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Implementation period: 36 months (01/09/2022-31/08/2025)
Project no. 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000086828


Project no. 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000086828

Course 4.1 - Technical Assistance to
Suppliers and Clients in Green Roof

Unit 1 - Project Planning

Unit 2 - Price Tables and Proposal Development for Green Roof


Unit 1 - Project Planning
In this unit will be presented in two different topics the following:
● some advices for a good planning of a green roof projects meeting with suppliers and customers.
● prepare and make site visits
● technical documentations that will be necessary
● ways to make good computer calculations and
● specially designed computer programs and plug-ins for design, 3D and 2D modelling programs
● realizing the documentation for putting in practice of the project

Planning of the project

● advices for a good planning of meeting with suppliers and customers

● prepare and make site visits
● specially designed computer programs and plug-ins for design, 3D and 2D
modelling programs and

Unit 1
Project Documentation for a good project

Planning ● technical documentations that will be necessary

● realizing the documentation for putting in practice of the project
● ways to make good computer calculations

Advices for a good planning of a green roof projects meeting
Planning of Arranging the meetings
Planning a meeting between vendors and customers is a crucial step in building and
the project maintaining strong business relationships. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you plan
such a meeting effectively:

Define the Purpose:

Determine the specific objectives of the meeting. Are you discussing a new project,
reviewing an existing contract, addressing customer concerns, or exploring new
opportunities? Clarify the goals to ensure that the meeting is productive.

Identify Key Participants:

Decide who should be present at the meeting from both the vendor and customer
sides. Ensure that decision-makers and relevant team members are invited to discuss
and make decisions.

Advices for a good planning of a green roof projects meeting
Planning of Set a Date and Time:
Consider everyone's availability and time zones if applicable. Use scheduling tools like
the project Doodle or scheduling apps to find a suitable time that works for all participants.

Select a Location:
Decide whether the meeting will be held in person, virtually (via video conferencing), or
over the phone. Ensure that the chosen platform is reliable and user-friendly for all

Create an Agenda:
Develop a clear and detailed agenda that outlines the topics to be discussed, the time
allocated to each item, and the goals for each topic. Share this agenda with
participants well in advance.

Advices for a good planning of a green roof projects meeting
Planning of Prepare Materials:
Gather any necessary documents, presentations, reports, or data that will be needed
the project for the meeting. Share these materials with participants in advance to allow for review.

Send Invitations:
Send formal invitations to all participants with the meeting details, including date, time,
location (physical or virtual), and a link or phone number for the meeting. Use calendar
invites to make it easy for participants to add the event to their schedules.

Follow Up:
Send reminders a day or two before the meeting to confirm attendance and remind
participants of the agenda and any pre-meeting preparations.

Conduct the Meeting:

On the day of the meeting, start on time, and stick to the agenda. Encourage active
participation, and ensure that all key points are addressed.
Advices for a good planning of a green roof projects meeting
Planning of
Document Meeting Minutes:
the project Assign someone to take notes during the meeting to record important discussions,
decisions, action items, and responsibilities. Share the meeting minutes with all
participants after the meeting.

Address Action Items:

Follow up on action items and responsibilities assigned during the meeting promptly.
This ensures that progress is made, and everyone is held accountable.

Seek Feedback:
After the meeting, gather feedback from both vendors and customers on the
effectiveness of the meeting. Use this input to improve future interactions.

Schedule Follow-up Meetings:

If necessary, schedule follow-up meetings or touchpoints to track progress on action
items or continue discussions. 4
Advices for a good planning of a green roof projects meeting
Planning of
Maintain Communication:
the project Keep the lines of communication open between meetings to build and strengthen the
suppliers - customer relationship.
Efficient communication and collaborative efforts play pivotal roles in fostering
successful suppliers - customer relationships. The adept planning and professional
execution of meetings serve as instrumental tools in attaining this objective, thereby
ensuring mutual benefits for both parties engaged in the partnership.

