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Amalfi Coast

SWOT Analysis & Strategies

Presented By : Hongyang Zhang, Mucessem Keklik, Nazanin Shafiei & Shrawani Pandey
The Map of the Amalfi Peninsula

● Amalfi
● Atrani
● Cetara
Population: 49001 ● Conca dei Marini
Population Density: 829.1 ● Corbara
Area: 59100 km^2 ● Furore
● Maiori
● Minori
● Positano
● Praiano
● Ravello
● Sant’Egidio del Monte Albino
● Scala
● Tramonti
Source: ISTAT (2023); Made from ● Vietri Sul Mare
Amalfi Peninsula

Country Italy

Region Campania

Province Salerno

No. of 15

Unesco Heritage Since 1997


Source: OECD calculations based on ISTAT data

The attractiveness of Amalfi Peninsula

The Visitor’s

performs above
the EU median
for cultural
from numerous
Heritage sites
(five)and world-
The Strengths

● Well preserved Territorial Urban Plan : The Coast

is about 15% urbanized, keeping the ratio original
between built-up and vacant areas (agricultural and

● Limited number of entrances to the site :4 road

crossings and 5 ports, which allows for an effective
policy of charging for access, especially from the
perspective of equalizing profits from the tourist

● Widespread supply of high-end hotels: The Coast,

has 4.7 percent of the province's population and 2.3
percent of the provincial territory, 9.2 percent of
hotels are 5-star and 5-star luxury.
General view of urban contest inserted into the fjord
The Weaknesses

● Limited Community Awareness: History & Culture

● Underestimation of UNESCO status: Poor Awareness

● Challenges in Agriculture: Outdated Techniques &

Insufficient Mechanization

● Abandoned Terraces and Land Use Issues: Inaccessible

& Restricted Areas

● Imbalance Between Culture and Tourism: Improper

Management & Distribution of the Revenue-Generated. The
agriculture sector does not get benefited.

● Tourism Impact: Mass tourism negatively affects

residents’ quality of life and heritage preservation.
Lemon cultivation on the Amalfi Coast
The Opportunities

● Build better transportation mechanisms.

The amalfi coast Limited number of entrances to the site (4
Road crossings and 5 ports), which allows for an effective
policy of charging for access.

● Optimize the utilization rate of B&Bs in off-season. In

● Set the ZTS for the Amalfi area
Possible initiatives to assist local property owners and drive
guest room occupancy.

● Conduct the authentic italian food tour in the Amalfi

Make use of the existing local DOC food, integrate local hotel
resources, organize and set up corresponding food tourism
A still from a restaurant in Positano routes.
● -
The Threats
● Landslides and Natural Hazards : The region is
known for its rugged terrain, and occasionally, landslides
can occur, especially after heavy rainfall or seismic activity.
These events can pose risks to roads and buildings in the

● Traffic and Road Conditions : The narrow and

winding roads along the coast can be challenging to
navigate. Traffic congestion, coupled with drivers
unfamiliar with the roads, can lead to accidents and

● Climate and Weather-Related Risks : While the

Mediterranean climate is generally mild, occasional
storms or adverse weather conditions can affect travel
On the way from Amalfi to Sorrento plans and outdoor activities.
STRATEGY 1 : Engineering and
Infrastructure Measures

Vegetation and Green Infrastructure: Planting

vegetation and maintaining green spaces can aid in
stabilizing slopes by reinforcing soil structure and
reducing erosion.

Retaining Walls and Slope Stabilization:

Building retaining walls, terracing, or installing
slope stabilization measures can help reduce the
risk of landslides.

Drainage Systems: Implementing effective

drainage systems can redirect excess water away
from vulnerable areas.
South Working - Working from the South ® on the Amalfi Coast

SW® x Workers
SW® x Companies
SW® x Territories

A social promotion project that stimulates and studies the phenomenon of agile working
from a location other than that of the employer or company, in particular from Southern
Italy and marginalized areas.

