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Module 1

Scientific Information
FETP Scientific Communication Training
2022 Edition
Pascale Krumm, CDC
Learning objectives
• Know the two types of scientific communication:
o Informative
o Persuasive

• Analyze and define audiences

• Review abstract that will submit to epidemiology conference
What is the goal of scientific reporting?

Create material that is

clear and will not be
misunderstood or
Find out...


Before you start, ask yourself…

1 2

What is my GOAL? Who is my AUDIENCE?

Persuade or inform? Scientists or public?
1. Define your goal(s): Why am I communicating?

If it is to persuade If it is to inform
• What is my KEY message or SOCO? • What do I want the audience to
• What is my secondary message?
• What do I want the audience to DO

SOCO = Single Overriding Communication Objective

Persuasive vs. informative communication format

Most important General

Supporting data Specific

SOCO format IMRAD format
Persuasive communication: SOCO
• Goal: Influence/change thinking, behavior, beliefs
• Usually has 3 components: Childhood obesity is
1. A KEY message preventable
[key message].
2. An emotional component (motivation) To make sure your
3. A call to action child grows up
• Call to action attributes: healthy
o Short, clear, simple, concrete, forceful, actionable, practical,
], provide lots of
easy to remember
fruits and vegetables
o Convinces/compels audience to change
[call to action].
o Preferably delivered in imperative mood: NOT “you should get
tested” or “testing should be done” but “get tested,” “call your
doctor,” “read the entire report”
Informative communication
• Present a finished study, report, manuscript, etc.
• Talk about a meeting, conference, project, etc.
• May not include a call to action
• Write one only if you have a story to tell
o The story is NOT that you finished a report or have some data

o The story is what the report has to say or the story the data tells
Informative communication: IMRAD

• Goal: Communicate most amount of INFORM

information in least amount of time General

• Features:
o I = Introduction

o M = Methods & Materials

o R = Results And

o D = Discussion Specific
IMRAD format
2. Define your target audience
• Definition: Group that will understand and use your
information and benefit from it
• Your goal: Respond to/serve audience needs
• Best way to achieve goal:
o Understand them (generally)
o Understand their specific needs
o Connect with them at their level
Your audience drives the message and
not the other way round!
• Your mentee would like to submit his/her abstract to an
national/international epidemiology conference.
• He/she ask you to give some advice to the abstract.
• You have to review the abstract according the guidelines:
o Background and rationale for study
o Appropriateness of methods
o Presentation of results
o Conclusions and interpretations of results
o Public health significance
o Overall clarity of the abstract

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