Solar and Biomass Chapter Ppt

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Prof.Ankit k patel Electrical Engineering

Solar and Biomass based Power Plants
• Living

organism has been

utilizing the solar

energy forSolar energy

has come in to

existence since the

birth of the universe. Image source :


• the last millions of

• Solar power is pollution free and causes no greenhouse gases to be
emitted after installation.
• Reduced dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels.
• Renewable clean power that is available every day of the year, even
cloudy days produce some power.
• Return on investment unlike paying for utility bills.
• Virtually no maintenance as solar panels last over 30 years.
• Creates jobs by employing solar panel manufacturers, solar installers,
etc. and in turn helps the economy.
Disadvantages of SOLAR POWER PLANT

•High initial costs for material and installation and long ROI
(however, with the reduction in cost of solar over the last 10 years,
solar is becoming more cost feasible every day)
• Needs lots of space as efficiency is not 100% yet
• No solar power at night so there is a need for a large battery bank
• Some people think they are ugly (I am definitely not one of those!)
• Devices that run on DC power directly are more expensive
• Depending on geographical location the size of the solar panels vary
for the same power generation.
• Sun is the large of fire having diameter of 1.39x 〖 10 〗 ^9 m.
Due to the large pressure and temperature in the core.

• fusion atoms of hydrogen occur and helium atoms are produced.

This result in release of tremendous amount of energy.

• As a result of this the temperature of the core of the sun is

156x 〖 10 〗 ^5K and that of the surface is 5800 K. Due to this

temperature, there is radiation of energy in the form of

electromagnetic radiation from the sun.

• This radiation is in the space in the form of photons i.e. in
the form of small packets with the speed of 3x 〖 10 〗 ^8meters
per second.
• This photon energy is converted into heat, chemical or electrical
• The diameter of the earth is of 1.32x 〖 10 〗 ^7m and that of the sun
is of 1.39x 〖 10 〗 ^9m.

• This means that the diameter of the earth is much less compared to
that of the sun. Also the distance between them is much more, i.e.
of 1.495x11m. As a result of this the radiation coming from the sun
is almost parallel.
Global radiation
• The radiation passes
through the atmosphere before
reaching to the earth surface.
Scattering and absorption occur
during this. Due to this the amount
of radiation received by the earth
surface is reduced.
• The intensity of radiation or the
spectrum irradiance is plotted on
the Y axis and it is shown in W/m2
/µm. The wave length is taken in nm
and is plotted on the X axis. The
smooth curve shows the extra-
terrestrial radiation while the zigzag
• When the earth is at the
mean distance from the sun, the
radiation received on per meter
square surface perpendicular to
the radiation is called the solar
constant or the solar density. Its
value is taken as 1353 W/m2.
• The variation in the solar
constant due to the changes in
the distance is given by the
following equations.
• H = Hc ( 1 + 0.033 cos 360 n/365)

• Where, H = Radiation received on the surface of the atmosphere on

the day
• Hc = Solar constant 1353 W/m2
• n = Numbers of the days up to the day starting from 1

• For example, for 15th January, n = 15 and for March 20, n =

(31+28+10) = 69.

• Let us find the radiation received on 10th April.


• n = (January 31 + February 28 + March 31 + April 10) = 100

• H = Hc ( 1 + 0.033 cos 360 n/365)

• = 1353(1+0.033 cos 360x100/365)

= 1353 x 0.995

= 1346.2 W/m2

• Before working on the solar technology based project like solar

heating system, power generation etc.,

• it is necessary to obtain the information about the available solar

radiation on that place throughout the year.

• It is also necessary for the study of the changes in the

atmosphere, for weather forecasting, for the study of the
evaporation of the water surface, for the study of the ultraviolet
rays etc.
Principles of measurement of solar radiation
• Sensors working on the effect of the solar radiation are used
in the solar radiation measuring equipment's.
• The sensors operate on the following principles.