Arranging the meetings could be time consuming or not!!
Planning of This a 4-step strategy:
• Keep it Short!!
the project → block out a 30 min for the meeting instead an 1 hours or 2 hours
• Keep it Focused!!
→ do not talk about the weather
→ prepare yourself before the meeting
→ put question if you are customer
→ prepare the answer if you are the vendors
• Be Honest!!
→ provide details regarding an upcoming opportunity for service or product
→ most professional salespeople appreciate knowing the details of any
possible opportunity, or lack thereof.
• Share Your Expectations!!
→ continue to communicate
→ express preferences regarding the manner of future communications
→the sales community contribute significantly to organizational operations
→ it is essential to strategize and cultivate robust partnerships with them
Prepare and make site visits means:
Planning of
→ Finding right reporting tool and making reporting easier for your team

the project → Implementing an automated reporting systems

→ Investing in real-time communication

→ Preparing the site visit and taking into account the weather

→ Visit the site and report the actual situation by making photos

→ Request a Project Management Office - PMO

→ Use a Facilitator

→ Conclusions

Prepare and make site visits
Finding right reporting tool and making reporting easier for your team
When engaged in multiple concurrent projects maintaining an overarching
Planning of perspective of your project remains a fundamental practice.
It is crucial to seamlessly monitor the advancement of your project(s),
the project whether you are physically present at the site or situated within an office
Employing an advanced digital tool of high performance can significantly aid
in achieving this objective.

Prior to finalizing your choice of a reporting tool, it is essential to

contemplate the specific information requirements aligned with its usage.
For example, the capability to compute project completion percentages and
identify their geographical locations, such as through postal codes, can
significantly enhance oversight when managing multiple concurrent
construction sites.

Such functionalities ensure a comprehensive understanding of project

progress, facilitating prompt identification of areas necessitating attention.
Leveraging these insights enables the formulation of a well-informed and
streamlined site visit strategy for effective and efficient planning.
Prepare and make site visits
Implementing an automated reporting systems
The capacity to produce daily building reports greatly facilitates the task of
Planning of monitoring construction progress. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that
generating these reports manually can be excessively time-intensive.
the project Consequently, seeking construction software that includes automated progress
report generation becomes an essential feature to consider during the software
selection process.
There are various reporting tools available across different domains and industries
that can be used. Different contexts needs different tools.
Here are some example of the domaine in which reporting tools are necessary:
1. Business Intelligence Tools
2. Project Management Tools
3. Construction Management Tools
4. Financial Reporting Tools
5. Social Media Analytics Tools
These tools are just a selection from the wide array available in their respective
categories and serve diverse reporting needs across industries. Users often select
reporting tools based on their specific requirements, functionalities, ease of use,
and compatibility with existing systems.
Prepare and make site visits
Implementing an automated reporting systems

Planning of 1. Business Intelligence Tools

a. Tableau: Widely used for data visualization and analytics, allowing users to

the project create interactive and shareable dashboards.

b. Power BI: Microsoft's business analytics tool for creating reports and dashboards
with robust data visualization features.
c. QlikView/Qlik Sense: Enables data discovery, offering powerful visualization and
self-service analytics capabilities.

2.Project Management Tools

a. Jira: Known for issue tracking and project management, providing customizable
reporting options.
b. Asana: Offers project tracking and task management with reporting features for
team progress and workload.
c. Trello: Provides boards and cards for project organization, with basic reporting

3.Construction Management Tools

a. Procore: Offers construction project management with reporting capabilities for
tracking progress, safety, and budgeting.
b. PlanGrid: Focuses on construction document management and reporting,
allowing field teams to report progress in real-time.
c. BIM 360: Supports Building Information Modeling (BIM) with reporting features for
project collaboration and coordination. 4
Prepare and make site visits
Implementing an automated reporting systems

Planning of 4. Financial Reporting Tools

a. SAP Crystal Reports: Enables the creation of dynamic and customizable
reports for various data sources.
the project b. QuickBooks: Accounting software that provides financial reports like balance
sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow reports.
c. Xero: Offers online accounting with customizable financial reports for

5.Social Media Analytics Tools

a. Sprout Social: Provides social media management and reporting for tracking
engagement, audience demographics, and campaign performance.
b. Hootsuite: Allows social media scheduling and reporting, presenting analytics
across multiple platforms.
c. Buffer: Offers social media publishing and basic reporting on post performance
and audience engagement.