Source: Working from the South ®, 2023)

The Amalfi Coast Tourist District finds common values ​and objectives with South Working - Work from
the South ® to experiment in the Destination with an innovative model capable of promoting agile
working, helping to reduce the gap between the coast and the areas internal, working on the pre-
conditions to make choosing to work smart in one of the most desired places in the world even more
What positive effects will be achieved with this strategy?

The local economy will be contributed by the arrival of

remote workers to the region.

Accommodation, restaurants, local trades and service sectors

will be able to benefit from these people who settle in this
region can contribute to the promotion of the region, and it
can be emphasized that this is not only a touristic area, but
also an attractive place to live and work.

Remote workers operating in different sectors can contribute to the region with new perspectives
and skills.

*Getting to know the local culture of Amalfi Coast

*Opportunity to preserve the traditions of the Amalfi Coast region
The EASI analysis in Amalfi coast
● Education:
- The campania region set almost 12000 lesson for younger generation;
- Almost 1900 younger farmer benefits from the ‘Next Generation EU’.
- Others.
● Assessment:
1. the experience assessment: qualitative analysis for the quantitative analysis;
2. the asset inventory analysis: create the geolocation mash-up
● Strategy: The food festival in amalfi coast
● Implementation: Do it, feed the results back into the plan for next year.
Source: RDP-Campania
STRATEGY 2 : The Amalfi Food Festival

The food festival strategy for the Amalfi Coast is a comprehensive approach
… that considers various aspects such as culinary experiences, local produce,
gastronomic events,and marketing initiatives.
The Amalfi Gastronomical Festival:

1. Culinary Mapping and Promotion:

Culinary Location Signature Dish

Cooking Classes Positano Lemon-infused Pasta & Limocello

Seafood Tasting Cetara Grilled Anchovies & Fish sauce

Tour pasta

2. The hashtag campaigns for social media

Hashtag Purpose

#amalfifarmtotable Emphasize sustainable and local sourcing

3: Farmers' Market Schedule :
Market Day/Time Featured Produce

Amalfi Market Saturday 9 AM - 2 PM Lemons, Tomatoes

Minori Market Sunday 10 AM - 3 PM Olives, Artisan Cheeses

4. Annual Gastronomic Events :

Event Location Date

Lemon Festival Amalfi August 1st-3th

Sea Food & Wine Festival Positano November 1st-3th

5. Visitor Feedback and Improvement Plan:

Feedback Theme Action Steps
Questionnaires In downtown service with prizes
The Amalfi Culinary culture Festival:
The culture festival to promote the local authentic italian food.
The location:
Sant'Egidio del Monte Albino;
The 1st-3rd October;
The ticket:
20 Euro 1 Day, 25 Euro 2 Days; 30 Euro 3 Days
Target population:
For the group of the business, and the elder generation.
The distribution of booth in the festival

1. The booth for the history of Amalfi;

2. The booth for the UNESCO;
3. The booth for the info. travel in Amalfi Peninsula;
4. The booth for the agriturismo Italy;
5. The booth for the PDO food;
6. The booth for the PGI food;
7. The booth for sustainability;
8. The room for the local chamber of commerce.
9. The booth for the travel agency.
● Distretto Turistico Costa d’Amalfi (
● Working From The South (Working from the South ®)
● OECD (
● Historical Data for Natural Hazard Risk Mitigation and Land Use Plannin
Thank you for your patience !

● Conceptualization & Methods (Shrawani, Giacomo)

● Selection of references (Giacomo, Mücessem)

● Data Collection (Mücessem, Shrawani, Giacomo, Nazanin)

● Writing ppt (Shrawani, Nazanin, Giacomo)

● Writing essay (Mücessem, Giacomo)

● Visualization (Shrawani, Giacomo)

● Essay editing (Giacomo, Mücessem)

● Presentation (Mücessem, Shrawani, Giacomo, Nazanin)

● Corresponding author (Shrawani Pandey)

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