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Cleaning and Sanitation of Poultry

Processing Plant
Poultry Processing Plant
Hygiene and Sanitation Team Requirements
H&S Manager

Food Processing Facility Support services

Supervisor Supervisor

Food Processing Facility

Operator Housing Services Laundry Services Cafeteria Services Factory
(Operator) (Operator) (Operator) Premises(Operator) Arabian Agricultural Services Company 2

Food Processing Facility
• Primary Processing
• Line 1 & 2 Slaughtering process

• Secondary Processing
• Value Added Processing Arabian Agricultural Services Company 3

- Cleaning is a necessary first step because one cannot sanitize a dirty surface.
• T – Time W – Water

• A – Action I – Individual

• C – Concentration N – Nature

• T – Temperature S – Surface

• No matter which kind of cleaning and sanitizing is selected

– CIP or COP, there are basic issues that must be considered Arabian Agricultural Services Company 4

Cleaning Frequency
• Major Cleaning – At the End of Production
• Intermittent cleaning – Every 4 Hours
• (C) Except as specified in ¶ (D) of this section, if used with TIME/TEMPERATURE
• shall be cleaned throughout the day at least every 4 hours.
FDA Food Code 2022 Chapter 4 Equipment, Utensils, and

5.0°C (41°F) or less 24 hours
>5.0°C - 7.2°C
20 hours
(>41°F - 45°F)
>7.2°C - 10.0°C
16 hours
(>45°F - 50°F)
>10.0°C - 12.8°C
10 hours
(>50°F - 55°F) Arabian Agricultural Services Company 5

• Physically clean – all visible dirt / soil / residues have been removed.
Best assessed using white moist wipes.
• Chemically clean – all cleaning material residues have been removed.
• Microbiologically clean – the number of micro-organisms has been
reduced to a level acceptable for human health. This usually involves
the use of disinfectants. Arabian Agricultural Services Company 6

Cleaning and sanitation Process Steps
• Pre-Operational
• Operational
• Post Operational
• Hand over Arabian Agricultural Services Company 7

Step 1: Remove
• Covering all sensitive Parts and Electrical joints
• Dismantling of possible equipment’s &
• Removal of visible solid wastes and debris from
the equipment's & Machines
• Using a lint-free cloth or wipe, physically
remove soil deposits off of food contact surfaces.
- Soils include dirt, gross solids, mineral salts, large
particles, proteins, lubricants and other residues.
Soil removal can also include the use of scrapers,
dry floor push mops, brushes for collecting soil and
dust, dry or low moisture steaming, and
vacuuming. Arabian Agricultural Services Company 8

• When rinsing equipment during this step, use warm (less than 120°
F/48.9° C) potable water. Anything warmer could cause soil and
particles to become adherent to a surface and prevent removal.
• To avoid recontamination issues, using high-pressure hoses is
Operational discouraged since a high-pressure rinse could aerosolize soils and
chemicals onto areas and equipment that have already been
Step 2: Rinse cleaned and sanitized.
• In addition, high-pressure methods could also possibly damage
processing equipment. Arabian Agricultural Services Company 9
• At this point, it is essential to use chemical cleaners intended to
remove fat and protein. In addition, ensure detergents are
properly mixed by looking for dilution rates and contact times
Operational provided by the cleaning product manufacturer. If this
information is not available, reach out to the manufacturer
Step 3: Apply immediately. They should always be ready to help as not
Detergent knowing dilution rates and contact times can be a food safety
risk. Arabian Agricultural Services Company 10

Pre-operational Sanitation – Equipment and Facility Cleaning

• All equipment is disassembled, cleaned, and sanitized before starting production

• Establishment sanitary procedure for cleaning and sanitizing equipment
• Product debris is removed from all equipment.
• b. Equipment is rinsed with water to remove remaining debris.
• c. An approved cleaner is applied to equipment and properly cleaned.
• d. The equipment is reassembled.
• e. Equipment is sanitized with approved sanitizer and rinsed with potable water if appropriate.
• Implementing, Monitoring and Recordkeeping Team Captains perform daily organoleptic sanitation examination after
preoperational equipment cleaning and just before sanitizing and before operations
• begin. The results are recorded on the establishment’s Pre-operational Sanitation
• Form. If found to be acceptable, the appropriate line is checked on the form. If found
• unacceptable, actions taken to restore sanitary conditions is documented on the Preoperational Sanitation Form
Corrective Actions
• When the Team Captains determine that the equipment does not pass organoleptic
• examination, the cleaning procedure and inspections are repeated. The Team
• Captains monitor the cleaning of the equipment and retrain employees if necessary.
• Corrective actions are recorded on the establishment’s Corrective Action Log. Arabian Agricultural Services Company 11

• Cleaning of Facilities including floors, walls, and ceilings
• Cleaning procedures
• 1. Debris is swept up and discarded.
• 2. Facilities are rinsed with potable water.
• 3. Facilities are cleaned with approved cleaner.
• 4. Facilities are rinsed with potable water.
• Cleaning of floors, ceilings, and walls is done at the end of each production day and when needed to maintain sanitary conditions.
• Establishment monitoring
• The Team Captain performs daily organoleptic examination before operations begin.
• Results are recorded on the establishment’s Pre-operational Sanitation Form.
• Corrective action
• When the Team Captain finds that the facilities do not pass organoleptic
• examination, the cleaning procedures and inspections are repeated. The Team
• Captain examines the cleaning of the facilities and retrains employees as needed.
• Corrective actions to prevent direct product contamination or adulteration are
• recorded on a Corrective Action Log. Arabian Agricultural Services Company 12

The efficiency of cleaning and sanitization should be
checked and recorded at routine intervals
• Mechanisms of monitoring and verification of the effectiveness of
cleaning include:
• visual inspection;
• contact microbiological swabs;
• ATP bioluminescence techniques;
• food material and product testing, where identified as potential for
chemical residues to be present in food
• microbiological testing of part‐processed and finished products; and
• microbiological and chemical checks of rinse water. Arabian Agricultural Services Company 13
PPP 2024
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