These tools are just a selection from the wide array available in their respective
categories and serve diverse reporting needs across industries. Users often select
reporting tools based on their specific requirements, functionalities, ease of use, and
compatibility with existing systems.
Prepare and make site visits
Investing in real-time communication
Planning of Ensuring prompt delivery of pertinent information to the designated project members
holds significant importance. This approach instills confidence that during subsequent
the project visits to the construction site, operations will seamlessly adhere to the established
plan. To achieve this objective, reliance on a dependable digital solution becomes
imperative, enabling focus on pivotal project developments.
Given the time-intensive nature of site visits, expending resources on identifying task-
related issues and tracking progress becomes unwarranted. Employing an interactive
Gantt Chart serves as a viable solution, facilitating real-time awareness of any
alterations or developments. Consequently, swift responses to emergent issues
become feasible through efficient task assignment and resource allocation.
Prepare and make site visits
Investing in real-time communication
Planning of Streamlining the flow of information optimizes the construction of a Green Roofs
progress monitoring process, thereby alleviating the challenges associated with site
the project visits.
Illustrated below is a depiction of a LetsBuild Gantt Chart:
Prepare and make site visits
Planning of Preparing the site visit and taking into account the weather
Prior to embarking on an on-site visit, thorough preparation is imperative. Primarily,
the project an examination of reported issues from the preceding week is essential, facilitating
the provision of effective and pragmatic solutions to team members. This
preemptive action ensures informed decision-making upon arrival at the site,
mitigating time constraints typically associated with site visits.

Given the time-intensive nature of site visits, acquiring information regarding recent
occurrences before physically arriving becomes paramount. LetsBuild’s Drilldown
feature offers comprehensive project overviews, enabling the extraction of detailed
reports on tasks within specific time frames. Users can selectively include or
exclude late tasks and milestones, ensuring a focused review of pertinent project

Prepare and make site visits
Preparing the site visit and taking into account the weather
Undoubtedly, weather significantly influences construction operations, potentially
Planning of impacting numerous tasks. Rigorous planning is indispensable to anticipate
weather-related disruptions prior to commencing on-site activities.
the project Unanticipated weather phenomena can necessitate task rescheduling,
underscoring the substantial influence of weather on the construction progress
monitoring process.
Considering this, integrating real-time weather tracking proves beneficial.
Disseminating detailed weather reports to team members equips them with timely
information on sudden changes, facilitating smarter decision-making.
LetsBuild exemplifies automatically generated weather reports, as depicted below:
Prepare and make site visits
Visit the site and report the actual situation by making photos
Planning of
the project Upon completion of the preparatory phase and upon arrival at the site, meticulous
documentation becomes crucial. These observations serve as a foundation for
future analyses, enabling the identification of errors and subsequent adjustments to
the project strategy.
Emphasis should be placed on comprehensive photographic documentation to
ensure a comprehensive repository for monitoring project progress and informing
the design of subsequent phases.
Immediate sharing of these photographs with other project stakeholders
accompanied by relevant comments is recommended.
Utilizing a dependable digital tool significantly aids in the storage and seamless
sharing of images among collaborators, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness
of communication within the project team.
Prepare and make site visits
Request a Project Management Office – PMO
Planning of
Not all construction firms exhibit enthusiasm towards implementing a Project

the project Management Office (PMO) primarily due to concerns regarding associated costs.

