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Regulating AI and

Automation: A
Necessity to Protect
Human Employment?

Exploring the balance between innovation and workforce protection.

by Loy, Ahmed & Rawan.

1 Engaging and Entertaining 2 Satire and Comedy
Captivating high school students with Delivering important messages
wit and humor. through a lighthearted tone.

3 Depth and Details

Going beyond the obvious to explore nuanced perspectives.
The Rise of AI and Automation
1 Technological Advancements
Rapid development of AI and automation capabilities.

2 Efficiency and Productivity

Automating repetitive tasks to boost output.

3 Disrupting Traditional Jobs

Concerns about displacement of human workers.
Potential Impacts on Human Employment

Job Displacement Skills Mismatch Economic Disruption

AI and automation replacing The need for workers to Potential for widespread
human labor in various adapt and acquire new skills. unemployment and
industries. economic instability.
Regulatory Approaches and Considerations

Balancing Innovation

Encouraging technological
progress while protecting
Policy Frameworks Workforce Retraining jobs.

Developing regulations to Investing in education and

govern the use of AI and skill development programs.
Conclusion: Balancing Innovation and
Workforce Protection

Equilibrium Collaborative Effort Embracing the Future

Finding the right balance Involving stakeholders to Adapting to technological
between progress and stability. develop comprehensive changes while safeguarding
solutions. livelihoods.

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