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A family business
Lesson objectives
• Learn how to use possessive adjectives

• Learn numbers from 11-100

• Learn about word stress: numbers

• Talk about possession

• Learn how to use linkers and, but

Write the numbers next to the words.

eleven ______ twelve ______ sixteen ______

nineteen ______ Fifteen ______ eighteen ______

twenty ______ Fourteen ______ seventeen ______

thirteen ______

Listen and repeat the numbers in order. (2.6)

Complete the numbers.

30 thirty 60 sixty 90 ____

40 forty 70 ____ 100 a hundred

50 fifty 80 ____

Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. (2.7)

Complete the numbers.

30 thirty 60 sixty 90 ninety

40 forty 70 seventy 100 a hundred

50 fifty 80 eighty

Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. (2.7)

Listen and underline the stressed syllable. Then listen and repeat. (2.8)

forty fourteen seventy seventeen

fifty fifteen eighty eighteen

sixty sixteen ninety nineteen

Listen and write the numbers. (2.9)

Listen and underline the stressed syllable. Then listen and repeat. (2.8)

forty fourteen seventy seventeen

fifty fifteen eighty eighteen

sixty sixteen ninety nineteen

Listen and write the numbers. (2.9)

1. 87 4. 57 7. 28
2. 82 5. 93 8. 11
3. 12 6. 39
Write the names and ages of four friends or people in your family. Then ask
and answer about these people.

A: Eloise is my mother.

B: How old is she?

A: She’s fifty-three.

B: How do spell Eloise?

A: It’s E-L-O-I-S-E.
Read the text and complete the information.
Business Where? Good things
1 restaurant small,
Read the text and complete the information.
Business Where? Good things
1 restaurant Washington, D.C. small, friendly, the food is
2 Fish shop Sydney, Australia The fish is the best in the
3 supermarket Bath, England It’s open 24/7
Complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, its, out, their. Then check your answers
in the texts above.

1. The restaurant manager is Antonia Donati. _____sons, Marco and Fabio, are pizza chefs

and____friend Leonardo is a waiter.

2. “Come and visit. It’s the perfect place for____Pizza.”

3. She says, It’s a real family business. ____father is here from four o’clock in the morning.”

4. ____Husband isn’t in the family business.

5. Star Supermarket is in the centre of Bath, England, and _____doors are open 24/7.

6. ____shop is a family business,” says Dana.

Complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, its, out, their. Then check your answers
in the texts above.

1. The restaurant manager is Antonia Donati. Their sons, Marco and Fabio, are pizza chefs

and their friend Leonardo is a waiter.

2. “Come and visit. It’s the perfect place for your pizza.”

3. She says, It’s a real family business. My father is here from four o’clock in the morning.”

4. Her husband isn’t in the family business.

5. Star Supermarket is in the centre of Bath, England, and its doors are open 24/7.

6. ‘Our shop is a family business,” says Dana.

Complete the table. Use the sentences in the previous exercise to help.

Subject pronoun Possessive adjective

I My

You _____

____ His

She _____

It _____

_____ Our

They ______
Possessive adjectives: my/your/his/her/its/our/their
Underline the correct alternative.

The family business is in Spain and the manager is a woman. (1) His/her name is

Cristina. (2) His/her husband David is the receptionist and chef. David isn’t happy

in (3) his/my job. (4) Our/Their business is in a very beautiful place near a beach.

Cristina says, “(5) Our/Its name is “La Perla”. Come and visit. It’s a great place for

(6) their/your holiday. (7) Our/Their rooms are very good. David says, “Yes, but (8)

my/our job isn’t good!”

What is the business in the text above?

Underline the correct alternative.

The family business is in Spain and the manager is a woman. (1) His/her name is

Cristina. (2) His/Her husband David is the receptionist and chef. David isn’t happy

in (3) his/my job. (4) Our/Their business is in a very beautiful place near a beach.

Cristina says, “(5) Our/Its name is “La Perla”. Come and visit. It’s a great place for

(6) their/your holiday. (7) Our/Their rooms are very good. David says, “Yes, but (8)

my/our job isn’t good!”

What is the business in the text above? It’s a hotel.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

my his her its our their

Mama’s salsa – from mother of three, Lucia Covas Garcia

‘ The salsa recipe is from (1) my mother, and (2)____ name is Mama’s Salsa. It’s

a hundred years old,’ says Lucia. (3) _____husband Manolo and (4)_____son

Pablo are all in the family business. Lucia says, ‘Pablo and (5)____wife, Sonja

are the cooks and (6) ____salsa is on sale all over South America.’
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

my his her its our their

Mama’s salsa – from mother of three, Lucia Covas Garcia

‘ The salsa recipe is from (1) my mother, and (2)__its__ name is Mama’s Salsa.