Nevertheless, a PMO constitutes a department or group pivotal in facilitating

comprehensive project organization and fostering effective collaboration among
diverse team members.

Among the foremost challenges encountered by a PMO in the construction domain is

the internal introduction and successful implementation of novel processes and
digital tools. This challenge is ubiquitous and pertinent for all project stakeholders,
regardless of whether they operate within an office setting or on-site.

Moreover, a project management office is tasked with formulating efficient and

uncomplicated methodologies that expedite workflow and fortify projects against
unforeseen impediments. Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of a PMO directly
correlates with the ease and efficacy of subsequent site visits. 4
Prepare and make site visits
Use a Facilitator

Planning of
Construction endeavors often entail considerable complexity, involving numerous
the project intricate components necessitating careful consideration. Particularly in the context
of monitoring construction progress, the intricacies intensify, underscoring the
potential challenges inherent in this task. Hence, the designation of a project
facilitator emerges as a prudent strategic maneuver.

The presence of a project facilitator overseeing the intricate details and nuances
within the project landscape enables streamlined and expedited progress tracking.
This individual assumes responsibility for meticulous oversight, facilitating effective
preparation for site visits and alerting stakeholders to pertinent issues requiring
investigation on-site.

Essentially, facilitators serve as mediators, mitigating potential chaos in the routine

operations of project management.

Prepare and make site visits
Planning of
In summary, it is apparent that conducting visits to construction sites presents
the project significant challenges demanding meticulous attention to minutiae. However,
employing a well-structured strategy in conjunction with a dependable digital
solution facilitates the simplification of this process, enabling real-time
monitoring of on-site activities.

Regarding the selection of a reporting tool, our sole recommendation is to opt

for a user-friendly tool easily adaptable by all team members, whether
stationed on-site or in office settings.
Specially designed computer programs and plug-ins for design, 3D and 2D
modelling programs
There are several computer programs, software, and plugins specifically designed for
Planning of creating and developing green roofs within the realm of 3D and 2D modeling.

the project These programs and plugins provide a range of features specifically tailored to aid
architects, landscape designers, and engineers in creating, modeling, and simulating
green roofs, considering factors such as plant selection, stormwater management,
environmental impact, and aesthetics.

Some of those computer programs that can be used in creating and developing the
Green Roofs are: Autodesk Revit, SketchUp, ArchiCAD, Green Roof Designer (GRD),
Rhino + Grasshopper, CAD, Green Building Studio (GBS).

Autodesk Revit: This Building Information Modeling (BIM) software is widely used in
architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries. It offers tools for designing
and modeling green roofs, providing features for accurate representations and

SketchUp: This intuitive 3D modeling software includes various plugins like "Skatter" or
"Lands Design" that facilitate the creation and visualization of green roofs. These plugins
allow users to scatter vegetation and design green spaces effectively.
Specially designed computer programs and plug-ins for design, 3D and 2D
modelling programs
ArchiCAD: Another BIM software tailored for architects and designers that offers
Planning of tools for modeling and designing green roofs. It provides specific functionalities to
create environmentally friendly roof designs.
the project
Green Roof Designer (GRD): This specialized software is explicitly developed for
designing green roofs. It assists in calculating planting schemes, stormwater
management, and other aspects specific to green roof implementation.

Rhino + Grasshopper: Rhino, a versatile 3D modeling software, combined with

Grasshopper, a graphical algorithm editor, can be used with plugins like Ladybug
Tools or Rhinoceros Ecosystem for creating green roof designs. These plugins offer
simulation and analysis tools for environmental aspects of green roofs.

CAD-based tools with plant libraries: Programs like AutoCAD with additional plant
libraries or plugins like AutoCAD Architecture or Vectorworks Landmark offer design
capabilities for green roofs by providing vegetation components and design features.

