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Public Health

Control of
General Information

 Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death

worldwide. It is responsible for numerous health problems,
including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory
illnesses. The economic burden of smoking is substantial,
including healthcare costs and lost productivity.
Smoking Statistics

 - Smoking causes over 7 million deaths globally each year.

 - More than 1.1 billion people worldwide are smokers.
 - Tobacco use costs the global economy over $1 trillion
 - Second-hand smoke exposure causes about 1.2 million
deaths annually.
Health Impacts of Smoking

 Smoking is linked to various health issues, such as:

 - Lung cancer
 - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
 - Heart disease
 - Stroke
 - Respiratory infections
 - Diabetes
Role of Public Health in
Controlling Smoking
 Public health plays a critical role in controlling smoking
 - Education and Awareness Campaigns
 - Smoking Cessation Programs
 - Policy Advocacy
 - Regulation and Legislation
 - Research and Data Collection
 - Collaboration with Organizations and Communities
Education and Awareness
 Public health organizations develop and disseminate
information about the dangers of smoking.
 These campaigns target various audiences, including youth,
adults, and vulnerable populations.
 Methods include mass media campaigns, school-based
programs, and community outreach.
Smoking Cessation Programs

 Public health supports programs that help individuals quit

 These programs include counseling, medication, and
support groups.
 Access to quitlines and mobile apps provides additional
resources for those seeking to quit.
Policy Advocacy

 Public health advocates for policies that reduce smoking

 This includes higher tobacco taxes, smoke-free laws, and
restrictions on tobacco advertising.
 Policies aim to reduce tobacco availability and increase the
cost of smoking.
Regulation and Legislation

 Public health agencies work with governments to enforce

regulations on tobacco products.
 This includes setting standards for packaging, labeling, and
 Legislation also covers age restrictions and sales regulations
to prevent youth smoking.
Research and Data Collection

 Public health conducts research to understand smoking

trends and health impacts.
 Data collection helps to monitor the effectiveness of
smoking control measures.
 Research supports the development of new strategies and
Collaboration with
Organizations and
 Public health collaborates with various organizations to
amplify efforts to control smoking.
 Partnerships with schools, workplaces, and community
groups enhance outreach.
 Engaging with healthcare providers ensures comprehensive
support for smoking cessation.

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