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Factoring Polynomials

Math 8 Q1Wk1-2
Last assigment:
July 09
1. (x3) (x13)
2. (a5b11c21)3
3. (f3)5
4. (-2h2j10)3 / (2hj)
5. {1/(xy5)} {(15y35) / (x24)
Assignment: 20 July 13
Factor completely
a. 9a2 – 4

b. b2 – c2

c. 12d2 – 3e2
Factoring Polynomials
Factors completely different types of polynomials:
Polynomials with common monomial factor
Difference of two squares,
Sum and difference of two cubes,
Perfect square trinomials
General Trinomials
Review of Perfect Square Trinomials
Remember Trinomials?
Give me an example of a trinomial?
Remember Square of Binomials?
Give an example of a Square of Binomial?

What is a perfect square trinomial?

Give me an example of a PST?
Identifying Perfect Square Trinomials (PST)
PST are the reverse of Square of Binomials
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
Example: (2x – 3)2 = (2x)2 + 2(2x)(-3) + (-3)2
= 4x2 - 12x + 9
Therefore, PST have:
1. The first and last term are both squares
2. The middle term is twice the product square root of
the first and last term.
Identifying Perfect Square Trinomials (PST)
Put a check mark after the PST
1. 9x2 - 12x + 4
2. 4b2 + 12b + 4
3. c2 - 10cd + 25d2
4. 2e2 + 4e - 1
5. f4 – 2f2 + 1
Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials (PST)
Since PST are the reverse of Square of Binomials
a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2
Example: 4x2 - 12x + 9 = (2x)2 + 2(2x)(-3) + (-3)2
= (2x – 3)2
Therefore, the factors of PST is the sum or difference
of the square root of the first and last term. If the
middle term is positive get the sum, otherwise, get
the difference.
Factoring Perfect Square Trinomials (PST)
Factor completely.
1. 9x2 - 12x + 4
2. 4b2 + 4b + 1
3. c2 - 10cd + 25d2
4. 2e2 + 4e + 2
5. f4 – 2f2 + 1
Any questions?
Any suggestions?
Factor completely.
1. 25x2 - 20x + 4
2. 4b4 + 4b2 + 1
3. c2 - 6cd + 9d2
4. 2ae2 + 4ae + 2a
5. 4f4 – 12bf2 + 9b2

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