Green Building Studio (GBS): Part of the Autodesk suite, GBS integrates with Revit
and other design tools to perform energy analysis and simulate the environmental
Documentation for a good project start with a good calculations and a fine
documentation that will contribute to putting in practice of the project.

Documentation forms are commonly used to aid in the planning, design, and implementation stages.
When beginning the process of creating green roofs, several calculation tools and

for a good These tools help in assessing various factors and parameters essential for green
roof construction.

project 1. Load Calculation Tools:

a. Structural Load Calculators: These tools help determine the load-bearing
capacity of the building structure to support the weight of the green roof
system, soil, plants, and additional components.
b. Live Load and Dead Load Calculations: Calculating live loads (e.g., people
walking on the roof) and dead loads (weight of the green roof materials)
ensures the roof structural integrity.
2. Stormwater Management and Drainage Calculators:
a. Runoff and Rainwater Harvesting Calculators: Assess the roof's ability to
manage stormwater runoff and calculate the potential for rainwater
b. Drainage Design Calculators: Aid in designing effective drainage systems to
prevent water accumulation and ensure proper water flow on the green roof.
3. Energy Performance Calculators:
a. Energy Efficiency Calculators: Estimate the impact of green roofs on

Documentation building energy consumption by analyzing factors such as insulation, thermal

performance, and reduction of heat gain/loss.

for a good b. Cooling and Heating Load Calculators: Assess the effect of green roofs on
reducing building cooling loads in summer and heating loads in winter.

project 4. Biodiversity and Ecology Assessment Tools:

a. Biodiversity Impact Assessments: Tools to evaluate the potential impact of
green roofs on local biodiversity and ecology, considering factors like plant
species selection and wildlife habitat creation.
5. Plant Selection Guides and Calculators:
a. Plant Database and Selection Tools: Assist in selecting appropriate
vegetation species based on factors such as climate, water requirements,
maintenance needs, and aesthetic considerations.
6. Cost Estimation and Return on Investment (ROI) Calculators:
a. Cost Calculators: Estimate the initial costs of installing and maintaining
green roofs, including materials, labor, and ongoing upkeep.
b. ROI Calculators: Assess the return on investment and potential long-term
savings associated with installing green roofs in terms of energy efficiency,
reduced stormwater runoff, and increased roof lifespan.
for a good These calculation tools and forms play crucial roles in the initial phases of creating
green roofs by helping assess structural, environmental, economic, and ecological

project aspects.

They aid designers, architects, engineers, and building owners in making informed
decisions throughout the planning and implementation process.
Documentation Documentation for implementing a Green Roof project refers to the
comprehensive set of records, plans, reports, and guidelines created and
for a good compiled throughout the planning, design, construction, and maintenance
phases of the project. This documentation serves as a vital reference and
project guideline for stakeholders involved in the implementation of the green roof.

Documentation for implementing a green roof project serves as a

comprehensive guidebook, facilitating effective communication, coordination,
and adherence to established standards and guidelines. It ensures that the
project is executed in accordance with the planned design, regulatory
requirements, and best practices, promoting successful implementation and
long-term sustainability of the green roof.

Typically documentation for implementing a green roof project are:

Documentation Design Plans: Detailed plans illustrating the layout, structure, and components of the
green roof, including plant selection, drainage systems, irrigation, substrate

for a good materials, and waterproofing details.

project Specifications and Standards: Documentation outlining the specific materials,

installation procedures, quality standards, and compliance requirements necessary
for the green roof's construction and maintenance.

Technical Reports: Reports detailing feasibility studies, structural analyses, load

calculations, stormwater management strategies, energy performance assessments,
and environmental impact assessments related to the green roof project.

Contract and Legal Documentation: Contracts, agreements, and legal documents

between involved parties, including contractors, suppliers, and project stakeholders,
outlining responsibilities, timelines, and obligations.
Documentation Permits and Approvals: Documentation related to obtaining necessary permits,
licenses, and approvals from local authorities or regulatory bodies for installing and

for a good maintaining the green roof.

project Maintenance and Operation Manuals: Manuals providing guidelines, schedules,

and procedures for ongoing maintenance, care, and management of the green roof
after installation, including irrigation, pruning, pest control, and regular inspections.

