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Activity on Functional and Non-functional Requirements

1. Read the following business problems carefully and identify the functional, non-functional business,
system and users requirements for Student Registration System.
 In an educational institution, the existing student registration process lacks efficiency, transparency, and
scalability. The manual system results in errors, delays, and inconsistencies, leading to frustration among
students, faculty, and administrators. To address these challenges and enhance the overall registration
experience, a Student Registration System (SRS) needs to be developed.
A. Functional Requirements
1. User Registration
 Students, faculty, and administrators should be able to create accounts with unique credentials to access
the system.
2. Course Catalog
 The system must provide a comprehensive catalog of available courses, including descriptions,
prerequisites, and schedules.
Activity on Functional and Non-functional Requirements------

3. Course Registration
 Students should be able to browse available courses, select desired ones, and register for them
within specified registration periods.
4. Waitlisting
 If a course reaches its maximum capacity, students should be allowed to join a waitlist. When
vacancies occur, students on the waitlist should be automatically enrolled.
5. Schedule Management
 The system should generate personalized schedules for students based on their registered
courses, avoiding time conflicts.
6. Financial Transactions
 Integration with financial systems to handle course fees, refunds, and related transactions
Activity on Functional and Non-functional Requirements------

7. Administrative Tools
 Administrators should have privileged access to manage courses, view enrollment statistics, and
resolve registration issues.
8. Notifications
 Automatic notifications should be sent to students regarding registration deadlines, course
changes, and other relevant updates.
9. Accessibility
 The system should be accessible to users with disabilities, complying with accessibility
standards and guidelines.
Activity on Functional and Non-functional Requirements------

2. Non-Functional Requirements
1. Performance
 The system should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users without significant
performance degradation.
2. Security
 Strong encryption protocols should be implemented to safeguard user data and prevent
unauthorized access.
3. Reliability
 The system should be available 24/7 with minimal downtime for maintenance or updates.
4. Scalability
 It should be designed to accommodate future growth in terms of users, courses, and
Activity on Functional and Non-functional Requirements------

5. Usability
 The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, requiring minimal training for users to
navigate and utilize the system effectively.
6. Compatibility
 The system should be compatible with a variety of devices and web browsers to ensure
accessibility across different platforms.
7. Data Integrity
 Measures should be in place to ensure the accuracy and consistency of data stored within the
system, with regular backups to prevent data loss.
8. Regulatory Compliance
 The system should comply with relevant data protection regulations and privacy laws to ensure
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements------

3. Business Requirements
1.Efficiency Improvement
 The system should streamline the registration process, reducing the time and resources required
for manual registration tasks.
2.Cost Reduction
 By automating registration processes and reducing errors, the system should lower
administrative costs associated with managing course enrollments.
3.Enhanced Student Experience
 The SRS should improve the overall student experience by providing easier access to course
information, reducing wait times, and minimizing registration errors.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements------

4.Competitive Advantage
 A user-friendly and efficient registration system can enhance the institution's reputation and
attractiveness to prospective students and faculty.
5.Data Analysis
 The system should capture registration data to enable analysis of enrollment trends, course
popularity, and resource allocation, facilitating strategic decision-making.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements-----

4. System Requirements
1. User Authentication and Authorization
 Secure login functionality for students, faculty, and administrators.
 User roles and permissions management to control access to system features and data.
 Integration with institutional authentication systems if available.
2. Course Management
 Database of available courses including course codes, titles, descriptions, prerequisites,
credits, and instructors.
 Ability to add, edit, and remove courses by authorized administrators.
 Support for course categorization and filtering for easy navigation.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements------

3. Registration Process
 User-friendly interface for browsing courses and selecting preferences.
 Validation checks to ensure students meet course prerequisites and credit requirements.
 Enrollment confirmation and notification upon successful registration.
 Waitlisting functionality for courses that have reached maximum capacity.
4. Scheduling and Conflict Resolution
 Automatic generation of personalized schedules for students based on their registered
 Detection and resolution of scheduling conflicts to avoid overlap between course times.
 Option for students to manually adjust their schedules with real-time conflict detection.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements------

5. Financial Transactions
 Secure payment processing for course fees, with support for various payment methods.
 Automatic generation of invoices and receipts for financial transactions.
 Refund processing for dropped courses or canceled registrations.
6. Notifications and Communication
 Automated email notifications for registration deadlines, course changes, and waitlist
 Communication tools for students, faculty, and administrators to resolve registration issues
or inquiries.
 Integration with messaging systems for real-time alerts and announcements.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements----

7. Reporting and Analytics

 Reporting tools to generate insights on enrollment trends, course popularity, and student
 Analytics dashboard for administrators to monitor system usage, performance metrics, and
user activity.
 Export functionality for generating custom reports and data analysis.
8. Accessibility and Usability
 User interface design adhering to accessibility standards for users with disabilities.
 Intuitive navigation and user experience to minimize training requirements.
 Support for multiple languages and localization options if applicable.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements---

9. Security and Data Protection

 Implementation of encryption protocols to protect sensitive user data and financial
 Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate potential
 Compliance with data privacy regulations and institutional policies regarding data
10. Scalability and Performance
 Scalable architecture to handle increasing numbers of users, courses, and transactions over
 Load balancing and optimization techniques to ensure optimal performance during peak
registration periods.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements----

5. User Requirements
1. Students
 Easy access to course information, schedules, and registration deadlines.
 Intuitive user interface for browsing courses, selecting preferences, and managing registrations.
 Clear and timely notifications regarding registration status, waitlist updates, and course changes.
 Ability to view personalized schedules and make adjustments as needed.
 Secure access to personal information and financial transactions.
2. Faculty
 Ability to view course enrollment statistics, student rosters, and waitlists.
 Tools for managing course availability, prerequisites, and enrollment capacities.
 Notification of course changes, cancellations, or scheduling conflicts affecting enrolled students.
 Secure access to student information for communication and academic support.
Activity on Business, system and users Requirements----

3. Administrators
 Comprehensive dashboard for monitoring system health, user activity, and enrollment trends.
 Administrative tools for managing user accounts, system configurations, and access permissions.
 Ability to generate reports on registration analytics, financial transactions, and system performance.
 Support for resolving registration issues, conflicts, and discrepancies efficiently.
 Compliance with institutional policies and regulations regarding data privacy and security.

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