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Oil painting
Topic: Write a short
paragraph (40-50
words) about your
favorite ARTS
Before writing
1. Portrait drawing (tranh chân dung)
1. Do you like this kind of ARTS?
Þ I like the drawing of the portrait (chân dung) very much./I don’t like the
drawing of the portrait at all.
2. What kind of ARTS color is it?
=> It is an oil pastel drawing. (màu dầu)
3. Can you give it a name?
=> It is called .........
4. What shapes can you see?
Þ The eyes are squares, the cheeks are circles,
the ears are rectangles and crescents.
5. Is the color beautiful?
=> The color is very beautiful./ But the color is ugly.
6. Are there any patterns?
Are they great?
=> There aren’t any patterns.
2. Monster craft collage
1. Do you like this piece of ARTS?
=> I like the collage of monster craft very much./I don’t like the collage of monster
craft at all.
2. What kinds of materials are they?
=> They are paper craft and colored marker painting.
3. Can you give it a name?
=> It is called.....
4. What shapes can you see?
Þ The bodies of the monsters are
triangles and squares, the eyes are 3D circles.
5. Is the color beautiful?
=> The color is very beautiful./ But the color is ugly.
6. Are there any patterns?
Are they great?
=> There are some stripes (sọc). They are colorful.
3. Marker drawing.
1. Do you like this piece of ARTS?
=> I like the drawing of the fish tank very much./I don’t like the drawing of the fish
tank at all.
2. What kind of ARTS color is this?
=> It is an marker drawing.
3. Can you give it a name?
=> It is called.....
4. What shapes can you see?
Þ The fishtails are triangles,
the rocks and the bubbles are circles.
5. Is the color beautiful?
=> The color is very beautiful./ But the color is ugly.
6. Are there any patterns?
Are they great?
=> There are some zebras stripes on the rectangle fish.
4. Eggshell mosaic
1. Do you like this piece of ARTS?
Þ I like the mosaic of the ship very much./
I don’t like the mosaic of the ship at all.
2. What kind of ARTS color is it?
=> It is an eggshell mosaic and oil painting.
3. Can you give it a name?
=> It is called.....
4. What shapes can you see?
=> The sun is a circle and the ship is a crescent.
5. Is the color beautiful?
=> The color is very beautiful./ But the color is ugly.
6. Are there any patterns?
Are they great?
5. Origami collage
1. Do you like this piece of ARTS?
=> I like the collage of the seabed (đáy biển) very much./I
don’t like the collage of the seabed at all.
2. What kind of ARTS color is it?
=> It is an origami collage and oil painting.
3. Can you give it a name?
=> It is called.....
4. What shapes can you see?
=> The bodies of the fish and the ship are triangles.
5. Is the color beautiful?
=> The color is very beautiful./ But the color is ugly.
6. Are there any patterns?
Are they great?
=> There aren’t any patterns.
Topic: Write a short paragraph (40-
50 words) about your favorite
ARTS product.
My favorite art product = piece of art is the
mosaic of a girl standing under the tree.
Topic: Write a short paragraph (40-
50 words) about your favorite
ARTS product.
II. Body

1. Can you give it a name?

2. What kind of arts color is it?
3. What shapes can you see?
4. Is the color beautiful?
5. Are there any patterns? Are they great?
6. How do you feel and imagine when you see it?
Topic: Write a short paragraph (40-
50 words) about your favorite
ARTS product.
II. Conclusion
•Restate the topic sentence (My collage is a great
•Example the topic sentence is:
My collage is a great one.
The conclusion is:
The collage is an amazing one.
Topic: Write a short paragraph (40-50 words)
about your favorite ARTS product.

Writing sample:
I like the drawing of the
fish tank very much. It is an
oil painting. It is called The
Pretty Fish Tank. The fish tails
are triangles, the rocks and
the bubbles are circles. It has
a great color mixture. There
are zebra stripes on triangle
fish. This drawing is amazing.

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