Safety Plans: Documentation detailing safety protocols, risk assessments, and

emergency procedures to ensure the safety of workers and individuals involved
during the construction and maintenance of the green roof.

Training and Education Materials: Materials providing training and educational

resources for individuals responsible for managing and maintaining the green roof,
including workshops, guides, and informational documents.

1. Meeting with Vendors: Develop a 4-Step Strategy! | LinkedIn
2. Top 10 tips for successful construction site visits|Top 10 tips for successful construction site visits - LetsBuild

Unit 2 - Price Tables and Proposal Development for
Green Roof Projects
In this unit will be presented in two different topics the following:
● introduction of new products
● estimative cost calculations
● laboratory tests for construction buildings/applied soil?
● simulations with computer program
● site visits

New products and estimative cost calculations
Unit 2 ● estimative cost calculations

Price Tables ● laboratory tests for construction buildings/applied soil

● introduction of new products
and Proposal
for Green Roof Simulation on computer. Case studies

Projects ● simulations with computer program

● case studies

How much does a Green Roof project cost?
New products
To distinguish the costs of green roofs, it is essential to understand that these values
and estimative can vary considerably, being influenced by the specifics of each project.
In Portugal, the costs associated with the installation of green roofs can vary
cost considering two main factors: the type of roof and the quality of the system chosen by

calculations the client. According to estimates, the creation of an extensive green roof, which
typically involves low-maintenance plants, falls in the range of €60 to €140 per
square meter (VAT not included). On the other hand, an intensive green roof, which
may include more complex plants and require advanced systems, can range from €90
to €300 per square meter (VAT not included). These values are indicative averages
and may vary based on various considerations, including project specifications, local
conditions, and material choices.

The price variation in green roof projects results from a complex interplay of elements, including
project complexity, the quality of materials and systems used, local environmental conditions, and

New products applicable regulatory guidelines. For example:

and estimative ● Type of Green Roof: As mentioned in the text, the primary distinction occurs between extensive
and intensive green roofs. Extensive roofs are typically simpler, with low-maintenance plants,

cost while intensive roofs may include more complex plants and elements such as trees. The project's
complexity influences the cost.

calculations ● Quality of the System: Not all green roof systems are the same. Some systems may be more

advanced, durable, or effective in terms of thermal insulation and water retention. The quality of

the system chosen for the project can have a significant impact on the price.

● Local conditions, including climate, sun exposure, and water availability, can influence costs, as

well as site-specific factors like accessibility, material transportation considerations, and travel

time to the construction site.

Therefore, it is essential to consider these aspects when designing and budgeting a green roof project.

How much does it cost to build/implement a Green Roof?
New products
Labor costs can vary depending on the location and the availability of qualified professionals for

and estimative green roof installation. This variation is due to differences in the supply of competent specialists in

the field. In Portugal, the average labor cost for installing a green roof is €74.75. However, it's
cost important to consider other factors such as the technician's travel time to the construction site (in

hours), meal allowance, travel mileage, and parking.

Case Study in Porto, Portugal

Extensive Green Roof

The estimated cost for the installation of an extensive and flat green roof in the city of Porto ranges

from €110/m2 to €140/m2 (excluding VAT). This cost covers the supply, transportation, and

installation of all necessary structural elements, including the WSF40 root barrier, SSM45 protection

and absorption mat, FD25 drainage element, SF system filter, 10 cm thick substrate, irrigation

system, and Sedum mat.

