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…..sedikit sambungan kuliah I….

– Cara terjadinya pencemaran :

• Langsung (direct contamination)
– Bhn pencemar masuk ke dalam bahan
makanan secara langsung
• Silang (cross contamination)
– Terjadi secara tidak langsung akibat
tidak tahu ( wadah /piring kotor)
• Ulang (recontamination)
– Terjadi pada makanan yg tlh dimasak
sempurna (nasi tercemar debu/ lalat krn
tidak dilindungi)
Temperatur rendah dalam
Kontrol Pertumbuhan
Mikrobia pada Bahan
Pangan & Pangan

Definitions :
psycrophiles, psycrothrops

• Psychrophile : organisms that grow over

the range of subzero to 20° C, with
optimum range of 10 – 15° C.
• Psycrothrops (psycros : cold; trephein : to
develop) : organisms able to grow at 5° C
or below (may be a mesophiles).
Refrigerator (±10-15 oC)

Chiller (-1 - 7 oC)

Freezer ( < 0 oC
Microbiological objectives of low
temperature storage of food
• To reduce/prevent growth rate of mo
• To reduce/prevent catalytic activity of
microbial enzymes, especially proteinases
and lipases
• To reduce/prevent germination of spores
Suhu biasa/
Fate of mo in low temperature storage

• Estimation : each 10° C increase/decrease

in temperature within the suitable range 
twofold increase/decrease in the reaction
rate / generation time.

• Water in food : free-flow, and bound.

• What happen to water in food system at
temperature of –0.5 to –3° C?
• During the freezing of food system,
concentration of solutes increased  pH
decreased, Aw decreased
What happen to microbial cell in low
Temp. Mo Effects to mo
(° C)
1–5 Chill- Cold shock  leakage of cell membrane
sensitive Inactivation of enzymes
Chill- Decrease of enzyme activity rate  slow
resistant metabolism  slow growth/dorman
0 – subzero Ice crystal formed extracellularly 
mechanical damage of cells
High extracelluar osmotic pressures  cell
Changes in ionic strength and pH 
rupture of structure and function of cell
components and macromolecules
However, some microorganisms still
can grow in low temperature
• In cold storage, at temperature above the
freezing point, mo can still grow in food in
slow rate
• Difference of <1° C can be very important.
– Pseudomonas fluorescens :
g0.5° C = 6.7h; g0.0° C = 32.2 h.
– Spores of some Bacillus and Clostridium spp.
can germinate in 4.5° C.
• Slow growth even may occur at -10° C in
some molds
External factors influencing survival of
mo in low temperature storage

(1) Initial count of mo

(2) Nature of food

(3) Nature of processing

(1) Populasi awal Mikroorganisme

• Jenis dan jumlah mikroorganisme awal

pada bahan pangan atau pangan yang
masuk dalam refrigerator akan
menentukan lama penyimpanan bahan
tersebut (layak dikonsumsi)
• Secara umum mikroba akan mengalami
penurunan jumlah dan jenis selama
penyimpanan (injury)
(2) Nature of foods

High Aw
pH closer to 7.0
Absence of microbial inhibitor (preservatives)
High nutrients

Growth, survival ↑*

Injury, death ↓*
(3) Tipe pengolahan

• Temperature
• Pretreatment (i.e., pasteurization)
• pH adjustment (pH yang diterapkan dlm produk)
• Drying (reducing water activity)
• Addition of preservatives
• Storage atmosphere.

• Pembekuan : proses pengawetan yang
tergantung pada pengurangan temperatur
produk ke level saat kristal es mulai terbentuk di
dalam bahan pangan atau pangan
• Dengan mengurangi temperatur produk hingga
-10 sampai -20℃, reaksi normal yang
menyebabkan deteriorasi produk pangan
dikurangi hingga minimum
Effect of Freezing Rate on
Product Quality

• Food freezing processes are not designed

to maximize microbial lethality but to
minimize loss of product quality  fast
freezing rate is preferred
penyimpanan makanan beku

suhu -18 ℃
(At this temperatures no microbial growth is
possible, although residual microbial or
endogenous enzyme activity such as lipases
can persist and eventually spoil a product)
Sistem proses freezing tidak

• In frozen meat, what kind of temperature

should be chosen to thaw it?

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