NASA Exploration

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Unlocking the Cosmos

NASA Exploration
Dishant S Vaidya
22/12/2023 ADSAI
• Cold War Rivalry (1950s)

• NASA Establishment (1958)

• Apollo Programs (1960s)

• Space Race and Apollo Era

• Space Shuttle Era (1981-2011)

• Modern Exploration and Mars

Missions (2000s-Present)
NASA Headquarters, located at
300 Hidden Figures Way SW,
Washington, D.C
Additional Locations
• Ames Research Center-Moffett
Field, CA
• Glenn Research Center-
Cleveland, OH
• Goddard Institute of Space
Studies-New York, NY
• Johnson Space Center-Houston,
• Kennedy Space Center-FL
Stellar Moments
• Apollo 11 Moon Landing (1969)

• International Space Station (ISS)

• Hubble Space Telescope (1990)

• Voyager Probes (Voyager 1 and

Honors and Awards
• Exceptional Service Medal

• Exceptional Scientific
Achievement Medal

• Distinguished Service Medal

• Outstanding Leadership Medal

Iconic Spacecraft
• Flyby spacecraft

• Orbiter spacecraft

• Atmospheric spacecraft

• Lander spacecraft

• Penetrator spacecraft
Technological Prowess
• Human Spaceflight

• Robotic Space Exploration

• Space Telescopes

• Planetary Science

• Earth Science
Global Partnerships
• Roscosmos

• CSA (Canadian Space Agency)

• JAXA (Japan Aerospace

Exploration Agency)

• ESA (European Space Agency)

Joint Missions

• International Space Station (ISS)

• Mars Science Laboratory

(Curiosity Rover)

• Cassini-Huygens (NASA/ESA/ASI)
Satellite Launch Statistics
• 2022-1939

• 2021-1232

• 2020-984

• 2019-362

• 2018-190
Satellite Categories
• Low Earth orbit (LEO)

• Medium Earth orbit (MEO)

• Geostationary orbit (GEO)

• Sun-synchronous orbit (SSO)

• Geostationary transfer orbit (GTO)

Successful Projects
• Apollo(1969)

• Hubble(1990)

• Viking(1976)

• Chandra X-ray
Unsuccessful Projects
• Mars Polar Lander (1999)

• Genesis (2001)

• Super Pressure Balloon (2016)

• Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107,


• Mars Observer (1992)

Ongoing Ventures
• Aqua

• Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared

Pathfinder Satellite Observation

• Deep Space Climate Observatory


• Landsat 8
Project Updates
• 3D Tissue Chips

• Advanced Composition Explorer


• Advanced Plant Habitat (APH)

• BepiColombo
Upcoming Horizons
• Atmospheric Waves Experiment

• Europa Clipper

• Dragonfly

• Electrojet Zeeman Imaging

Visionary Pursuits
• Regolith Advanced Surface
Systems Operations Robot

• International Space Station’s 3D


• Delay/Disruption Tolerant
Networking (DTN)
Navigating the Celestial Path
NASA continues to lead in space exploration through collaborations on
the International Space Station, robotic missions to Mars, and cutting-
edge space telescopes like the Hubble.
NASA is poised for ambitious endeavors such as the Artemis program,
aiming to return humans to the Moon and eventually journey to Mars.
Assessment Questions
• Major achievements of NASA?

• Types of awards given by NASA?

• Current & upcoming projects of NASA

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