Case Study in Porto, Portugal

New products
Intensive Green Roof

and estimative The estimated cost for the installation of an intensive and flat green roof in the city of Porto ranges

from €250/m2 to €300/m2 (excluding VAT). This cost includes the supply, transportation, and
cost installation of all necessary structural elements, which include the WSB100-PO root barrier, ISM50

calculations retention and protection mat, FD60 drainage element, TG separation filter, 50 cm thick substrate,

irrigation system, and the plant material, along with the anchoring system for trees.

Gathering detailed information about the materials to be implemented, including their quantity and

specifications, is essential. Additionally, it's crucial to consider the costs mentioned earlier. However,

it's important to emphasize that these values represent indicative estimates and are subject to

significant variations. These variations may be related to factors such as cost savings or expenses due

to the project's scale, as well as logistical issues, such as access to the roof and the means for

distributing materials on-site.

Estimated Costs and Maintenance Management of a Green Roof

New products The frequency and intensity of maintenance for a green roof vary considerably depending

and estimative on the type of roof and the specificities of each project, which should be assessed
individually. In the case of extensive green roofs, approximately 4 annual visits are
generally required after the installation period. Intensive green roofs, on the other hand,
cost require maintenance similar to that of a garden.

calculations However, it's important to consider the cost of decade-long maintenance, which, in
the first 10 years, averages around €84.49.

Introduction of new products
Since January 2022, several innovative products have emerged in the field of Green

New products Roofs aimed at enhancing sustainability, performance, and ease of installation.
Continued innovation within the Green Roof industry aims to address sustainability
and estimative challenges, improve performance, and enhance the overall functionality and benefits
of green roofs in urban environments.
cost Some of the newer products that were gaining attention within the green roof
industry are:
calculations 1. Advanced Growing Mediums and Substrates: Manufacturers have developed
specialized lightweight growing media and substrates engineered for optimal
plant growth, water retention, and root support while reducing overall weight on
roof structures.
2. Modular Green Roof Systems: Pre-manufactured modular Green Roof systems
consisting of interconnected modules or trays containing pre-grown vegetation,
which simplify installation, improve coverage, and offer flexibility for roof designs.
3. Smart Irrigation Systems: Innovative irrigation technologies integrated into
Green Roofs, such as sensor-based systems and smart controllers, allowing for
precise and efficient water management based on real-time weather conditions
and plant needs, thereby reducing water waste. 4
Introduction of new products

New products
4. Energy-Efficient Waterproofing Membranes: Development of waterproofing
and estimative membranes with improved energy efficiency properties, such as reflective or
cool roof membranes, to minimize heat absorption and reduce cooling loads for
cost buildings.

calculations 5. Bioengineered Vegetation and Sedum Mats: Research and development of

bioengineered vegetation and sedum mats tailored for specific climates and
environmental conditions, offering enhanced biodiversity, resilience, and
aesthetic appeal.

6. Green Roof Maintenance and Monitoring Systems: Implementation of

monitoring technologies and software solutions for remote monitoring and
management of green roofs, allowing for real-time tracking of plant health,
moisture levels, and overall system performance.

Introduction of new products
New products
and estimative 7. Innovative Drainage Solutions: Introduction of advanced drainage layers and
systems designed to improve water retention, reduce runoff, and enhance

cost stormwater management capabilities within green roofs.

calculations 8. Recyclable and Sustainable Materials: Increased focus on using recycled and
sustainable materials in green roof components, such as recycled plastic
modules, sustainable vegetation substrates, and eco-friendly growing media.

9. Solar-Powered Green Roof Components: Integration of solar-powered

elements within green roofs, such as solar panels or solar roof tiles combined
with green roofing systems, to harness renewable energy while promoting
environmental benefits.

Simulating a new green roof project on a computer involves using specialized
software and tools to model various aspects of the project. Simulation of a green
Simulation on roof project on a computer enables thorough analysis, prediction of performance,
and informed decision-making before actual implementation. It helps in optimizing
computer. the design, ensuring functionality, and maximizing the environmental benefits of

Case studies the green roof.

