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Mammography and

Breast Imaging

Course Introduction
• To explain course description.

• To look through the course

Objectives assessments.

• To discuss the assignment topics

Course Description
Mammography and Breast Imaging Course Title
RAD 334 Course Code
Radiologic Technology (Diagnostic) Program
0–1–2 Course Credits
Section 1 Lectures Timing &
Monday: 10:00 – 11:40 Location

Thursday / H-105 11:00-13:00 Office Hours and

Location Course Web Page
Course Study Material

 Textbook

• Mammographic Imaging, A
Practical Guide. Third Edition
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
 Identify the different terminologies, key concepts, and the evolution of breast
imaging techniques and applications.
 Explain patient care, safety measures and imaging requirements related to the
breast imaging techniques and applications.
 Illustrate ability to apply patient care and safety, imaging techniques, and image
evaluation for normal anatomy and common pathology related the breast
imaging techniques and applications.
 Solve problems associated the image quality by adjusting various impact factors
to the achievement of high-quality breast images.
 Apply communication skills that facilitate ability to work collaboratively with
others to enhance learning.
Course Assessment
Course assessment
Assessment Type Details/ Explanation of Assessment Number Weight Date(s)
in relation to CILOs
Quizzes 4 4th ,6th ,9th, and 12th week
1-5 10%
Examinations 2 7th and 13th week
1-5 20%
Laboratory/Practical 1 Clinical Visit + Case Report
1-5 20%
11th week
Assignments 1 Poster Assignment
1-5 10%
14th week
Final Examination 1 09.06.2024
1-5 40% 8:30-10:30
Total 100%
Practical Assignments

Each student should prepare:

 Case study report

 Mammography department visit report
Practical Assignments – Case Report
Elements to be included in the report:

 Patient Demographics; age, demographic details of the patient,

date of examination.
 Clinical history and reason for examination.
 Safety considerations.
 Mammographic projections. Images must be provided.
 Imaging findings; correlated with research; minimum of two
references that were published no more than five years ago.
 Treatment plan and follow-up.
Poster Assignment
Each group shall discuss the topic number assigned to their
corresponding group number:

1. Advancements in Mammographic Technology

2. Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Mammography
3. Radiation Risk in Mammography
4. Screen-film Mammography versus Digital Mammography
5. Breast Imaging in Pregnancy and Lactation
6. Breast MRI: Applications and Limitations
7. Breast Ultrasound: Applications and Limitations
8. Interventional Breast Procedures: Biopsy and Localization
Open the blackboard
and enroll yourself in
the groups!
Topic Title chapter/experiment title
Background information and the need for screening. Introduction to mammography
- Chapter (2): Pages 20-32.
Patient considerations.
- Chapter (3): Pages 32 – 43

Breast anatomy and physiology.

- Chapter (5): Pages 62 – 77 Breast anatomy, physiology and pathology.
Mammographic pathology.
- Chapter (6): Pages 77 - 100

Mammographic positioning.
- Chapter (7): pages 100 – 160 Mammography positioning.
Topic Title chapter/experiment title
The nonconforming patient. The nonconforming patient and problem solving.
- Chapter (8): Pages 160 – 175
Practical Applications in problem solving.
- Chapter (10): 184 - 217
Creating the digital image. Digital Mammography.
- Chapter (15): Pages 326 – 358
Diagnostic procedures and minimally invasive needle Diagnostic procedures and advanced modalities.
breast biopsy.
- Chapter (19): Pages 392 – 409
- Chapter (20): Pages 409 – 477
Breast MR.
- Chapter (21): Pages: 477 - 505

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