Lecture 06_Binary Tree Operation (1)

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ITEC 2620

Introduction to Data
:Binary Tree Operation
Khairul Bashar
School of Information Technology
York University, Toronto.
Tree Traversals

• We have stored our data into a Binary Search Tree (BST)

• We can perform binary search on our data
• We can update the data in the tree efficiently
• How do we print the data in order?
Tree Traversals

• It is easy to print an array in order

• How do we print this tree in order?
Print items in order

• Print (in order) everything before the root node, print the root node,
print everything after the root node
• Print left sub-tree in order -> 1, 2, 3, 4
• Print the root node -> 5
• Print the right sub-tree in order -> 6, 7, 8, 9
• How to print the sub-trees in order?
• Recursion!
Tree Traversals

• Recursive sub-problem
• Print left (sub) sub-tree in order, print (sub) tree root, print right
(sub) sub-tree
• Base problem
• When can you stop?
• What’s a trivial BST to print?
• One node?
Recursive Method: Tree Traversal
// a method within public class BinaryNode

public void printTree()

if (left != null)
if (right != null)
Code Trace: Start

• rootPtr.printTree()
• left.printTree()
Code Trace

• left.printTree()
• left == null
• System.out.println(key)
• right.printTree()
• left == null
• System.out.println(key) -> 2
• right == null
• System.out.println(key) -> 3
• right.printTree()
• left == null
• System.out.println(key) -> 4
• right == null
• System.out.println(key) -> 5
• right.printTree()
• rootPtr.printTree();
• node3.printTree();
• node1.printTree();
• System.out.println(1);
• node2.printTree();
• System.out.println(3);
• node4.printTree();
Traversing orders

• Three orders for traversals

• In-order
• Print in sorted order
• Pre-order
• Search on non-sorted key
• Post-order
• Delete a tree
Pre-order Traversal

public void preOrder() {

if (left != null)
if (right != null)
Pre-order Traversal
Post-Order Traversal

public void postOrder() {

if (left != null)
if (right != null)

• Cannot do non-recursively
• Definition of a binary tree is recursive
• Binary tree operations are all recursive
• Recursion
• High-level concept of the algorithm
• Trust recursion to execute the subproblems properly
Time Complexity of Recursive

• The problem is solved through smaller sub-problems

• The time to solve a problem is based on the time to solve smaller
• Express the time to solve a problem of size n as T(n)
From Recursion to Recurrence

• Recursion has two cases

• Recursive case
• Base case
• Recurrence relations need two cases
• Recurring case
• Base case
• Usually T(1) = 1
• Eliminate constant factors
Factorial Example

• Building the recurrence relations

• n! = n * n-1! if n > 1
• The time to do a problem of size n is the time to do a problem of size n-1
+ a multiplication
• n! = 1 if n = 1, 0
• The time to do a problem of size 1 is 1 (a constant)
Runtime: Factorial

• Recurrence relations
• The time to do a problem of size n
• T(n)
• The time to do a problem of size n-1
• T(n-1)
• A multiplication
• 1
• T(n) = T(n-1) + 1 T(1) = 1
• T(n) = O(n)
Time for a Binary Tree Traversal

• Recurrence relation
• Number of recursive case -> n
• Time required in each recursive case -> constant
• Total time -> T(n) = n*1 = O(n)
Time for Recursive Binary Search

• T(n) = T(n/2) + C
• T(n/2) = T(n/4) + C + C
• T(n/4) = T(n/8) + C + C + C -> T(n/23) + 3C -> pattern?

• n/2k = 1 -> k is the number of steps required to reach an array of 1 item

Or, k = logn
• For a binary search time spent on each recursive case is constant
• Total time, T(n) = logn * 1 = O(logn)
Thank you

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