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(DSM 601)

Lecture Notes for Strategic Management

Department of Business Administration
University of Nairobi


Critically appraise the

following visions and missions
Kenya Red Cross Society

 Our Vision
 “The vision of KRCS is to be the leading
humanitarian organization in Kenya, delivering
excellent quality service of preventing and
alleviating human suffering to the most
vulnerable in the community’.
Kenya Red Cross Society….

 Our Mission
 “In pursuit of our vision of preventing and
alleviating human suffering, the KRCS mission is
to build capacity and respond with vigour,
compassion and empathy to the victims of
disaster and those at risk, in the most effective
and efficient manner”.
University of Nairobi

 Vision
 A world-class University committed to academic
excellence and transformation of the lives of
Kenyans and serving society with distinction
University of Nairobi….

 Mission
 A center of learning scholarship and professional
development; extending the frontiers of knowledge
through research and creative works; fostering an
intellectual culture that bridges theory with
practice; and producing holistic graduates prepared
for a life of purpose, service and leadership.
University of Nairobi….
 Core values
 In our quest for timely provision of quality service, we
shall be guided by the following Core Values, which are
articulated in detail in our Strategic Plan (2005 – 2010):
– Responsible citizenship
– Good corporate governance
– Freedom of thought in academic inquiry
– Excellence and professionalism
– Teamwork, creativity, innovativeness and adaptation to
Barclay Card

 Our Vision
 We will be the most admired card business in the
world by delivering value through a deep
understanding of our customers.
Barclay Card….

 Mission
 We are determined to protect our market shares in
card business by ensuring that we provide quality
service to our customers by observing Barclays
values and by displaying a high degree of
professionalism, loyalty and integrity in the way
we do our business.
Kenya Commercial Bank
 Vision
 KCB will be the most preferred regional provider of world
class financial solutions to the satisfaction of our
 Mission
 To consistently deliver quality financial products and
services in the interests of all our stakeholders, through best
business practices in the dynamic markets in which we
Kenya Commercial Bank….

 Values
 Putting the customer first
 Being professional in everything we do
 Willingness to change
 Working together as a team
 Caring for the community
Kiambu Water and Sewerage
Company (KIWASCO)

 Vision
 The company envisions itself to serving the entire
municipality with clean and adequate and reliable
water and sewerage services. This means
extending services to remaining area of twenty
seven (27) square kilometres.
Kiambu Water and Sewerage
Company (KIWASCO)….

 Mission
 KIWASCO recognizes the social, health and
economic importance of providing clean and
adequate water to its customers. The company
intends to work towards bringing water and
sanitation services ‘right into the compounds of
all Kiambu Municipality customers’
Nairobi Water and Sewerage
 Vision
 To be a leading provider of reliable quality water and
sewerage services in Nairobi and its environs.
 Missions
 The Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company has the
primary responsibility to provide affordable water and
sewerage services through efficient, effective and
sustainable utilization of the available resources in an
environmentally friendly manner and meet and exceed the
expectations of our customers and other stakeholders.
Serena Hotels
 Vision
 Besides earning foreign exchange and increasing
employment and manpower development, tourism can
contribute to national growth in more qualitative ways.
Tourism that promotes awareness of the environment of
developing countries and improves appreciation of their
cultural traditions can help protect that environment and
revitalize and sustain those traditions.
Serena Hotels….

 Mission
 To create buildings of outstanding ethnic design
offering the highest standards of service and product
and providing management and our staff with an
environment which enables all of us to deliver,
operating standards beyond the level of our guests’
expectations, resulting in satisfactory returns to our


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