Such simulations can be conducted by following this steps:

1.Selecting Design Software: Choose software tailored for green roof design
and simulation. Programs like Autodesk Revit, SketchUp with relevant plugins
(such as Skatter or Lands Design), or specialized green roof design software can
be utilized.
2.Collecting Site Data: Gather site-specific data including the building's structure,
dimensions, slope, orientation, climate conditions, local weather patterns, and
environmental factors that could impact the green roof's performance.
3.Creating the 3D Model: Use the selected software to create a detailed 3D
model of the building or structure where the green roof will be installed. Ensure
accuracy in representing the existing conditions and structures.
Simulation on 4.Designing the Green Roof Components: Design the green roof components
computer. within the software, including the vegetation layers, drainage systems, growing
medium, irrigation setups, and structural elements. Incorporate diverse plant
Case studies species and understand their growth requirements.

5.Simulating Performance Factors:

a.Stormwater Management: Use simulation tools to analyze the green roof's
capacity to manage stormwater runoff, predict water retention, and simulate
rainwater harvesting capabilities.
b.Energy Efficiency: Simulate the energy efficiency of the green roof by
analyzing its impact on building temperature, heat gain/loss, insulation, and
overall building energy performance.
c.Biodiversity and Ecology: Simulate the potential impact on local
biodiversity and ecological benefits by integrating specific vegetation types
and habitat features.
Simulation on
computer. 6. Designing the Green Roof Components: Design the green roof components
within the software, including the vegetation layers, drainage systems, growing
Case studies medium, irrigation setups, and structural elements. Incorporate diverse plant
species and understand their growth requirements.
7.Simulating Performance Factors:
a.Stormwater Management: Use simulation tools to analyze the green roof's
capacity to manage stormwater runoff, predict water retention, and simulate
rainwater harvesting capabilities.
b.Energy Efficiency: Simulate the energy efficiency of the green roof by analyzing
its impact on building temperature, heat gain/loss, insulation, and overall building
energy performance.
c.Biodiversity and Ecology: Simulate the potential impact on local biodiversity
and ecological benefits by integrating specific vegetation types and habitat
8.Assessing Structural Load: Evaluate the structural load-bearing capacity of
Simulation on the building to determine if it can support the weight of the green roof system and

computer. the additional load of soil, plants, and other components.

9.Analyzing Environmental Impact: Use the simulation to assess the green
Case studies roof's environmental impact, such as its potential to reduce the urban heat island
effect, improve air quality, and mitigate carbon emissions.
10.Optimizing Design and Functionality: Iteratively refine the green roof design
based on simulation results. Adjust parameters like plant selection, irrigation
strategies, and drainage systems to optimize performance and functionality.
11.Generating Reports and Documentation: Document simulation results,
analysis, and design decisions. Create reports summarizing the projected
performance, environmental benefits, and cost-effectiveness of the proposed
green roof.
12.Presenting Findings and Recommendations: Use the simulation data and
reports to present findings to stakeholders, architects, engineers, and clients to
facilitate informed decision-making regarding the implementation of the green
roof project.
1. (7) Meeting with Vendors: Develop a 4-Step Strategy! | LinkedIn
2. Top 10 tips for successful construction site visits|Top 10 tips for successful construction site visits - LetsBuild

3. Palha, P; Franca, José Vila (2020). Guia Técnico para Coberturas Verdes. ANCV / Palha, P; Franca, José Vila (2020). Technical
Guide for Green Roofs. ANCV.

In case of doubt, consult the Technical Guide for the design, construction, and maintenance of Green Roofs released by the ANCV (National Green Roof
Association) with the support of the Order of Engineers, Central Region. (https://www.greenroofs.pt/pt/guia-tecnico)

Implementation period: 36 months (01/09/2022-31/08/2025)
Project no. 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000086828

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the
author(s) only and do not necessarily reflectthose of the European Union or the
European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European
Union norEACEA can be held responsible for them.

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