Experiment 1 Thevenin theorem & Max power transfer

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1(A) Verification of Thevenin Theorem



Thevenin’s theorem states that any two terminal linear network or circuit can be represented
with an equivalent network or circuit, which consists of a voltage source in series with a resistor.
It is known as Thevenin’s equivalent circuit. A linear circuit may contain independent sources,
dependent sources, and resistors.
If the circuit contains multiple independent sources, dependent sources, and resistors, then the
response in an element can be easily found by replacing the entire network to the left of that
element with a Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.


The current flowing through the load impedance RL connected across the terminals2 & 2l of a
network containing impedance & energy sources is the same as it would flow if this load
impedance were connected across a simple constant voltage source whose generated emf is an
open circuited voltage, measured across the network terminals 2 & 2l. Its internal impedance is
the same as the impedance of the network looking back into the terminals 2 & 2 l , when all
sources have been replaced by impedances and sources with output terminals 2 & 2l. across
which load impedance RL is connected.


1. Apply dc voltage across terminals 1-1l, call this voltage as Vdc.

2. Connect voltmeter across terminals 2-2l and measure voltage on voltmeter. This voltage is known as
open circuit voltage or Thevenin’s voltage (Vth).
3. Disconnect the applied voltage at terminals 1-1 l and voltmeter at terminals 2-2l .
4. Now short terminals 1-1 l and connect multimeter across terminals 2-2l . With the help of multimeter
measure resistance between terminals 2-2l . This is known as Thevenin’s resistance (Rth).
5. Calculate Vth and Rth by theoretical calculations, the theoretical values and measured values of Vth
and Rth should be approximately equal.
6. Connect load resistor RL across terminals 2-2l and measure IL for applied dc voltage.

Calculate Thevenin Resistance
R Th = ( ( 1K II 2k ) +500 ) II 2K ohm
= ( ( 2000/3) +500 ) II 2K ohm
=736 ohm

Calculate Thevenin Voltage
1. = I1
2. V1=2000(I1-I2)
3. 2000(I1-I2)= 2500(I2)
4. V Th = 2000 X I2
On solving these 4 equations we get V thevenin = 5.05 V


Rth Rth
V Thevenin V Thevenin calculated measured IL Calculated IL Measured
calculated measured (Ω) (Ω) RL (Ω) (mAmp) (mAmp)
5.05 5.17 736 731 10 6.97705803 6.88
5.05 5.17 736 731 15 6.930294906 6.85
5.05 5.17 736 731 25 6.838624339 6.74
5.05 5.17 736 731 50 6.61971831 6.55
5.05 5.17 736 731 220 5.436382755 5.4
5.05 5.17 736 731 470 4.304746045 4.29
5.05 5.17 736 731 690 3.638282899 3.64

Applications and Limitations
Thevenin Theorem Applications:-
1. Thevenin’s theorem is used in the analysis of power systems.
2. Thevenin’s theorem is used in source modelling and resistance measurement using the
Wheatstone bridge.
TheThevenin Theorem Limitations:-
1. Thevenin’s theorem is used only in the analysis of linear circuits.
2. The power dissipation of the Thevenin equivalent is not identical to the power dissipation of
the real system.

The theoretical values and measured values of Vth and Rth and IL are approximately equal,
hence Thevenin’s theorem has been verified.

1(B) Introduction to Maximum Power Transfer theorem
Maximum power transfer theorem states that the DC voltage source will deliver maximum
power to the variable load resistor only when the load resistance is equal to the source
Similarly, Maximum power transfer theorem states that the AC voltage source will deliver
maximum power to the variable complex load only when the load impedance is equal to the
complex conjugate of source impedance.

Replace any two terminal linear network or circuit to the left side of variable load resistor having
resistance of RL ohms with a Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.

The condition for maximum power dissipation across the load is RL=RTh

The maximum amount of power transferred to the load is

Efficiency at maximum power dissipation is given by,

1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure below.
2. Change the value of RL as shown in table.
3. Measure the voltage VL and current IL and record it in table. + A

4. Repeat steps 2-3 by using Rth. 12V

5. Here, R1=1500 ohm, R2 is variable.
v(volts) 7.32 7.29 7.22 7.16 7.08 6.98 6.93 6.83 6.7 6.56 6.4 6.24 6.14 6.08 6.02 5.97 5.89 5.82 5.77 5.72 5.36 4.88 4.48 3.78 2.75 0.87
I(mA) 3.27 3.29 3.33 3.37 3.43 3.49 3.53 3.59 3.68 3.77 3.88 3.99 4.06 4.1 4.15 4.18 4.23 4.28 4.31 4.34 4.58 4.91 5.18 5.65 6.35 7.62
Power 23.9364 23.984 24.043 24.13 24.284 24.36 24.46 24.52 24.66 24.73 24.83 24.9 24.93 24.93 24.98 24.95 24.91 24.91 24.869 24.82 24.549 23.961 23.21 21.36 17.46 6.629
RL(KΩ) 2.23853 2.2158 2.1682 2.125 2.0641 2 1.963 1.903 1.821 1.74 1.649 1.564 1.512 1.483 1.451 1.428 1.392 1.3598 1.3387 1.318 1.1703 0.9939 0.865 0.669 0.433 0.114

Power Vs Load resistance



Maximum Power obtained



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Load resistance
Result & Conclusion
From the above observation, we can analyze that maximum power is obtained from the circuit
when RL = R Thevenin. i.e. when resistance was 1.5 K ohm , power output is maximum. So this
circuit is following maximum power transfer theorem.
Advantages and Disadvantages
1. The main benefit of the maximum power transfer theorem is, it can analyze the performance
at any point
2. The main drawback of the maximum power transfer theorem is, it is not used in the networks
like nonlinear as well as unilateral.
3. The limitation of the maximum power transfer theorem is it not applicable in power systems,
due to its 50% efficiency. So the main concern of this is efficiency.
4. This theorem can be applied to communication lines instead of power lines because if we
applied to power lines, then practical problems will occur like the following.
5. In power lines, receiving end voltage constancy is a significant condition, so this theorem
ignores this feature.
6. Due to less efficiency, this cannot be accepted within power lines.
1. This theorem is always sought in a communication system. For instance, in a community address
system, the circuit is attuned for the highest power transfer with making the speaker (load resistance)
equivalent to the amplifier (source resistance). When the load and source have matched then it has equal
2. For maximum power transfer in the public address system, the circuit can be altered by making RL
(load resistance) like speaker equivalent toward the source resistance like an amplifier. Once both the
source as well as load includes the equivalent resistance, then they are matched.
3. This theorem is used wherever all the autonomous voltage sources are deactivated & the same
impedance is simply considered, then a maximum quantity of power can be transmitted.
4. In radio communications, it is used where the power amplifier broadcasts the highest amount of signal
toward the antenna if load impedance within the circuit is equivalent to the impedance of the source.
5. In audio systems, it is used where the need to be delivered toward the speaker. The amplifier changes
the highest quantity of voice once the load impedance is equivalent to the source impedance.
6. In a resistive network, a resistive load will abstract maximum power once the load resistance is
equivalent to the resistance observed through the load because it looks back toward the network.

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