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1) Methods of Communication
2) Communication in a business organization
3) External Communication
4) 7C’s of Communication Source
5) Active Listening
Concepts and meaning of Communication:

1] Communication is an act of transferring information from one place
or one person or from a group of people to another.
2] Each communication involves one sender and one receiver and a message are
the major part of communication.
3] The transmission message from sender to the receiver has to be effective as it
includes a huge range of information which may include emotions, cultural
situations, the model used to communicate, and even location for the same.
4] Communication is considered to be more desirable around the work profile,
since accurate, effective and unambiguous communication becomes too much
difficult to understand.
1) Methods of Communication
(i) Verbal Communication: Verbal Communication is when we use a spoken word
to communicate with each other, it is considered to be informal communication.

(ii) Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal communication helps us to get a sense of how

others are feeling and what they may think about us.

(iii) Written Communication: Written Communication might be a letter, email, a report, or

a message that needs to be shared using ant social media.

(iv) Listening: Active Listening is the most important method of communication when we
do we can truly engage the person who is talking to us if we fail to do so we can’t respond
(v) Visual Communication
2) Communication in a business organization
• Intro: Communication at a business level is said to be a process of
sharing information between employees within and outside a

• Four Main Types of business organization :

(i) Upward Communication
(ii) Downward Communication
(iii) Horizontal Communication
(iv) Grapevine Communication
3] External communication
• External Communication is termed as the transmission of information
between two organizations. The effectiveness of external
communication is like promoting an organization.
• Types of external communication can be:
(i) Press conference
(ii) Print media
(iii) Tender documents
(iv) Feedback
(v) Annual reports and letters
4] 7C’s of communication Source
• Clear, Correct, Complete, Concise, Concrete, Coherent, Courteous
(i) Clear: Any message we want to communicate should be clear as the
recipient should not assume our message and get back to us for
more detail information will lead to more wastage of time/
(ii) Correct : As in while writing hundreds of emails in a day we need to
focus on the spelling and we need to write the names of the people
to whom it will be mailed properly when we type the spelling
wrong even sometimes the spellchecker is not able to catch the
words, it’s important we pronounce the words properly and
(iii)Complete: A complete message has all the information the reader must
know to respond.
example: Hi all,
Let us meet tomorrow at 10 am in Conference room 1 to
discuss the college event. We will have to decide on the keynote speakers and
complete the event invite draft tomorrow . Please be there on time.
(iv) Concise: We must try to write the message more concisely instead of
increasing the number of lines, where it can be communicated by using only 2
lines by doing so the time is not wasted and work is done effectively carried out.

(v) Concrete: We must have full confidence in us what we are about to

communicate, example during marketing we must concrete what we speak with
customers. It must capture the attendance for them it must not bore them.
(vi) Coherent: The message that we are communicating must have a logical flow.
What we try
to communicate through emails must have a link to previous email

(vii) Courteous: It’s an important part of any corporate setting. As the colleagues
working with us are not actual friends so maintain courteously is very important
to us. Hidden insults cause
trouble among individuals.
5] Active Listening:
• 6 KEY ACTIVE Listening Skills :
(i) Pay Attention (ii) Withhold judgement
(iii) Reflect (iv) Clarify
(v) Summarize (vi) Share

Active listening has a major impact on your job and maintaining a

healthy relationship too.
Listening can be carried out in various ways to obtain some
information, Listening to understand, for enjoyment, and learning.
6] Difference between Listening and Hearing
• Hearing: (i) Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by ear.
(ii) Hearing occurs with or without our consent.
(iii) Hearing is passive

• Listening: (i) Listening is an action where you choose to actively

concentrate on what you hear.
(ii) Listening brain process the information into knowledge
(iii) Listening is active
7] Critical Listening
• It is also called analytical listening wherein it evaluates a message to
accept or reject it, the goal is to understand and evaluate the meaning
of logic of the arguments, the strength of the evidence, the validity of
the conclusion, the speaker’s motives, and intensions.
• The Strategies need to be adopted:
(i) Find areas of interest.
(ii) Recognize emotional biases.
(iii) Organize the information and find connectivity with what we
already know.
(iv) Note main ideas.
8] Barriers to Active Listening
• Barriers to active listening could be because of different kinds of noise,
some of them like ringing phones, traffic noise, etc….Sometimes, the mode
of mind is also the reason for the same.
• Five main types of noise which may prevent Active Listening are as follows
(i) External Distractions: It’s a distraction in your work environment that
diverts our attention from listening.
(ii) Speaker’s Distractions: A technical person who is very left-brained may
be difficult for a marketing person, it happens when a speaker’s
distinctive characteristics get in the way of hearing the speaker’s
(iii) Message Intent: any phrases which are used that can be misinterpreted
or have a different meaning on who is using them like people refrain
9] Improving Listening
• Listening skills can be improved by maintaining the following

(i) Maintaining an eye contact

(ii) Visualize what the speaker is saying
(iii) Limit judgments
(iv) Don’t interrupt
(v) Wait for a pause to ask questions
(vi) Ask clarifying questions
10] Intercultural sensitivities
• When operating with a culturally diverse workforce people from
different places communication and understanding the concepts
between them becomes more important.
• Six stages are as follows to maintain and manage intercultural
(i) Denial (ii) Defense
(iii) Minimization (iv) Acceptance
(v) Adaptation (vi) Integration
11] Business etiquette
• Business etiquette when dealing with people from different
nationalities: As different cultures don’t see the world in the same
way, American managers may look perfect may.
• We need to follow a few etiquettes like
1] Learn about other cultures
2] Learn Languages
3] Encourage employees to be open-minded
4] Treat people as individuals

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