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Presented by :
Anirudh K
Abhishek P
Bhagyshri P
Gouri K
Faizan M
Suraj P
• Meaning of Motivation: Motivation is derived from "motive", means
idea, need emotion or organic state which promote a man to an
action. Motive is an internal factor that integrates a man's behavior.
As the motive is within the individual, it is necessary to study needs,
emotions, order to motivate him to work. So, motivation is a
process of getting the need of the people realized with a view to
induce them to work for the accomplishment of organizational
objective. Indeed, motivation is nothing but an act of inducement.
• Definition: According to William G. Scout, "Motivation means a
process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals".
Nature of motivation
• Motivation is an internal feeling which influences the human behavior.
• Motivation is affected by way the individual is motivated.
• Motivation results in achieving goals positively in the organization.
• Motivation is related to satisfaction.
• Motivation can be positive and negative.
• Motivation is stronger when it springs from a person's needs which
are consistent with his values.
Importance of Motivation
• It helps the manager to ignite the will to work amongst the workmen.
• Good motivation method helps in improving the abilities and capabilities of the
• Motivation reduces the chances of industrial unrest, strikes and similar labour
• Motivation helps to change the negative or indifferent attitudes of employee to
positive attitudes so as to achieve organizational goals.
• motivation helps to reduce the employee turnover and there by saves the cost
of new recruitment and training.
• motivation helps in reducing the absenteeism in the organization.
What is Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs?
According to Maslow (1943, 1954), human needs were
arranged in a hierarchy, with physiological (survival) needs
at the bottom, and the more creative and intellectually
oriented 'self-actualization' needs at the top.

Role of Maslow’s Hierarchy in management

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is useful in management as it
helps leaders understand the motivations and needs of
their employees. By recognizing which level of need
employees are focused on, managers can tailor their
approach to better support and motivate them.
Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs
Critical Appraisal of Maslow's Theory

• Need can't be in Hierarchy

• Needs are not only the determinants

• Many Needs at the same time

• Different Needs in Different Countries


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