 December 2013.

Amruta M. Sanam, P. S. (2016). Safety System For School Children Transportation.

Safety System For School Children Transportation.

Khairul Shafee Kalid, N. R. (2016). The Design of a Schoolchildren Identification

and. The Design of a Schoolchildren Identification and.

Thank you


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