• Calorimeter principle
• Thermo-mechanical (thermo-expansion)
• Thermo-electric (thermo couple ) principle
• Photo electric (photo voltaic ) principle
• Solar concentration principle
• Solar energy collector absorbs the solar radiation and the
transfers the heat
to the liquid in it contact.
• This increase the heat energy of the fluid. This heat energy is
used as per the
• Solar energy collectors
• (a) Flat plate or Non concentrating collectors
• 1. Liquid collector
• 2. Air collector
• (b) Focusing or concentrating collectors
• 1.Line focusing
• - Parabolic trough
• - Fresnel lens
• - Winston collector
• 2. Point focusing collector
• - Parabolic dish
• - Heliostatic type
• There are mainly two types of solar energy
• 1. Flat plate type or non concentrating type
• 2. Focusing type or concentrating type
• In this type there are two

• 1. Line focusing type

a) Parabolic trough collector
b) Fresnel lens collector
c)Winston collector
• 2. Point focusing type
a) Parabolic dish type
b) Heliostate type
• IN this a flat wooden or metal box of size 29 mx 1.7 m is used.
• Insulation made of fiber glass or Styrofoam is provided at the bottom of the
• An absorber plate is kept above this. It is made of galvanized or aluminium.
• Its thickness is 0.5 mm to 10 mm. It is painted non reflecting type black colour.
• this plate, heat transporting tubes made of copper, brass or aluminium having
10 mm to 20 mm diameter are provided.
• Tubes are joined to the inlet header one side and to the outlet header on the
other side, ne space is left over the absorber and one or two transparent glass
sheets are kept above the absorber. Normally the flat plate collector is kept in
slant position.

⮚ In this there are two types.

1. Line focusing type and

2. Point focusing type

⮚ In line focusing type, the solar radiation is concentrated on the long pipe. Fluid
passing through the pipe absorbs the solar radiation and becomes hot.

In point focusing type, solar radiation is concentrated on a small receiver. This
type of concentrator is employed when high temperatures are required to be
focusing type concentrator
⮚ This type of collector includes the following subtypes.
⮚ Parabolic trough collector
⮚ Fresnel lens collector and
⮚ Winston collector Parabolic trough collector

⮚ Parabolic trough collector

• In this a trough of length 3 to 5 m having width of 1.3 to 2.4 m is used as
reflector. On the inside surface, polished aluminium or silvered glass or a film of
aluminium plastic is provided as the reflecting surface.

• Treated steel pipe is used as the solar radiation absorber. Another steel pipe is
kept inside this pipe. The heat absorbing fluid flows through the space between
these pipes. So be cross sectional area decreases which results in increased rate
of heat transfer.
focusing type concentrator
focusing type concentrator
⮚ This type of collector includes the following subtypes.
⮚ Parabolic trough collector
⮚ Fresnel lens collector and
⮚ Winston collector Parabolic trough collector

⮚ Parabolic trough collector

• In this a trough of length 3 to 5 m having width of 1.3 to 2.4 m is used as
reflector. On the inside surface, polished aluminium or silvered glass or a film of
aluminium plastic is provided as the reflecting surface.

• Treated steel pipe is used as the solar radiation absorber. Another steel pipe is
kept inside this pipe. The heat absorbing fluid flows through the space between
these pipes. So be cross sectional area decreases which results in increased rate
of heat transfer.
focusing type concentrator
⮚ To reduce the heat loss due to the convection and radiation, the absorber is
kept i glass jacket. Vacuum is produced in the space between the glass jacket
and the absoter pipe which reduces the convection loss.
⮚ The diameter of the absorber is about 30 mm nd that of the jacker is 50 mm.
Absorber pipe is placed at the focus of the concave surface Solar radiation falls
on the concave surface and from that surface it is reflected and concentr over
the absorber pipe.
⮚ This increases the temperature of the fluid flowing through the absorte
Required numbers of units are connected in series-parallel to increase the
temperature This is also a focusing type collector but in this photo refraction
principle is used insted the reflection principle.
⮚ In trough type collector, lens is provided on the upper side. Its lent m and the
width is I m. Lenses are made of the acrylic plastic.
Fresnel lens collector
⮚ The absorber tube is kept at the bottom. The outer surface of the absorber is
part black. A steel pipe is provided in the absorber tube. Heat transport fluid
flows through D space between these two pipes.
Winston collector
⮚ This is the line focusing type
collector Light reflection principle is
used in this The cross section of the
trough is parabolic in shape.
⮚ Its inner surface is reflective.
⮚ Absorber tube is placed at the
focus. Solar radiation falls on the
inner reflective surface, gets
reflected and focuses on the
absorber so the temperature of the
fluid increases. Temperature of
100°C to 150°C can be obtained.
Point focusing type collector:

This includes the following types

1. Parabolic dish type and

2. 2 Heliostat type Parabolic dish type point focusing collector:

⮚ IT is also called the dish type collector. About 200 mirrors are placed over the
metal dish 6.6 m in diameter to form the parabolic surface, The solar radiation
falls over the mirrors concentrates at the focus after reflection.
⮚ The absorber is made of the alloy of copper And zirconium.
⮚ Black coating is done over the absorber. The heat transport fluid enters the
absorber at one end and leaves from the other end after getting heated.
Point focusing type collector:
⮚ Arrangement is done to shift
the position of the dish with the
change in position of the sun. In
solar concentrator, the ratio of
the area of the concentrator to
that of the absorber is called
the concentration ratio.
⮚ In such type of collector, the
value of this ratio is more Due
to this the high temperature is
Heliostat type collector:

⮚ This is also a focusing type collector. In this many mirrors are arranged on
ground in parabolic shape. Each mirror is called the heliostat.
⮚ Arrangement is made to shift the position of the mirror with the change in
position of the sun. An absorber painted black is placed in the middle on high
⮚ The reflected radiation is concentrated on the absorber.
⮚ The temperature of the water in the absorber increases due to the heat and nit
is converted in to steam Temperature of about 200° C is available.
⮚ This type of collector is employed for electrical power generation.
Heliostat type collector:
Fixed reflector and moving absorber type collector :

⮚ In this type of collector the

reflector is the spherical
⮚ It is kept fixed in definite
position. The reflected beam
of solar radiation moves from
east to west with the changing
position of the sun.
⮚ The arrangement is done to
move the absorber
accordingly so that it always
faces the reflected beam.
• A photovoltaic (PV) cell is an
energy harvesting technology,
• converts solar energy into useful
electricity through a process
called the
photovoltaic effect.
• There are several different types
of PV cells which all use
semiconductors to interact with
incoming photons from the Sun
in order to generate an electric
Characteristic of solar cell
• The e.m.f. generated by the photo-voltaic cell in the open circuit, i.e. when
no current is drawn from it is denoted by VOC (V-open circuit).
• This is the maximum value of e.m.f.. When a high resistance is
introduced in the external circuit a small current flows through it and the
voltage decreases.
• The voltage goes on falling and the current goes on increasing as the
resistance in the external circuit is reduced.
• When the resistance is reduced to zero the current rises to its
maximum value known as saturation current and is denoted as ISC, the
voltage becomes zero.
• A V-I characteristic of a photovoltaic cell is shown in Fig. 1b. The
product of open circuit voltage VOC and short circuit current ISC is known a
ideal power. Ideal Power = VOC × ISC
Characteristic of solar cell
• The maximum useful power is
the area of the largest rectangle
that can be formed under the V-I
curve. If Vm and Im are the
values of voltage and current
under this condition, then
Maximum useful power = Vm ×
Im The ratio of the maximum
useful power to ideal power is
called the fill factor Fill factor =
Characteristic of solar cell
Solar panel
• In a solar panel required numbers of solar modules are connected in
series depending upon the voltage required.
• Then such groups are connected in parallel as per the current required.
These are connected by the link connection.
• This arrangement is called the solar panel. Its rating is in W or kW.
• When more power is required, many solar panels are connected in
• This is called the solar array. Voltage of the solar array is that of the
solar panel
Solar array

• Types of PV solar cells :

• 1. Silicon solar cell

• 2. Calcium sulphide - copper sulphide cell
• 3. Gallium arsenide solar cell
• 4. Cadmium telluride solar cell
• 5. Metal insulator semi conductor solar cell
• 1. Solar array
• With the help of solar array the solar energy is converted in to electrical
energy in the D.C. form.
• 2. Storage batteries
• Solar power is available only during the day time and when there is
bright sun light. Storage batteries are required to get power during the
night hours batteries get changed during the day time
• 3. Power conditioning sub system
• If the power is required in the D.C. form the load can be fed power
directly from the solar PV system. But if A.C. power is needed, D.C. is
converted in to A.C. with the help of inverters
• Stand alone PV system
• 2. Grid interacting system
• 3. Hybrid system
• Advantages :
• 1. Solar energy is directly converted in to electrical energy.
• 2. There is good reliability
• 3. The life is long
• 4. There is no requirement of fuel or its transportation
• 5. There is no maintenance except that of batteries
• Disadvantages :

• 1. Initial cost is high

• 2. There is need of the energy storage system
• 3. The plant can work only when there is presence of sun

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