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Genereal Surgery Division

Departement of Surgery
University of Halu Oleo


Presented by “Vascular Surgery”

Supervisor : “dr. Ilham Arif, Sp.B. Subs. BE (K)., M.Kes., FINACS”
Emergency Case Report
May 2024
Patient’s Identity

Name : Hisaana
Age : 61 y.o
Gender: Female
Religion : Moeslim
Occupation : Retired
Address :
Hospitalized : 20th April 2024
Secondary Survey
Main Complaint:

History Talking:
Referred patient to North Buton Regional Hospital with radial artery rupture,
history of active bleeding on the left wrist when the lump was extracted at 07.00 in
the morning. Extraction is carried out at the patient's home. Complaints
accompanied by pain in the left hand, swelling, numbness and difficulty in moving
his hand.
Physical Examination
Generalist Status:
General condition : Moderate illness
Consciousness : E4V5M6 (Composmentis)
Nutritional status : good
Vital Sign:
BP : 162/92 mmHg
HR : 113x/minute
RR : 20x/minute
Temp : 36.90C
SpO2 : 97%

VAS : 3/10
Physical Examination
Present Status
 Head : normocephalic
 Eye : pupil isokor, Anemic conjunctiva (-), ikterik
 Nose : rhinorrhea (-), epistaxis (-)
 Mouth: pallor (-), stomatitis (-), cyanosis (-)
 Ears : ottohea (-)
 Neck : enlarged lymph nodes (-)
 Thorax: Symmetrical left and right, tenderness (-), mass (-), sonor (+/+), vesicular
breath sounds (+/+), wh (-/-), rh (-/-).
 Abdomen : follow breath, distended (-), peristalsis (+) normal impression, tenderness
(-), tympanic (+)
 Upper estremities: left (localized status) warm acral, crt<2 sec.
 lower extremities : left & right (warm acral, crt<2 sec)
Physical Examination
Localized Status:

 Upper extremities :
Antebrachii Sinistra Region
Inspection: (+)
Palpation: CRT > 2second
Laboratory test
Hematology: (20/05/2024)

Item Find Satuan Nilai rujukan

WBC 12.31 (H) 10^3/µL 4.-10
RBC 4.62 10^6/µL 4..6.0
PLT 310 10^3/µL 150­- 400
Hb 13.9 g/dl 12-16
HCT 40.6 % 37-48
MCV 88.0 fL 80-97
MCH 30.0 pg 26.5-33.5
Working Diagnosis :

Ruptur Arteri Radialis

― IVFD RL 20 dpm
― Ceftriaxone 1gr/12h/IV
Thank You

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