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Introduction to

Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is an approach to growth and progress that
aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It encompasses
environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

by Ayush Mawle
Definition of Sustainable Development
1 Integrated Approach 2 Balancing Priorities 3 Continuous
Sustainable It involves finding a
development integrates balance between It focuses on
economic, social, and economic growth, continuous
environmental aspects social inclusion, and improvement, seeking
in decision-making environmental better ways to manage
processes to achieve protection for the well- resources, reduce
long-term prosperity. being of current and inequality, and
future generations. safeguard the natural
Principles of Sustainable Development
Interdependence Participation Precaution

Recognizing the Involving all stakeholders, Exercising caution to

interconnectedness of including communities, prevent harm to future
social, economic, and businesses, and generations, even in the
environmental systems and governments, in decision- absence of full scientific
the impacts they have on making processes and certainty.
each other. actions that affect them.
Environmental Sustainability

30% decrease 17%

Carbon Emissions Renewable Energy
One of the goals of environmental The aim is to increase the share of renewable
sustainability is to achieve a 30% decrease in energy sources to 17% in the global energy mix
carbon emissions by 2030 to combat climate by 2030.
Social Sustainability
Equitable Opportunities Cultural Preservation
Ensuring access to education, Preserving diversity and promoting
healthcare, and employment cultural heritage, ensuring that no
opportunities for all members of one is left behind.
Economic Sustainability

Innovation Resilience
Encouraging innovation and sustainable Building resilient economies capable of
business practices to drive economic growth withstanding global economic challenges
while minimizing negative impacts on and promoting stable and inclusive growth.
society and the environment.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Eradicate Poverty

Zero Hunger

Good Health and Well-being

Quality Education
Challenges in Achieving Sustainable

1 Policy Implementation
Implementing effective and
sustainable policies that address all
Behavioral Change 2 aspects of sustainable development,
Encouraging shifts in consumer including environmental protection
behavior, industry practices, and and social equity.
governance to align with sustainable
development principles.
3 Global Cooperation
Fostering international collaboration
and partnerships to address
transboundary issues such as climate
change and resource management.
Benefits of Sustainable Development
1 Environmental 2 Improved Livelihoods 3 Global Stability
Enhancing standards of Promoting peace,
Preserving natural living, reducing poverty, stability, and social
resources and and ensuring social cohesion by addressing
biodiversity for future inclusion through inequalities, reducing
generations by sustainable economic conflicts over
promoting sustainable activities and resource resources, and
land and water allocation. fostering inclusive
management practices. societies.
Conclusion and Call to Action
Individual Responsibility Policy Advocacy

Encouraging individuals to adopt sustainable Advocating for policy changes and

practices in their daily lives, such as reducing governmental action to integrate sustainable
waste and supporting ethical businesses. development into national and international

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