It’s a hundred years old,’ says Lucia. (3) __Her___husband Manolo and

(4)__their___son Pablo are all in the family business. Lucia says, ‘Pablo and

(5)__his__wife, Sonja are the cooks and (6) _our___salsa is on sale all over

South America.’
Person A: Look at the information below. Make questions to find the missing

Jakub Tomassi, (1)_____(age), and Julia Tomasi, 35, are husband and
wife. Jakub is (2)_____(nationality) and Julia is from Canada. Their
Business is in (3)______(city), and they’re taxi drivers. Their company
name is (4)_____(name) and their special taxi-bus is good for families
and big groups.

Jon and Liz (5)____(surname) are brother and sister, and their
Moroccan restaurant, Rocco, is in (6)_____(country). They’re not from
Morocco, they’re from England, but their restaurant is very good for
Moroccan food.
Person A: Look at the information below. Make questions to find the missing
1. How old is Jakub
Jakub Tomassi, (1)_____(age), and Julia Tomasi, 35, are husband and
wife. Jakub is (2)_____(nationality) and Julia is from Canada. Their
Business is in (3)______(city), and they’re taxi drivers. Their company 2. What’s his nationality? /
name is (4)_____(name) and their special taxi-bus is good for families Where’s he from?
and big groups.
3. Where’s their business?

4. What’s their company

Jon and Liz (5)____(surname) are brother and sister, and their
Moroccan restaurant, Rocco, is in (6)_____(country). They’re not from
Morocco, they’re from England, but their restaurant is very good for 5. What’s their surname?
Moroccan food.
6. Where’s their restaurant?
Person B: Look at the information below. Answer A’s questions.

Jakub Tomassi, 38, and Julia Tomasi, 35, are husband and wife. Jakub
is Polish and Julia is from Canada. Their business is in Warsaw, and
they’re taxi drivers. Their company name is Kolo and their special taxi-
bus is good for families and big groups.

Jon and Liz Henderson are brother and sister, and their Moroccan
restaurant, Rocco, is in Scotland. They’re not from Morocco, they’re
from England, but their restaurant is very good for Moroccan food.
Complete the sentences with suitable possessive adjectives.
1. A: Hi, name’s Gina. What’s name?
B: Hi, I’m Brad.
2. A: Who’s she?
B: Oh, name’s Julia.
A: And who’s the man with Julia?
B: I don’t know name.
3. A: It’s an American sport.
B: What’s name?
A: American football!
4. A: Mr and Mrs Black, what’s phone number?
B: phone number’s 2048 306 8420473.
5. A: This is a photo of children.
B: What are names?
A: Jake and Patsy.
Complete the sentences with suitable possessive adjectives.
1. A: Hi, my name’s Gina. What’s name?
B: Hi, I’m Brad.
2. A: Who’s she?
B: Oh, her name’s Julia.
A: And who’s the man with Julia?
B: I don’t know his name.
3. A: It’s an American sport.
B: What’s its name?
A: American football!
4. A: Mr and Mrs Black, what’s your phone number?
B: Our phone number’s 2048 306 8420473.
5. A: This is a photo of our children.
B: What are their names?
A: Jake and Patsy.
Complete the conversations with the correct subject pronoun (I/you/he, etc.) or correct
possessive adjective (my/your/his, etc.)

Conversation 1 Conversation 2
A: Excuse me, is (1)_____name Black? A: Where’s Angela?
B: No, (2)____isn’t. (3)____name’s Depp. B: (6)_____isn’t here.
A: Are (4)____Jonny Depp, the actor? A: What’s (7)_____mobile number?
B: No, (5)_____’m not! Please go away! B: Sorry, I don’t know.

Conversation 3
A: Are (8)____students for the English class?
B: Yes, (9)_____ are. Are you (10)____teacher?
A: Yes, (11)____am.
Complete the conversations with the correct subject pronoun (I/you/he, etc.) or correct
possessive adjective (my/your/his, etc.)

Conversation 1 Conversation 2
A: Excuse me, is (1) your name Black? A: Where’s Angela?
B: No, (2) it isn’t. (3) My name’s Depp. B: (6) She isn’t here.
A: Are (4) you Jonny Depp, the actor? A: What’s (7) her mobile number?
B: No, (5) I’m not! Please go away! B: Sorry, I don’t know.

Conversation 3
A: Are (8) you students for the English class?
B: Yes, (9) we are. Are you (10) our teacher?
A: Yes, (11) I am.

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