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Early Forms of Punishment
Primitive Time
Blood feud
-ancient culture developed the idea of justice
based on vengeance, retribution and
-When a crime is committed, the victim is
expected to dole out the justice with his own
-Punishment was carried out by the victim-
personally, along with the help provided by
ones family.
-The offender will seek refuge to his family and
friends; as a result of this system, blood feuds
Lex Taliones
-it is important to remember that these
formulations were codes, not laws.
-Functionally; the system of social
control was quite simple.
-On a practical basis, personal
retribution by the victim was still the
dominant methods of control.
The Medieval Punishment
-like ancient forerunners medieval
Europeans were very brutal in the
exercise of punishment such as the
three brutal and ruthless medieval
forms of punishment.
Iron Maiden
-is a box-like device
with the front half
hinged like a door so
that a person could
be placed inside:
-when the door was
shut, protruding
spikes both the back
and front entered the
body of the victim.
The rack

-a kind of a
device that
drags apart
the joints
in the feet
and hands.
The Tower of London
-originally built as a
fortress for the
defense of the city.
-This is a famous
symbol for such a
cruel punishment.
-Where the rack
stretched its victims,
this machine
compressed the body
of the victims.
Banishment and Exile

-serious offenders
were transported to
banishment or exile.
-Banishment was
considered an
appropriate response
to misbehavior even in
modified form.
Definition and History of Correction

- a branch of Criminal Justice
System concerned with the
custody, supervision, and
rehabilitation of criminal
Correction and Criminal Justice System
-The Criminal Justice System is the
machinery of any government in
the control and prevention of
crimes and criminality.
-It is composed of five components
or pillars: Law Enforcement,
Prosecution, Court , Correction,
and the Community Pillar.
Correction as a Process
-is the orientation of the criminal
offenders to prevent them from
repeating their delinquent actions
without the necessity of taking punitive
action, but rather an introduction of
individual measures for reformation.
-is an institution for the confinement of persons
who have been convicted by final judgment by
the court in which the penalty is more than 3
-The word prison was found its root from the
Greco Roman word Presidio from the word “pre”
means before and “sidio” means inside.
-The coined term presidio is synonymous to a
Fence, cave and or dungeon.
-The word presidio started in the reign of King
Hammurabi of Babylon in 1729 BC.
The Gulag of Banaue
-the term gulag of Igorot tribes refers to
where the refuse is dumped.
-In simple term, a garbage heap, usually
found in the mountain creek or a
-It has wooden fence where criminals
were imprisoned.
The Gulag in Germany
-in the history of prison, an
intriguing arise whether this
infamous Gulag prisons of
“Aleksandr Solzhenisyn” in
Germany was the place where
thousands of Jews were
slaughtered during the reign of
Adolf Hitler
The Gulag of Russia
-The term Gulag of Russia was given the
appellation of insane prison because even if
the prisoners survived death, certainly they
will become insane.
-History records that millions of prisoners
died from cold, disease, malnutrition, and
summary executions.
-After the reign of Stalin, the gulag camp was
dismantled, but force labor continued in
Soviet period.
The Worlds worst infamy Prisons
Bastille Prisons
-a fortress prison in France;
-Bastille was a symbol of royal absolutism
before the French revolution in 1370.
-Originally, it was intended to augment the cities
-In 17th century, it was used as prisons were
hundreds of political prisoners were tortured
and executed.
-The known political leaders who were
imprisoned in bastille prisons, were Voltaire
and Marquis de Sade, who were victims of
ruthless persecutions.
Alcatraz Prison
-it is an Island in San Francisco bay.
-It is the site of infamous prison noted for its
inhuman treatment and tortures.
-In the year 1933, it became a federal prison
and it was considered as escape proof because
of its fortress-like structure and the cold
currents in the surrounding waters.
-The Alcatraz prison was closed in 1963 not for
the reason that there was an escape committed
but because of its high cost maintenance.
Sachsenhausen Prison
-built in 1939 outside the Berlin proper
as Germany’s concentration camps for
dreaded Nazi’ss SS elite force.
-Its notoriety became famous when it
was transformed into gas chambers
wherein by conservative estimates more
than hundred thousands people died
mostly of Jew's descent.
Auschwitz Prison
- built by German near Cracow
- It was popularly known as the
death camp headed by Rudolf
-More than two millions innocent
victims perished either by torture,
mayhem or gas chamber in this
famous dreaded concentration
Toul Sleng Prison
-one of the most notorious prisons in
Cambodia that even humbled the
killing field in Battambang Province.
-It looks like a mountain-size file of
human skull and bones.
-A grim reminder of the dreaded reign
of polpot.
Insein Prison
-situated in Rangoon Burma, Now Myanmar.
-At the height of political offenders unrest the
country’s stability was under siege.
-The Insein Prison is a pygmy in size compared
with the other prisons in western countries,
but it became the focus of world attention
when political dissents were placed behind

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